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A lot has happened and I know I haven't posted. :,)
Hello, Anime Loves and Otakus, I did not fall off the face of the earth but a lot has happened since January. I love this community but I was not doing well and am still in the middle of it so I'll try to explain and maybe tell you guys the good things about what's happening right now.
So After the winter holiday, it was okay, for some reason my mother was like no you're not going to get your driver's license, and since you talked back to me I'm going to make your life a living hell. I don't like to mention her because she's horrible. She first put me on house arrest like no joke I'm not joking I'm only allowed to go to school and they bring me wherever they go like I'm a little dog. No, it wasn't enough she chose to take away all of my privileges that she thinks is "earned".
Here's a list, they hopefully last until 02/23 but she said she can do what she wants:
No conversing or hanging out with your friends
No devices or tv
No phone calls
No being home alone
There is some more but I forget. Keep in mind these all started because she felt like it. My parents have been divorced since I was 2 but they are on really bad terms mainly due to my father's mistakes and my mother's manipulative tendencies. This causes some friction between all 3 of us mainly because my mother treats me the same way she treated my dad. I'm not saying my mother is bad all the time just most of the time which has given me a complex and some anger issues. She likes to play favorites a lot by favoring my little sister and bidding my stepfather against me when she doesn't like what I'm doing.
The funny thing is they don't have anything planned for me only my father does he set me up for a good future while my mother wants me to stay with her and do house projects, run errands, and watch my little sister. All saying I'll let you live here for free and if you go to school (not saying she will pay for it) I'll pay your car bills. While on the other hand, my dad has everything set up teaching skills and helping me study to make sure I leave this place and have a good life.
On that note, I have not been doing well and my mother seems to think for some reason it's not an issue for she's pretending to ignore it. She keeps egging me on by doing little things that she knows piss me off. All she's doing is "trying" to fix my other health issues which is not even an issue in my opinion. I have a skin condition and I have since I was little. We are doing a treatment that works but she wants me on all these natural supplements that don't even work.
Okay now on to the good!
I might be able to obtain a girlfriend but I don't know, how to navigate that. You see I've always been shy with girls and I have had bad past experiences. I'm kinda enjoying paling around with my friends but I'm also spontaneous and like to do things on a whim. What if she wants more than I can give? I don't want to make banana bread! What if we have to hold hands and be all kissy? Okay, I know I sound like a child but I'm all so dFDFGDFGDfgfdGDFgdffg, you know?
On another note, I've got into punk and have been listening to the Sex Pistols for about a year now, of recent I got into Dead Kennedys, Vicous White Kids, Dead Boys, and Sham 69. I'm also watching documentaries on the Sex Pistols and Sid Vicous.
I went to a couple more conventions and got some cool stuff like DVDs and manga. I recently got into reading High School DxD on one of my friend's recommendations its pretty good.
Thanks for reading see you guys in the next one. I promise to try to get back online more its a bit hard right now.
I'M BACK FOR REALl!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunsets & Sadness
I've had a strange last week-ish when it comes to emotions. I don't really know why I can't get mine in check lately. I feel like I'm going from one moment of extreme happiness to the next moment an hour later to extreme sadness. I probably actually have a good idea why, which confuses me even more, but I don't think I'll get it under control until I figure out this situation. I've spent the last few years not having any type of real feelings for anyone else, and honestly I was fine with that. There was 1 person, and this 1 person only, who I haven't seen in awhile & he never knew how I felt to begin with, but I'm not going to get into all that here lol ~ and then I went and caught feelings for someone, ew.
I was debating telling them until they called me and started telling me about some girl they had just started dating. I don't think I've really felt "okay" since that happened last week. While that hurt I also felt kinda.. glad? After I really thought about it. Mostly because I feel like I'm getting feelings for someone else and those bother me even more because I can't figure out if I really am or not. Also that person lived in Brazil and while we've met once before IRL I always felt like he was just using me for various things and as if I was just someone to talk to when there was nothing better going on. When I look back on it all though I realized I never said *anything* to him at all about anything I felt and basically was just living out whatever I thought we were/could be in my head. May have been a good thing though.
