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Hi pls help me by answering this short survey about anime. Your participation would be highly appreciated thank youuu https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11iCq_ZbASc8oxlPtiDboH0OtSSACdi3_bQvoguaCPG4 translation of survey: Name: 1. What kind of anime do you like (show) 2. Why? 3. What genre of anime do u like? 4. How often do you watch anime? -always -sometimes -rarely 5. What did you learn from watching anime? It’s ok if you’re not a high school student. Anyone is welcome to answer the survey1 point
Theres bigger things to worry about then the cast. Like the story, and getting the special effects right. There are a lot of movies that have big name actors in them and still failed. Movie 43 has nothing but big name actors and failed really bad. Mostly cause its just a really bad movie. Theres a lot of things going into movies, you cant just pull random Japanese actors out of no where. And not everyone is going to fly to Japan and look for them.1 point
Don't even go there if Akira turns out to be like that, then we need to boycott something As for DiCaprio's role, I didn't really get it as well. Maybe he'll end up playing one of the main roles because they can't find anyone Now I also got your point! If they decide to make something like a 'new' Akira which more or less just takes the plot of Akira but adepts it to New York (something like an Akira in the US) then it is an entirely different thing. And I also agree that because places like New York are quite diverse, they could still keep the original names. What I had thought was that they will shoot it in the US, but pretend that it is in Japan. @Serge heartless I understand that this is a common reasoning, but I would say that it doesn't matter what other countries do. Even if no other country would do something, doesn't mean the US should not do it as well. That being said, you do have a point that it would be more work to go out of their way and look for a Japanese cast. So I can understand if they use a white cast. I am also not saying that just because a white cast is being used, the movie will suck. My, arguably quite minor, point was that it's just not how I had pictured it. The setting of Neo-Tokyo, the names etc. all made me picture it as the main characters being Japanese, so I kinda expected them to be Japanese. If they end up going for a Japanese cast because, among other things, it would be too much to go out of their way and look for a white cast, I still wouldn't mind as long as it is a decent movie.1 point
Im sure other countries would make live action American cartoons, or American movies. Do you think they are going to go out of their way to look for white people? Battle Angel is by far one of the best live action anime movies, and I don't think they used any Japanese actors.1 point
@Serge hearltess That's an interesting video! I've watched some of Yuta's Japanese courses, and I think he explains things very well (though I haven't had time to actually practice.) I appreciate you sharing it. I do want to clarify that I am referring to if the film is moved to the New York (as the setting) and is targeting a U.S. audience. I don't see the point in changing characters with names like Kaneda, Kei, and Akira to...Causaian actors. But that said, at the end of the day, I am looking for a film that is good. If they end up changing the character's background, but make a good movie, I'll be less annoyed than if we get another Dragon Ball Evolution. I wasted money to see it in theaters, and I'm still pissed (I need to get over it XD) Ugh! And yes...the flesh monster...you know they would just CGI it up...it could look horrible if they're not careful (which...let's face it, Hollywood quite often ISN'T careful about these things...) But..maybe that's partly they had the dude who did Blade on the project for a while (anyone remember the large vampire who couldn't go anywhere?) I think he left or got booted off? I watched the video the other day...I think he was canned...Lots of people have come and gone, apparently o_O I got a little confused on who was in charge of what from the video! Is DiCaprio supposed to be the director or the producer? Then they kept talking about Waititi? I don't understand if he was supposed to be a writer, director? So many people involved! My comment about diversity (which I didn't make clear, my apologies!) was related to my first comment about them potentially moving the setting the New York. If they keep the setting in Japan, which would be my personal preference, then the characters should reflect a post-apocalyptic Japan. I totally agree with you there!1 point
