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March Comes in Like a Lion - Episode 1 Discussion


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The art style for this anime is a little different than what I'm used to but I really enjoyed what I saw.

The girls are adorable!

Rei is really quiet and for awhile I thought he wasn't going to talk at all xP He seemed a little more lively around his adoptive family which are those adorable girls I mentioned who live with their grandpa.


I'm really looking forward to watching Rei's character development throughout this anime because he's really interesting to me.


I'm really looking forward to episode 2!

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ive been enjoying this series my self

[spoiler= to clear a few things in op post] the girls and gramps (the Kawamoto family) arnt his adoptive family officially , the eldest Akari Kawamoto , has a habit of taking in cute cuddly lost strays (the cats) and that's what she did with Rei after a situation in an ep

Rei him self lost his parents and was adopted by the Kōda family , the father , Rei's shōgi teacher and Rei's father's friend , but left the family as he believed he was the cause of the familys friction


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