As far as the other person goes, I haven't figured that out yet either, and I feel nothing but extreme confusion with whatever I'm feeling there. I mostly just want to go out into the woods and scream at a tree about it. I don't know how I went from years of being content with just me and understanding that was all it was ever going to be, to being hurt by some idiot and absolutely losing my mind about another guy at the same time. Though neither of them know/knew and odds are I won't tell this other person either. I never know how to confess that to someone so instead I just put up cryptic Discord messages and try to hope they are psychic or something lmaoo
All that aside though I went up to the roof today to think about all this and there was the most magnificent sunset I've seen in a long time
I sat up there watching it until all the colors had gone from the sky. That's what I have pictures of today for this, so I hope you enjoy looking at them and sorry about the rambling.
Piccys below vvv
SpoilerThere is also a short video I took of it:
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Future Plans
I'm a senior in high school, which means post-graduation planning. It feels ambitious to say I want to go to college in Japan, but that's all I'm interested in doing. In particular, Tokyo Polytechnic College in Nakano, Tokyo. I want to attend the manga course for four years, and to do that I need to pass the N2 exam. Which consists of grammar, reading, and writing. I'm already studying for the AP exam which is more difficult because of its speaking portion where you have to hold a conversation and do a speech. In terms of the college's requirements, I'm not worried at all. It's more of moving to another country and living alone that will be a challenge for me because of my medical issues.
That's why I want to take a gap year, take a few colleges at the community college, get my drivers license, and earn money. Just get used to managing my medications and health as an adult for a while. Currently I'm in AP art, where you have to build a portfolio. Since I did over 50 original works of manga style art and proved to my teacher that I can do it, I'm making my portfolio a comic. My art teacher has a no anime rule, to prevent beginners from submitting fanart for their classwork. But I was able to be an exception to that.
So nowadays, I draw comics, practice Japanese, and work on my overall health. That way I can become independent. When I was in middle school and early high school, I was suffering from my issues a lot and dreamt of being a mangaka in Japan as an escape. It was easier to avoid my problems then, but ignoring my weaknesses isn't going to get me where I want to go in life. That's all I have to say for now. Thank you for reading!
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stuff im thinking about right now
it’s 12:40 AM, i woke up at 11:40 pm. since the beginning of last week i went back to taking my melatonin which i did four or so months ago when school first started. i’d come home and take it an hour or two after getting back and doing everything i felt i needed to. there was never really a particular reason, i just like to wake up really early and do things by myself before going to school.
finished the perks of being a wallflower, that book is the first to make me cry i believe. and it changed me, which some people would probably find funny but it made me think that i wanna live a lot longer. i really do see myself in charlie. i’m re-reading it after taking a three day break and i’m already back at page 19, i ate a mango while i read and realized mangoes are my favorite fruit. on the topic of ‘consuming media’, i am reading volume 1 of happy lesson. it’s okay, it’s another harem with an odd premise. i was watching to loveru over winter break but haven’t picked it back up. i’ve sort of pushed anime away because i’ve become really sad lately, but tonight after i finish part 1 of the perks of being a wallflower i’ll get back to it.
for a blog on an anime forum i have yet to really talk about anime. my tastes are weird. i feel embarrassed talking about them because some of my friends think i’m odd. i watch a lot of anime for moe, which most of the time end up being ecchi and that is quite literally out of my control. it’s something to turn your brain off to, if i want to think then i’ll watch something that forces me to. i haven’t watched a truly thought-provoking anime since NHK ni youkoso, or enjoyed anything thought-provoking til the perks of being a wallflower.
my favorite movie is donnie darko, i want to watch it again but i don’t know any movie piracy sites and i can’t get the HBO max password from my sister. so i’m just sad, because i really like that movie and it means a lot to me. jake gyllenhaal is my favorite actor, i believe he was 19 when he played donnie and really his appearance hasn’t changed much since, and i like how he looks because i think if you didn’t know jake gyllenhaal was an actor he’d just be a normal guy to you. i like when people just look normal, i usually find normal looking people to be the most beautiful someone can be.
listened to a lot of new artists lately. the cocteau twins are very good, i started off hearing one song from head over heels and then i decided i’d find time to go through their discography album by album, i forgot i like music like that. some bands i listen to are just more songs into my spotify liked, and then some are songs and albums i actively seek to listen to in moments.
