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Winter 2018 First Impressions #13 - Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

Mars Terra


Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san, which translates into Skilled Teaser Takagi-san, is another title I was looking forward to this winter season after some having some praise from fans of the manga, let me say right now, it doesn't disappoint. It follows the story of Nishikata, who is always trying to outprank the person he sits next to in class, Takagi, who always seems to be one step ahead of him.
I won't go into much detail about the different events that take place, since it would be difficult to describe them in a way that would do them justice. But there are four scenarios that happen involving the main premise. The show starts out by showing Nishikata attempting to create a jack-in-the-box out of folded paper, but is distracted by Takagi struggling to open her pencil box, he decides to open it for her but it is revealed that she has made her own version of what Nishikata was creating. It's a simple enough scenario, but it's a good introduction to the show. The second one involves a myth that exists in japan where if one writes the name of their crush on their eraser and then uses it until there is nothing left, then their feelings will be returned. The third situation involves Nishikata, despite seeing Takagi in the window of the school, is unable to find her in the classroom even after searching for her. The last one is about Nishikata making funny faces to try to make Takagi laugh so she'll get in trouble, which obviously doesn't work but the anime does use this to set something else up.
The concept is basic, but it allows for a variety of different situations and this show takes full advantage of that, you might think you know where the show is going with them, but it keeps twisting and turning them so that you get a completely unexpected result. It almost reminds me of Tonari no Seki which also takes place for the mostpart during class, but this one comes off as way sweeter. While Takagi constantly pulls pranks on Nishikata and teases him, but she always has a air of innocence around her so it's hard to hate her, and it's clear that the two actually like each other, even if they don't like to show it. It's a cute show, it's light-hearted in nature and none of what happens feels forced, a nice change of pace from other comedy anime. There isn't much else I can say about it, it's just something you have to experience for yourself before deciding whether to watch it or not. That is all for this post, but be sure to check out my take onĀ Kokkoku and Ryuuou no Oshigoto if you haven't previously, and I will return on thursday to give some more first impressions. Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day.


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