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  1. Past hour
  2. AT LEAST HE'S NICER THAN YUUU ~waves stick at you~ YW & he deserved it though I don't remember why now... @Sasuke thanks Oriii <3333
  3. I went out and did my weekly shopping, did the laundry and started a new GFX project.
  4. Today
  5. A nice slice of apple lattice pie and custard.
  6. Infinite patience as an instructor
  7. It may not be anime style, but it's brilliant artwork.
  8. I don't like being cold either. We've got no snow, it's just cold.
  9. I'm enjoying it now that it's stopped snowing. lol I hate being cold though.
  10. Hi everyone. Some art i did for ych I guess this is not anime style, but let it be here
  11. Nice work on those icons and nice work on slapping Pessi.
  12. Are you enjoying that snow or hating it?
  13. Sasuke


    I have yet to see a real response from Jagex unless I missed it? I saw that they retracted the survey and apologized but no word on what's actually going to happen?
  14. I am when the person on the other end of the video call isn't screaming whilst getting on the floor to huddle in the fetal position screaming, "ALOIS!! ALOIS IS ON FIRE!!" in my ear I'm as perplexed at this as you are because for as long as I've known Sere she doesn't like hot drinks, tea, coffee, etc. I have no idea where this sudden interest to make tea came from, but I think it has to do with Alois
  15. Cloudy with some wind. I think it's going to rain later tonight.
  16. It's 20-something degrees Fahrenheit and it's snowing. I've never seen this much snow in my life.
  17. Did you know it's snowing where I live? lol (I live in a state that's along the Gulf of Mexico.)
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