i did end up telling that girl i like her, but did it in the most horrific way possible. the circumstances as to why i told her are messy and a lot. but since the one time i did confess to someone was when i was 11, i’ve never learned how to do better than how an 11 year old could confess romantic interest. sometimes i feel like i’ve only just begun maturing. i looked at my shoes the entire time, scratched the back of my head, and said “i like-like you.” and meant it, because that’s the only way i know how to confess. i told her why i was telling her, she told me it was okay and to not rush anything, and i said okay and walked away from her without doing anything else.
i’m scared to see her today, i hope she keeps cuddling me. if she still does then she might be into autism.
this is all for now, this is a whole bunch of nothing but it’s more for you to read.
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Part 2
Hi and thanks for following up to part 2! Props to @Otaku for inspiration for my blog! Enjoy my suffering!
I guess this is when I should've connected the dots about me being lactose intolerant because I guess I ate dairy ice cream-or something because I had bad bowel movements. (simplified: I had some bad poops)
I loved the cabin we stayed in, but sadly it was more than an hour away from a store or gas station, meaning... THIN TOILET PAPER!!!!!
I later got a bad rash (oof), and no good toilet paper to sooth or a least stop the horrible pain. My dad got me some medical cream for this type or rash, and we watched A Whisker Away.
We then changed cabins to a more industrial one about 30 mins away from the other cabin we stayed at and about less than an hour from shops and such. There was a TV there and I ruined it's YouTube by watching a bunch of SPY X FAMILY videos, I even left a note saying sorry for it!
(also started Deathnote)
Here's where it went down.
We then took a tour bus to a glacier, it took some stops for breaks and snacks, we ate sushi! (it was fine, I guess)
Fast forward and we were at the glacier, we got special shoes and a helmet. This is when my head started to hurt, I don't how or why, but it did. Someone is touring through the massive glacier. All is good when I needed to use the restroom.
"because I had bad bowel movements..."
Luckily someone had a little of toilet paper in his backpack so didn't need to use a sock. *Very unpleasant moment later* And my headache came back, maybe due to altitude.
And my dad and I had to wait for someone who worked there to take us back. My dad later cut the underwear off of me, and my 2 sisters and my mother came back with glacier water (lucky). So they got a great memory and a souvinier* and I got an "at least it's over now..." memory and one less pair of underpants.
Twas the time to head back for Washington state. While we were leaving I forgot to eat breakfast and felt motion sick in the car trip to the airport. I still felt bad in the airport and my mom got me a Kids motion sickness tablet thingy and a PB and J. I took the tablet which made me feel worse which made me vomit which made me feel better.
After that we headed home and that ends my great (yet horrible) trip to Alaska!
What did you think? Was it good or bad?
(Were moving in from a rental to an actual house if you want something on that, Bu-Bye now!)
*spelled that wrong I know
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InuYasha Themed Sigs - Sara Asano
Sara Asano (阿佐野娑蘿(さらひめ), "Princess Sal Tree")
Sara's necklace (娑蘿の首飾り, "Sara no kubikazari")
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Please note that the plugin I list doesn't prevent thumbnail ads on the front page, and that video ads are just skipped really fast after popping up on screen. This can be jarring depending on your own personal preferences.
In recent news, YouTube has decided that all adblock plugins are no longer kosher. The bastards have gone out of their way to block their video player for any users detected using them. In my testing, it also prevents usage of tracker blockers such as Privacy Badger. This marks yet another degradation of legacy sites most of the world uses on a more than regular basis.
YouTube is known for implementing horrible decisions for years, this being the latest in a long line of them. Being a website made in the heyday of mid aughts tech boom, and created in a much less corporatized internet ecosystem, this just marks another die off of legacy users to the site. It also marks a recent trend in legacy web 2.0 sites, which make zero profit from decades of being run under the idea that, one day, hosting thousands of terabytes of data will eventually be profitable. YouTube as a company never made money, from its beginning days to its entire history under Google ownership. These sites thrived through angel investors keeping the doors open under the idea that, because they have such a large userbase of so many people, the site would (eventually) be profitable. A slowdown in receiving investor money in recent years (due to a loss in faith in big tech as a whole) has caused these sites to go into full panic mode and do anything to make as much money as possible in order to bring the investors back. Twitter charging a dollar a year, and Reddit pay walling their API access are further examples of corporate sites ruining user experience for the sake of squeezing a few more dollars out of their user base.
