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Open Club · 51 members · Last active
The name explains it : This club is meant for discussions of any sort of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, whatever science you want you comment about. This might be a good place for sharing hypothesis or complete theories as well, so suit yourself and imagine all the crazy things you can imagine, science knows the way! Anyone may join, however the privacy is set on 'closed' to avoid spam, hopefully this will keep that at bay. Upon entering the club, I strongly encourage you to write a short introduction to tell others about what your interests in science are and what experiments you've made happen (if you have), and of course, if you're working on any project/hypothesis that needs discussion, this will be the place too.
Open Club · 28 members · Last active
If you're looking for a club about guys walking around with drive-by historical knowledge, look no further. We offer a full selection of drive-by historical knowledge (gluten free options now available). Also, it's a history club things of the past. Cover Photo: Fate/Apocrypha, Icon Photo: Operation Tomodachi (Japan Tsunami Relief Effort, 2011)
Open Club · 64 members · Last active
Open Club · 25 members · Last active
Discuss anything you find fascinating in any series (anime + non-anime) you are watching or have completed. Question or discuss the views presenneted in the series. Discuss philosophers mentioned in it or the ideology presented in the episode/ series. Add your personal views on the theme of the series if you feel any and anything that you want to share based on your deep thinking on the issue shown in the series. Turn yourself into a "real-life philosopher" while participating in this club and make your entertainment linked with your intellectual development. I hope you guys enjoy the club meetings......