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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi! Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I was looking around and noticed that there doesn't seem to be a thread on this yet. On other forums I've been on, there's been a thread related to how you're feeling at the moment. I think it's cool to share the good things going on in our lives, but to also support one another when we're having down days. So, whatever you happen to be feeling, go ahead and share! Right now, I'm currently feeling good overall. I was a little stressed about the future, but I'm also happy with becoming more independent as an adult. ^^
    1 point
  2. I'm what you'd call a newbie fujoshi. I've watched only ONE yaoi anime, and it's Love Stage. I don't know if this makes me a fujoshi. And I dropped Love Stage after eight episodes too... So, yeah, just dropped in to say hi! I'm not watching any anime right now (except for Himouto! Umaru-chan... Meh, that can wait.) so I'd really love it if I got some recommendations. Please take care of me!
    1 point
  3. I was wondering, if you could live in a single anime which would you choose? There are many great anime I would love to participate in, such as My Hero Academia, but if I had to choose one anime it would be Fairy Tail. I really want to be a part of the Fairy Tail guild!
    1 point
  4. I don't know if there was already a thread made concerning this topic, but here I go... I watch anime for a number of reasons. Anime helps me take a break from reality, and I really need a break sometimes. When I'm having a hard time, watching anime helps me calm down. Sometimes, anime can be just a cure to my boredom. And yeah, so that's my case. Now, why do YOU watch anime?
    1 point
  5. Yeah i have seen the reviews about it, so i'm not interested in it. Yes i'm gonna stick with Anime to the end 100% lol XD I also wish for that to happen It's got to be better than living in reality surely OMG that's just horrible I'm really sorry, people seriously have no respect whatsoever. Well that's a bonus then if it gave you confidence! At least you have your family that support you that's great to hear Hey that's okay everyone has different skills in a way, yours just happens to be Art and OMG that's awesome!! at least your sister knows what she wants to do that's amazing As for me Acting i do get opportunities now and then, but unfortunately there not paid I really want to get paid Acting someday i will hopefully OMG i need to try and draw my favorite Anime character!
    1 point
  6. Shinji always resonated with me a lot, so I'd go with him. NGE always hit very close to home with its topics (except for the giant robots and monsters and stuff). [mal type=character id=89] As for looks, this guy from One Outs is kinda close (though he's more handsome than the real me): [mal type=character id=18597]
    1 point
  7. Shikamaru; I'm lazy, easily annoyed, act like almost everything is an inconvenience but when I'm into something or have to be I put my full heart into it even if I act like I didn't. Also I befriend those who feel like they don't belong or are constantly picked on for who they are. Choji; because I just f**king love food of course, lol.
    1 point
  8. Omg, I can't stand that series. I tried three times to get into One Piece but just couldn't do it. The first time I fell asleep, the second time I got into something else and third I complained the whole time to my fiance that I think it's boring (because for some reason that's his favorite series and he keeps trying to get me into it) until he let me do something else, lol. I just don't understand the humor, the action was dull and the artwork I didn't much care for. Plus I thought it was too slow for my taste.
    1 point
  9. @pierrem70 Yes you're right, the movie is a little bit different and Isn't that great. Its good to stick with the anime lol. I always wish, if somehow, I could transfer to the Anime world once in a while. XD
    1 point
  10. @Vivi Hyuuga Naruto Reference ?? That's great. I will make sure to inform you if I enjoyed it or not.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the suggestion, I think I may have worded the question wrong because I love Gundam and mechs, like, LOVE it, but I just didn't want every reply to suggest Gundam or Neon Genesis
    1 point
  12. I am definitely enjoying what I can! Plenty of pet cuddles, gaming, and anime help. Since it's genetic most of my family has the same condition with various symptoms, so while I'm sad they are also sick and it's really hard watching when they are in critical condition, it does help that we can all understand each others' struggles and support one another. I've had pets nearly my whole life, and they really encourage me! I love them dearly. There have been times when my depression was so bad that I wanted to give up, but my faith, family and friends, and pets help get me through it. Thankfully it's been awhile since I've felt this way and while it's hard and discouraging I am determined to get through it! That is so sweet and encouraging, thank you! I'll be sure to take you up on that. It makes me happy that you are appreciating the cats' cuteness, I love them dearly and I want everyone to know how precious and perfect they are. lol I love dogs, too! It's actually in the plans to get me a service dog, though I don't know when that will be an option financially. When I do get one I want it to be a standard poodle! Thank you all for the support! I'm having a difficult health day, but I know so many kind people that it's still a happy day!
    1 point
  13. Let me know if you enjoy it! I'm not a sports person, but still love a good sports anime. Days has some hilarious Naruto references in it which I loved, plus just great character interaction.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, it really is hard to deal with! It especially impacted me when I was younger and bullied because of it. But, I'm thankful because it makes me more confident in who I am now, despite the anxiety. I'm better at pushing past my insecurities and not caring what others think. I'm also chronically ill (I have a genetic condition that causes all this), so it's quite the handful. But you're right, they are all amazing people and I love them so much! It really is fun, I just wish I had more opportunities to work on my art. I have absolutely no musical talent, but my sisters are wonderful musicians and one of them is trying to make a career as one. Do you get the opportunity to act much? Drawing anime characters is a lot of fun!
    1 point
  15. Yh I think. There was 2 pyramid looking building I visited. One was definitely a temple. Btw sorry for my lack of knowledge.
    1 point
  16. Hahaha well Death note is a great Anime! so i must imagine that people are all fans here Thank you very much! OMG Thank you for this wonderful comment I'm really sorry that you have issues too it's really difficult to deal with them in everyday life, so i know how you must feel Well i'm sure your sisters and your best friends are wonderful people regardless! OMG that's awesome! being in Artist is pretty cool you can do so much cool stuff Unfortunately I am just a Musician and Actor as i'm not very good at drawing, but i would love to draw one of my favorite anime Characters!! Yes they really are both awesome Animes!!!! OMG thank you very much!! Music and Anime is the Key to being happy XD Yes, Death note is honestly so damn good OMG! I haven't seen the movie as i know from a fact that, it won't be as good as the original Anime sorry bout that OMG yes of course it's true 100% I mean i get so happy just watching an Anime series, and i always wish i could live in Anime i know haha XD Well thank you very much I'm sure i will enjoy being apart of this fantastic community! Hell yes let's be friends!
    1 point
  17. Ha! Hi @EnviousEnvy and welcome to the forum! I’m very similar in the regard that I mainly use my laptop to play Sims 4 hahaha
    1 point
  18. @EnviousEnvy I wish I could help! One thing I’ve done is harvest from gardens at community lots or even someone’s house I’m visiting. It might get you a different variety (at least a little bit anyway). Maybe through the computer? I haven’t done too much gardening in Sims 4. Sometimes there’s just plants around in the ground too, but I’m not sure where or what. The main reason I even know that is because one of my expansions is the vampire one, where I went to the main vampire dude’s manor/castle and found some interesting plants around the lot (not in gardens) that I was able to harvest.
    1 point
  19. Hi , Death note is a good one .. I feel like it’s one that really sucks you in too ..I remember watching it all in one week ..needed to know what happened !! Have been meaning to check out Code Gease as it comes up as recommended after watch death note. my second anime was Noragami which Is about gods.
    1 point
  20. Sorry im late but hey welcome im always new to everthing so lets get along
    1 point
  21. Welcome to the forum, although, with the thread title, I was thinking of the music group. I was like, that's nostalgic. lol
    1 point
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