Those inclined enough have made work arounds which (at the time of writing) work to prevent further ad bombardment. I, personally, have taken to using RemoveAdblockThing, a plugin for tamper monkey. I also use a plugin which reimplements the dislikes counter. Like I said at the start, however, it only quickly skips through any ads video that pop up, and does not remove thumbnail ads. method is the one that works best with me for now. I tested several other methods around and found this one to be the simplest to implement, and results in the most consistent blocking experience. I highly recommend doing research on the topic and finding a method that works best for you, personally. The early implementation of this has left a lot of room for bypassing this, and it will only become more difficult to do so over time.
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Kiss, Kiss, Looking Dolly
There is a much memed anime clip going around. You may recognize it below.
Toho Studio. WIT Studio. (2023). 【荒木哲郎×SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Hata Motohiro】『COLORs』/TOHO animation ミュージックフィルムズ. Youtube.
If you’ve looked beyond the memes, you might know that this is actually not from an anime series, but a music video for the song COLORs by Sawano Hiroyuki and Hato Motohiro. The anime stylings from the video are recognizable as the work of Toho Studios (Your Name, Jujutsu Kaisen) and WIT Studio (Attack on Titan, Spy x Family).
If you have not seen the original music video, it is worth a watch and a listen. What I do understand from three and a half minute animation is the dark haired protagonist’s fascination with the iconic pink-haired individual, and some sort of military situation that seems like a mix of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Extinction (2018). I don’t know enough to comment about the exploration of gender that occurs in the music video, but it is another prominent point, and element that many of the memes using the clip focus on. The translated lyrics do not do much more to elucidate the plot of the video, speaking only appreciating a unreachable and transient sense of beauty in another person.
If you have your own theories on the meaning of the animation and song, I’d love to hear them and I’m sure folks around these parts would too.
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i'll go first
Show Name: Desert Punk
Character Name: Desert Punk / Kanta Mizuno
Reason why I Relate So Much Because i am A Total Pervert ☠
, My Sex Drive Levels Is Insane
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Summer School
Summer school has been...a journey, I started my first day today..which means, dread.
Although, I see some of my friends in here, so all is well.
But I will say, I have no idea what Im doing...
Math is what Im recovering for my credit recovery, and its no fun...anyways... - 14
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Who Was Max Headroom?
The character portrayed by Matt Frewer on British television whose consciousness was transferred into an AI program following his fatal accident is possibly the most anime non-anime character ever.
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Two Way Chunin Exam Versus Battle
Before we get into this I just wanted to say hi guys. Just checking in to let you know I'm still alive
. It's been a year or two and I forgot this place existed if I'm being completely honest with you so I wanted to come back on here and pick up where we left off. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that this place has grown significantly since the last time I was on here, but with that out of the way let's continue. So to get back into the swing of things I wanted to start with a two way versus battle to figure out who's winning. Chunin Exam Sasuke (while copying Lee's Taijutsu) and Gaara vs Neji and Rock Lee (Without weights). I have my own answers for this, but I want to mainly see what you guys have to say about it and I'll chip in where I can. Let me know what you're thinking!
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1 Super Power?
1. What if one day an accident happens and suddenly had an awesome superpower?!
2. What role would you play with this newfound power?1. I'd want the ability to heal. The healing power would work on others and me.
2. I'd play the slightly mischievous heroine! I'm not a saint, but I have a warm loving soul.
I'll be best support gal! Kidding. I'd make sure to build strength, stay healthy, learn martial arts and whatever else. - 7
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In The Beginning...
Hey guys. I hope you guys are all well. First blog post here. I was born on June 12 21 years back, and life since then is not one for the faint of heart. Well, maybe that is exageratting but if someone told you this was a happy tale, that I was your average, neurotypical guy not a care in the world, someone lied...
