A Long Time in Coming
So, it seems for the past 2 years I have been trying to land my dream job (not just preparing for it but applying too). This has been a very very long and painful process, and at this point, I can confess... I have rewritten my resume likely over 150 times in two years...and my cover letters...I have around 120 or so. That's a lot of writing. I remember the Dean of my school once saying "Anyone who claims to enjoy writing is a liar" and I raised my hand and said, "I actually like writing....sir....." Haha! Didn't earn me any points with that guy but ah well. I do love writing stories. I'm still working on my short (the one I meant to be around 15 pages long that has turned into 120 pages and counting) story on the side but writing all of these resumes and cover letters has given me a different perspective to writing. I've even written resumes and cover letters for my friends (I tell all my friends they must expect to spend a minimum of 4-8 hours with me for a resume, and another 8-16 hours for a cover letter - the information you have to drag out of people to write these is insane) and darn....I make those things look great! One of my friends worked as a cleaning lady for around 8 years, and in fast food for another 4 years and I made her resume sound very professional and geared it towards her dream warehouse job with the terminology I used to describe her work responsibilities. Sometimes I wonder though, why it takes so long for me to comb through and improve my own work. I likely turn a blind eye towards my own resume's flaws.
In the past, I relegated updating my resume to a yearly task that I set for myself on my whiteboard in my office on New Years Day (along with all my other goals (you know, save X amount of money in savings, attain this or that certification, pay off that loan) things that I wanted to get done that year that I would mark off as I accomplished them). I'm now realizing that doing this yearly, I probably missed some major additions I could've added before that now are just out of my grasp....not to mention...if you don't use it, you lose it (the magic resume touch that is). Well, I've got the touch now. Maybe I should open up a resume/cover letter writing service, charge people by the hour to do it. At least I'd make money from it. So far I've been just giving it away! I'm also a lot happier with my resume than I can say I was two years ago. It is full of interesting information, not just generic stuff, that exemplifies my abilities and leads to enhancing others. It's all building on itself. I seem to be getting better at displaying pertinent information. It isn't enough to just list the robots I've worked with. Now I'm listing what their functions were as well as the software components. Give the random HR representative a shred of information to understand what it means (HR rep must be the strangest job in the world - they get to pick people who get to see the hiring manager, and most of the time they have no understanding of what the person does or how they get the job done). I'm still at a disadvantage. Studies have shown ambitious men get three times the interviews that ambitious women do, but at least this resume is written proof of my abilities.
~sighs~ Well, back to applying for the dream. Some day I'll get there. Not sure when. If I keep trying though, my ticket's eventually got to be pulled. This cat's not giving up the hunt that easily!
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