We are back at school.... yeah... ..break was fun!
Hello anime loves and otakus welcome back today we are talking about what I did over the break and school.
Break: Break was fun I stayed inside watching twitch streamers and anime. I also played Katawa Shoujo I master all of the roots on act 1 with all the buttons clicked and made it to lily and emi's second act ending, I'm currently working on hanako's second act end. I also went to an anime convention, it was a lot of people and very loud but I did buy some cool things like some old dvds for my dvd player; I got "Sakura Cardcaptor the final judgment", A random Sailor Moon one (I forget the name) : I have never since one like it (maybe because I did not search but still), I also got "Shuffle" the 4th one apparently. I also bought a PASWG sticker and a dice. My friends bought a tail (Don't ask they said and I quote "I'm not a furry it was just soft." (nothing wrong with furries) my other friend bought a mask and a plushie.
The break was so pleasant now I'm back at school
But now I'm struggling again especially with my friends and the appending exams.
Today I had to do a presentation in front of the whole class whilst being graded on our presentation skills and it will effect the whole group grade. I'm honestly thinks of doing the rest of my school years next year online. But the point is school is very hard because some of my teachers don't teach us.
Other than then learning part my friends are very hard to be around, they keep making fun of me and its making me feel really bad about myself, I mean they be mena then not its very hard to figure out what they are feeling or doing.
But anyway thanks for reading!
Me studying, I don't have a lot of self control lol
Edited by Otaku
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