TL;DR is that in the past couple of months, my dad caught COVID(opted to not get the vaccine) and died, tons of family drama ensued with his GF and his relatives regarding how to handle his remains, power of attorney, etc. This reignited tensions between my mom and sister(and even me) and cue broken glass everywhere, lots of screaming and crying, a fist fight almost broke out in the ER between my mom, dad's niece, niece's BF, and me when I tried to prevent an altercation from breaking out, and a full on fist fight went on between my mom and sister when my sister got upset over some petty shit and started wailing on her, and my mom wrestling her on the ground. Just, lots of fucking craziness, but I finally moved out with my mom's help and I am getting space with my family, both physically and limiting contact, and have an EMT job and in an apartment with roommates.
Aside from the family dysfunction, I am autistic(high functioning) and my social skills left alot to be desired growing up. Having turned 21 recently, I finally started to feel normal in terms of social intuition, but with that comes with feeling worse about my cringier moments when attempting to socialize. Then there's two people from my past, people I saw as friends and thought reciprocated but maybe never felt the same.
Friend A was a guy, actually from a fundamentalist Christian family(no HP, Pokemon, creationist, anti-Halloween etc). This was when I was in middle school so I was still cringey and plus haven't deconverted(though family isn't fundamentalist). We got along for quite some time but as time went on and shenangians involving girls came up (think the ''get girl to like you'' plans you see from teen characters on TV) I started to see more of his manipulative side, with black mail, using me for snacks, lending him my phone etc. Moved away, lost contact, found out after graduating HS that he molested my sister, and he blackmailed/threatened me when I confronted him via text. Friend B I met in high school. We got along initially, but then they got kinda withdrawn. I admit I got kinda clingy and crossed boundaries, but when we seemed to reconcile and start to connect, they told me they were getting into some bad shit(think missing on a milk carton shit), tried to stop them from doing it, things got confusing and I went to far, and the lashed out and didn't want to speak to me again. That was 4+ years ago now. Against my better judgement, I reached out to them and didn't really get a reply so I won't do it again, so maybe they are still mad, I don't know. There's honestly certain things about them I wonder if I should have been weary of, since they said some things that implied they were using me or even signs they may not have been as nice as I thought. I made mistakes, but of course I initially thought friend A was really great too...
It is hard. Sometimes I don't feel bad about all this, other times I wonder if I will spiral into a mental breakdown. It seems autism isn't just about your social skills, but even when trying not to dwell or hyperfixate on things my brain wants to do it's own thing. And it can feel a bit scary since I don't want to go to a bad place. I don't want to hurt anyone, or myself. My sister has tried to kill herself several times and I don't want to put myself in that category. No offense to anyone who has struggled with that...but it is also afraid if I will prove certain people right and become that bad person they think I am, or even being so pathetic and naive that I may do such a thing or be so trusting enough to be manipulated by others.
Like I said, it's alot of up and down, and especially about my father since he was a piece of work(bad temper, verbally abusive, etc) yet seeing my sister cry at the funeral was hard and even I feel sad even if I question whether I would ever reconcile with him. I do have a couple new friends here, which may help. Maybe I am too caught up in my thoughts, and sometimes it feels like too much and I hope I can get better. It will still take some time before I am fully settled in, especially with money. But then I can explore things like friends, martial arts, more animes, shows or movies, etc. Finding that special someone would be nice too, but well I likely have some ways to go before getting in a relationship.- Read more...
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Welcome back to confirmation biases. Last time, I explained that to avoid confirmation bias, you'd have to view a perspective on both sides. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do.
So, what did I mean by viewing a perspective on both sides?Well, simply put, I meant what I said. You find both proving and disproving evidence of a topic. Well, how do you do this?
Think of it this way - "Does this evidence give clear evidence that this might be right? If not, is there any counter evidence?"
If the answer to this is yes, congratulations - You've found sound evidence that does not confirm that your belief is 100% right. At the most, you've most likely only confirmed a very small portion of your claim.If the answer to this is no, however, you then look for counter evidence. Counter evidence to see if your not-clear evidence is incorrect.
Let's use an example, again.You're investigating a murder. You have solid evidence that the murderer is a 15-year old child from... I don't know, Kentucky. However, you know that this one piece of evidence doesn't confirm it, and therefore, look for counter-evidence.
