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About This Club

This Club is about what-if scenarios. If you want to create a fanfiction about one of these dimensions below. Dimension 0: Minato and Kushina ran away from the village during the Kyuubi's attack. Dimension 1: is Canon and Boruto. Dimension 2: NaruSaku, SasuIno, ChoHina, ShikaShiho, & KankuroTenten. Dimension 3: NaruTema, ShikaShiho, ChoIno, LeeSaku, SasukeTamaki. Dimension 4 NaruSaku, SasuKarin, ChoIno, KibaHina, NejiTen, YamatoAnko, IrukaShizune, KakashiHana Inuzuka, & ShikaTema. Dimension 5: Naruto goes rogue and gathering all the normal rogue ninjas to create a new village. Called, Village Hidden in the Cherry Blossoms. Dimension 6: NaruSaku, SasuTema, ShikaIno, & ChoTen. Dimension 7: Naruto Joined the Sound village. [Dimension 8: NaruSaku, SasuHina, ChoIno, LeeTen, ShinoIsarabi, NejiYakumo, YamatoAnko, IrukaShizune, KakashiHana Inuzuka, ShikaTema, KibaTamaki, SaiKarin, EbisuTsunami, KankuroKarui, GaaraMatsuri, & OmoiKurotushi.}This one is my personality one. Dimension 9: Naruto joined Akatsuki. Dimension 10 NaruSaku, SasuTen, & ShinoHinata. Dimension 11: Naruto join Kumo Village. Dimension 12: NaruSaku but Sakura dies. Dimension 13: NaruShion, Sakura becomes the Hokage but Sasuke and Rock Lee dies. Dimension 14: Sakura and Ino joined forces to save Naruto. Dimension 15: Naruto joined the Iwa village. Dimension 16: Naruto joined Haku and Zabuza. Dimension 17: Naruto joined Root aka the Foundation. Dimension 18: Naruto joined the Twelve Guardian Ninja. Dimension 19: Naruto was adopted by Jiraiya. Dimension 20: Naruto was adopted by Tsunade. Dimension 21: Naruto was adopted by Kakashi. Dimension 22: Naruto was adopted by Anko. Dimension 23: Naruto was cursed Mark. Dimension 24: Naruto joined Dotō’s Three-Man-Team. Dimension 25: Naruto joined the Four Celestial Symbols Men. Dimension 26: Naruto joined the Gato. Dimension 27: Naruto joined the Haido’s Knights. Dimension 28: Naruto was adopted by Tsunami from the Waves arch. Dimension 29: Naruto joined the Mist Village. Dimension 30: Naruto joined Furido’s 4-Man Team Dimension 31: Naruto joined the Star Village. Also, You can add new dimensions after Dimension 31. If you want to create fanfiction with using Dimensions here. You have to title Dimension that Dimension's number into your title. Similar to my own fanfiction here: https://animeforums.net/topic/10560-dimension-8-haku-uzumaki/?tab=comments#comment-78764 Any video or artist would like to create a fictional video game video. If anyone needs help with Fanfictions of their own. This club isn't a pairing war at all. If someone needs help. The other club members if they want to help. They can. If someone wants to create a certain dimension number into Doujinshi go right ahead and do it with. If I like it I'll post it as the dimension number.
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