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I’m back/when do we get cons again?



Hey, I’m back on the forums. Just having a busy past few days, but it’s all good now. I wonder what it’ll feel like to be in crowds where babies cry and annoying people spill drinks on you. Worst of all, the noise! Ugh. Anyways, even though I hate crowds I kinda like cosplaying at cons. Will we even have cons again? When this is all over will people still keep away, subconsciously turning themselves into introverts like me and hopefully you, or will people have huge parties and four playdates a day and people people people? Will the diners be packed or empty? Maybe your favorite store will have gone out of business. I can’t wait until “school” is over. Then I’ll have solitude and no annoying math problems and all that crap. It’ll be amazing. Until then, I get solitude but still “school”. A compromise. Oh well.
                           Anyway, enjoy your anime’s, 


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I think there definitely will be a period of at least a part of the population being a whole lot more cautious than they used to, simply because of all the information we are getting about infections and how they spread, not to forget the coronavirus will still be around even if there are no more restrictions. Naturally there will also be those people who just want to attend stuff again which they could not for a while.
I guess you will have the two extremes more pronounced for a while until it all gets back to normal. It will take quite a while though 😂 

Edited by Illusion of Terra
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My favorite con got canceled this year so no fun for me :( that said, I think people will return to how they were shortly after...within a year. Us pitiful humans with our short attention spans and even shorter memory. 

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39 minutes ago, Beocat said:

My favorite con got canceled this year so no fun for me :( that said, I think people will return to how they were shortly after...within a year. Us pitiful humans with our short attention spans and even shorter memory. 

It has been fun and educational to talk to some of the old people like my mom who remember quarantines and regular occurrences of serious communicable diseases like measles and polio.  We've had it easy for a long time thanks to modern medicine.  These people that are rebelling against that legacy are ignorant morons.  Crazy Eddie lives.

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