Then, you do find counter-evidence. You find counter-evidence that they're not from Kentucky, and that they're actually from New Jersey. So, you put both of these aside and begin battling out which seems more likely.
If, however, you can't find a conclusion, then set them aside for later until you find more evidence/counter-evidence. Once you have enough, argue with yourself, then make your case.This has been Week One of Logic Lessons with L, stay tuned for Week Two, which we'll be discussing about planning and unplanned executions of... anything.
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Why I like Rock Lee so dang much.
Naruto is know for it's large cast of lovable characters but as of episode 112 of the original series I can definitively say that Rock Lee is easily my favourite character in the series.
Everything from his positive demeanor, to his underdog background is so very beautifully shounen, he's so very cheesy with his background of fighting back against those who didn't believe in him, finding comfort in Might Guy and rising to become a splendid ninja. But what I think makes him special is just how genuinely sympathetic, yet still endearingly passionate in the face of absolute failure and misfortune he can be.
An example of what I've expressed comes from his legendary fight against Gaara in the preliminaries before the finals of the Chunin Exams. When he is defeated by Gaara we learn that he will never be able to return to being a shinobi due to the severity of his injuries, this causes Lee to question his future and everything up until this point becuase of his ethos being to never give up and that with hard work even he can become a splendid ninja but in spite of it all he keeps a positive outlook and whole heartedly believes he will one day recover with perseverance.
Eventually Naruto finds the legendary healer Sanin Tsunade who is famous for her healing capabilities, however she urges Lee to quit being a shinobi due to his only option being life threatening surgery, at this point, desperate for an answer he asks Might Guy what to do, in a highly emotional climax both Lee and Might Guy decide that in order to coninue his dream he must never give up as that is his nindo, his ninja way.
In the end he displays something so beautifully simple, that passion and perseverance will always pay off and that even in the worst of times we can continue to be better for ourselves and for those we love. Rock Lee is my favourite because he's corny and goofy and simple and so emblematic of what I love about shounen anime.
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What is The Ruthisian Codex About?
The story is about a woman who discovers that she has supernatural abilities after kids in her city begin to go missing and must locate a book called The Ruthisian Codex to gain mastery over her powers and find the people responsible for the kidnappings.
The lead character's name is Phia and the first chapter explores her seemingly normal life as a budding caterer. Throughout the book, I will describe certain dishes that she makes in detail and include the recipes at the back of the book. I may also include pictures but I'm not 100% certain yet. I'm also considering starting a Discord & hosting monthly virtual brunches where people can create their favorite foods from the book & we can all show our creations & hang out for a few hours. Making recipe videos for YouTube or live streaming myself preparing the dishes is also another idea I have.
Phia's abilities and back story all center around Ancient Egyptian mythology and religion. Her love of cooking, her romantic interests, and some of her other hobbies are all tied into the Egyptian deities that she identifies with the most.
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Hello everyone. Today I just wanted to throw in a random review about a show I watched called DearS. It’s not one I’m going to weekly review, and it’s CERTAINLY not (very) popular. I just had so many emotions about it I knew I had to review it. So here we go.
Warning: watch this one ALONE!!! Also warning: THIS IS THE MOST CRINGE-WORTHY HENTAI I SWEAR...We’ve all been there. You’re bored, but none of the anime you’re currently watching seem interesting. So, you look for something new. Today, I felt that way, and as I was scrolling through RetroCrush I accidentally clicked on a show. Since I was having a hard time finding anything that sparked my interest, I decided to watch it anyway. And wow, I think this is the exact opposite of what I normally watch. 0~0
The premise: it’s modern times Japan, and it’s a year after a space-ship crashed full of submissive sexy/sex-loving aliens. They’re now part of society, (kind of; there’s only 150 of them on Earth) and we call them DearS. Why capital s? No idea. Anyway, this kid works at a game shop, and he just snuck out one of those Japanese hentai games for his pervy friends. (honestly, how could I have been SO bored I watched the whole episode? I have no idea...) He got a scar on his cheek after the game store owner found out what he was doing and beat him up. One of the friends mentions he heard a DearS is moving into their neighborhood. Game-store-worker boy (I forgot all the names in this, okay?) apparently thinks these DearS‘s are too good to be true. He doesn’t believe that they could be so smart and hot and whatever.