Wait what? DiCaprio is making a live-action version of Akira with a potentially mostly white cast? Quite unexpected things there. It be interesting to see a live action version with the current technology. The mostly non-Japanese cast bothers me however. I'm not saying it is offensive to anyone (I haven't given that much thought). I also agree with @Blue Dragon about not caring about any Hollywood actors, but disagree about the diversity thing. Don't get be wrong, I think it's great if societies are diverse and this is also shown in media. It's just when I think about Akira, I think about Japan and always associated/seen the characters as Japanese. So in my mind I always thought that most of the people there were Japanese and that's how I pictured them. If I remember correctly some of the scientists abroad were non-Japanese, but other than that I kinda expected them to be Japanese. I wouldn't necessarily have anything against a diverse cast, but if the main characters are non-Japanese it kinda goes against how I had pictured it. At the end of the day this is not a major point, so long as the movie itself is decent.1 point
Well when they interviewed Japanese people about Scarlett Johansson playing major in ghost in the shell, they didn't care. Im not sure about a live action Akira, mostly cause the ending would have to be all special effects. It would be hard to make a giant growing mass of flesh, getting out of control making it look good.1 point
This raises a really good point about private vs public company responsibilities. Reddit, for instance, bans a lot of subreddits of things like anti-women and anti-black sentiment. (Not agreeing or disagreeing, only stating the facts) I also play quite a few online video games, and I know that certain people being banned is absolutely in the right. I'm here to play video games. If I'm watching a Hearthstone stream, I expect gameplay of Hearthstone. Blizzard admonishing players for derailing gameplay to push their political agenda doesn't sound wrong. However, Blizzard does allow - hell, even support - LGBT pride at their public games though, especially at their Overwatch events. On a closely-related note, Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey had a similar sentiment, saying "Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong." Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fetitta denounced this, saying that Morey's statement does not speak for the Houston Rockets. The difference is, Morey didn't interject this at an event; he tweeted it from his personal Twitter. It's a sticky situation for sure. I'm 100% in favor of free speech, but I also understand the sentiment that you don't want to detract from the service you're providing. At what point should companies be taking action? Even though Morey tweeted this statement from a personal perspective and Fetitta denounced it, NBA merchandise had taken down from all China markets. From an financial standpoint, it doesn't take a genius to think: But personally, I cannot disagree with this anymore than I already do. (Sorry Terra, nothing against you.) There is quite literally thousands of beautiful masterpieces created in media that are enhanced because of the political themes associated with them. Metal Gear Solid is a beautiful series built upon the foundation of "Nukes are bad". Bioshock has various themes such as "Unchecked genetic enhancements can lead to catastrophic events". Fallout also has various themes, critiquing capitalism, communism, imperialism, etc. Joker (2019) criticizes a broken system of mental health, government aid, and wealthy elites. The idea that all politics should stay out of media is just... no. Not only is it impossible; it will surely lead to us having worse media as a whole. The other choice is to silence political agendas you don't agree with, which... also no. We need to allow all ideas to be spoken, then keep refuting them as they're brought up again. If you can't refute an idea you don't agree with, then you need to rethink about why you believe in your ideas. If Blizzard and NBA want to say they're not related to these statements, that's fine. They might not want to associate their brand with certain topics. (Look how that turned out...) But silencing people on their own free time? Man, that's tough.1 point
Thing is Americans believe in free speech. You think solving things just by banning everyone who disagrees with you is a good idea, its not. The only reason Blizzard is doing this is cause they don't want to hurt the sells in China. Though Blizzard is killing off their fanbase in other countries. Just image being subbed to a blizzard game for like 10 years, and you don't agree with them, and you just get banned the next day. And thats the only reason, just cause you don't agree with them.1 point
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The gifts angle definitely means a lot more when there are kids involved. If a grown up really wants or needs something they tend to go buy it instead of waiting on the off chance someone will go buy it for them. For my sister & brother-in-law I usually buy a practical gift and then a sentimental (or funny) gift. As far as my wish list though, would still like a Nintendo Switch (of course then I would need more time and money for the games )0 points
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