Later, after attending class with his creepy, horny teacher, he walks home alone until he spots a girl with a ragged blanket and blue hair huddling in some bushes and shaking like she’s crying. Wow. He walks up to her and he’s like “are you okay? Why are you shaking so much?” She seems just a really shy girl or something, until, after our protagonist bends down to talk to her, she jumps out from the bag fully naked (oh dear lord why did I watch this hentai? Why am I reviewing it?) and then she starts glowing and a tiny bikini with absolutely no coverage pops up on her and then she kisses protagonist boy. He gets all surprised, and then she pulls back to cup his head in her hand.
Remember the bandage? She puts her hand right on that place and when she takes it away, the band-aid falls off and *BOOM* the cut disappears. He basically goes “what the frick.” And then he walks away, but she follows him. So he just gives up and takes her to his apartment where he gives her some clothes he has and shows her how the shower works. And then he walks away and goes to bed.
When he wakes up, in classic anime style, he thinks it was all a weird dream. He goes back to sleep for about 1 second, to wake up again and realize that the DearS he found is still naked, and is sleeping next to him. He jumps about 4 feet in the air. Then they eat some bread. Honestly I forgot what order stuff happened in, writing this takes way more time than it does to watch a 24 minute episode. But anyway, after a bit of trouble since she can’t speak Japanese, he finds out her name. Here, I googled it. It’s: Ren Ren Ren Nagusaran Rensia Roroonren Nakora. Yup. He thinks it’s pretty stupid, so he just calls her Ren.
Then his 6 alarm clocks start going off, and the landlord’s daughter comes upstairs to wake up Takeya Ikuhara (yes I finally remembered his name) like she usually does. He shoves Ren in a closet, but the landlord’s daughter can pretty obviously tell something is off. Anyway, at school he keeps asking the landlord’s daughter stuff about DearS. And that’s about all I remember of this retro hentai horror (at least, the first episode)
Because I suck at describing anime, here’s what Fandom has to say:
One year prior to the beginning of the story, mankind made its first contact with an alien species, when a malfunctioning alien spacecraft made an impromptu crash-landing in Tokyo Bay. The aliens on board the UFO are human-like and remarkably beautiful, and are soon affectionately nicknamed "DearS" by their human hosts, which means "Dear friends from outer space"; as extraordinarily kind and gentle as they are lovely, the DearS are a slave race in actuality, seeming to thrive as individuals and as a species by making others happy; as they are unable to return home, the small community of DearS attempts to integrate themselves into human society, concealing their status as a slave race from the public due to concern over the fact that humanity does not agree with slavery.
The main plot follows the story of Takeya Ikuhara, an average high school student in the fictitious Koharu prefecture, and how his life is turned on its head, due to the appearance of a beautiful and apparently defective DearS he calls "Ren", who, after Takeya saves her life and nurses her back to health and teaching her the ways of the human society, promptly becomes attached to him and moves into the closet of his apartment, declaring herself his slave and him her master. As the story progresses, Takeya finds himself becoming surrounded by several more DearS along with his near-constant companion Ren.
Okay, if you want to watch this, (why would you) I’ll stop giving you spoilers. Anyway, hope you “enjoyed” this, see you at the next anime review. Also, sorry if you’re now reaching for some eye-bleach.
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So I had an idea for my blog...
I was reading a blog post from a blog I like, The Drunken Anime Blog, when I had an idea. “I haven’t even started to watch some popular anime’s like Attack On Titan and Fruits Basket yet, what if I reviewed them like she does?” I usually just use a status update, but I think more people will see if I make blog posts.
Good idea, right? Right. Let’s do this. But then I realized a problem. Two, actually. Number one: “Thoughts from a sad, anime-loving lump” doesn’t exactly sound like a reviews blog. It sounds like a blog about my life. Which, it is. Number two: this is my complaints about life blog. So, I decided to start a new blog. Please comment what I should call it, because I have no ideas. Anyway,Love and UwUs,
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Reading Rainbow
So I like to take the time to talk about reading manga/comics. This entry isn't so much about something specific I am currently reading but more about reading apps on my phone. I'll be quite honest I have a few (10 to be exact). That might be excessive or for some not enough. I started with one from an ad on facebook or instagram not sure and it spiraled out. I will divulge i mostly read romance and bl on the sites. I have the following: webcomics, mangatoon, tapas, patreon, torycomics, tappytoon, manga renta, webtoon, coolmic(XXX), webnovel(not a good one but i can't find the comic im currently reading anywhere else).
Webcomics, mangatoon have a point system along with buying coins to read. Some comics need money to read I'll be honest but the free coins do help
Patreon is really good if you want to help artist in my opinion by directly funding and in doing so you do get perks. Also to can also read uncensored versions.
My 3 favorites though thus far are tapas, tappytoon, and webtoon all are which are paying types. Though I have to say its worth it especially tappytoon. The stories and graphics are on point. There really isn't bad translations that you get from other sites. They don't have a big collection but what they do have is great well in my opinion.
One of my favorites on Tappytoon is Light and Shadow was such a good story so much I would really love a hard copy. The Knight and Her Emperor is also quite excellent.
That's all I have to say for now. As I am intrupted by a nasty thunderstorm so I'm going to get going if you have any questions about today's blog please feel free to ask.
The pics attached are screen shots of app icons on my phone, the 2 in the middle are tappytoon, and the last one is webtoon
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Sharing some pics
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I really want to do this art challenge that has been circulating on Instagram. However, my Instagram won't connect to my phone to upload =_= I tried re-dling the app and finally just messaged them.
Anyways, if anyone wants to suggest characters that would be awesome
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An Intact Fossilized Shell, Found on my Doorstep!
I'm kind of, fascinated with old stuff. REALLY old stuff. And while I've never found anything particularly outstanding to other people maybe, i always treasure what i do find.
and today, i wasn't really expecting to find anything! i was just out in my backyard garden, picking through stones from the freshly cultivated soil, because i do find a lot of gemstones in my garden after hoeing it, and i think they're pretty. i kind of have a little of collection of them.
but then i saw something that caught my eye, a bright red rock with something sticking out of it. and at first i thought it was just like, another type of rock mixed in with the red rock, but when i picked it up and looked closer, i knew what i was seeing was the back end of a fully-intact shell. and i was like, wow! i have to break this thing open. Sure I could've kept it the way it was, but i knew inside were probably layers of more shell fragments that were more interesting to look at to add to my collection. So I grabbed a hammer, and split the thing in half, and this is what i found.
I'd never found anything containing a fossil fully intact before...just the ghostly remnants of an imprint of something no longer there. but look, there it is, that's a fully intact shell.
how cool is that! you can see lots of other bits of imprints of shells that are no long there, too, all over the stone, which is what most of my rocks look like. But holy cow, this shell is still here. And it's not the only one. Theres a couple here and there, sticking out in different ends of the rock.
I like to go out and hunt for stuff like this, because it's fun. But I never expected to find a fossil sitting in my own backyard.
These are the other interesting fossils ive acquired
the imprinted leaves I actually got at a festival in one of those old-fashioned towns, that kind of preserves the way it used to be when it was founded in the 1800s.
The limestone to the right of it is a block of a bunch of shell fragment and coral imprints, theres a fossilized reed in there i found on my grandpas property as a little kid,
and i found this one a couple years ago while camping out in the woods.
anyways, i was SO super stoked about this, i just had to post something.
Also I noticed my blog title was kind of similar to someone elses, so i tried changing it, but im not very creative LOL
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The Corona-Crap
Just had a meeting at work last Thursday mainly on the updates of the Corona Virus and at that specific time only the schools had the potential to be affected. However, steadily it's been getting worse and worse and the U.S. Government is now creating more restrictions and bans making it extremely difficult for most people to even continue working. Apparently the Governor in my state changed our restrictions and bans 15 times within a few short hours today. So far it hasn't effected my job to where I won't be able to work but most of those around me are now without work because everything is closing down. Supposedly there aren't any plans with my job shutting down but honestly, who knows anymore?? Could be tonight, could be tomorrow or it could be next week. So far though we aren't shut down which is a good thing but like I said, now we are all waiting for the when.
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