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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2022 in all areas

  1. I agree. Not only that but public schools here in the US are paid for attendance, not education, so troublemakers can’t be dealt with in any way that removes them from the class. Even if you do try something like suspension, the parents come back with, “well what am I supposed to do with them?” Basically schools are a weird form of publicly subsidized daycare. If you manage to get any sort of education out of the deal then that’s likely more attributable to the parents and teacher(s) conspiring against the system than because of.
    2 points
  2. @AnimedragonIdk man, I think it says a lot about the teachers if physical harm is all they can think of to effectively punish students. Not to mention how many kids just come from bad homes and only act out because they lost the "Parent Lottery", getting smacked around at school isn't gonna make them better people. Physical punishment is just a detterant, it doesn't usually teach any lessons besides "it hurts to get hit by a thing".
    2 points
  3. Good but a little exhausted. I'm doing three art projects for my channel and building an end table for the sitting room.
    2 points
  4. I know this is probably a bad/ personal/ wrong topic but it's one that I'm deeply curious about. I personally always have this feeling of dissatisfaction, I never truely feel content with my life or what direction it's going, whether it's due to seeing the life of superstars/athletes or movies depicting this perfect life, it creates this feeling of an almost disgusting jealous that raises the question of "why can't I have that?" or "how do I achieve that?". And even if we reach that level of satisfaction it just leads to wanting more. I'd like to think there is a way to reach this level of happiness in life, where I'm not constantly dreaming of what could be or could have been when so much of life is hidden behind a layer of fakeness where only the select few ever get the chance to see. How do the rest of you feel? And yes this is a late night can't sleep kinda thought... Its 4:30am
    1 point
  5. Recharged after some D&D last night, now off to work! I feel...ugh...lol.
    1 point
  6. Just finished Kanon, I always enjoy watching this series because it has a good story and an interesting cast of characters. It tells quite a serious story but it's not without some amusing incidents and there's some really good banter between some of the characters, both in the dialogue and visually.
    1 point
  7. I've been smacked in the hand with a folder of books once in school (2017) for falling asleep but yeah I gotta agree, some of the best naps were in school especially in my last two years, so exhausted all the time! Anyway, feeling pretty good today.
    1 point
  8. Just heard some thunder. When I looked out it was raining hard & even some pellet sized hail even though the temp is in the 60s
    1 point
  9. The whole discipline thing is a complex issue with so many variables; home environment, parents, peer groups etc. I don't think anyone has really come up with an effective way of both punishing people and teaching them to be a better member of society.
    1 point
  10. thank you for the suggestions code geass is definetely one i have to try out
    1 point
  11. New as in new stuff releasing or new as in new for you? For the former, I'm not much help as I'm not caught up on new releases in Anime. For the latter I can give a few action suggestions but it depends on what you've already seen. So for Shonen action if you've not given Hunter x Hunter a shot, defiantly do, I'm currently about half way through Greed Island arc and its awesome. Highly recommend. There's also FMA: Brotherhood, that another Shonen I've watched and really enjoyed. Then there's Fate. Not sure if Fate even is Shonen, some of the series such as Apocrypha and Grand Order feel very light hearted, Shonen-like but then you got series like Fate/Zero which are closer to Seinen. But if you're looking for some really good fights that is clearly a series to check out. Then there's Code Geass, mecha-Shonen, lots of action as well and a nice easy fifty episode split into two seasons so again a easy one to sit down and watch not as complicated as Fate and all its different timelines and shows. Finally Parasyte the Maxim, this one is certainly an Action-Seinen but it probably one of the best action shows out there so defiantly worth a try. If you've seen all those, I'm sure others can recommend you some more stuff.
    1 point
  12. it is something that has to be imputed still but only see-able to your self and i think certain mods (maybe only optic him self) i can see mine but i cant see yours
    1 point
  13. @notEli anything and everything from heavy wide loads like mine machinery to explosives and dangerous goods to general to 3 - 45 foot trailers @25 tonne pay load each , livestock long distance or not australia is ad big as the us just a lot less populated the 3 shipping containers is solar panels for a solar farm , which was at the time the biggest in the southern hemisphere (i dont know if it still is)
    1 point
  14. Maybe it's because I had a very difficult upbringing (not necessarily a bad one) that's led me to appreciate life at a certain pace. My parents pretty much raised me to earn things outside of necessity. I still remember when I bought my very first cellphone. A simple, red flip phone; nothing special. Just one example of feeling ecstatic for the ability to achieve. I was very grounded to reality as a kid, and it helped me gain adaptability in the long run. There were so many problems I was able to solve by pulling up the sleeves and tinkering around in. This mentality carried over to all aspects of my life and I've found content and a sense of purpose in what I do. These days I live a relatively normal life but I continue to use my do-it-yourself experience in all sorts of creative mediums. When I used to find myself thinking "why can't I have that?" and it's in the realm of possibility to create, I'll more likely go for it and try. As for celebrities and other such people, I hold no malice or jealously. They do them but honestly, the lifestyle looks exhausting. Even traveling here and there for the best getaway vacations looks tiresome. All of the people, all of the noise. No thanks! Right now life and enjoying it with good company is the best and greatest feeling on Earth. And I have a bad track record with social media. Sometimes it gets to be too much and half of the time I don't like what I see or read.
    1 point
  15. Congratulations man! You're doing things right to be able to feel that way, hope you're able to soak it all in!
    1 point
  16. Acknowledged in career. Loved.
    1 point
  17. Welcome Chris to AF, hope you have a great time here!
    1 point
  18. Here's to a beautiful, hopeful, exciting May. Wishing everyone love and purpose and strength to do what you need to and to grow and experience new chapters. Heart breaks for Ukraine and China. Perils that are unfathomable. Take nothing for granted and keep your happiness close!
    0 points
  19. I know this is weird of me saying this on here since nobody really know me and but I just feel like I need to say it out. I'm passing trough a hard phase right now and I just want to say what is on my heart. recently I've been starting to feel pretty much nothing at all. For example when I watch anime, read manga, play video games, interact with other, listen to songs, just live a normal life, I can't feel happiness, sadness, anger and pretty much every sentiments out there. Even hope. It's as if I was a moving human shell or a robot. I've always been hard on myself and I've never tried to fix this so I don't remember how to not be hard on me and actually feel like I got weight took of my shoulder. the problem is that I'm totally lost. I don't what I should do, what I shouldn't do, how I should act, etc... and as a plus I can't stop always thinking about it. At school I always feel out of place, I'm always stressed and nobody resemble me. Even thought I'm pretty much friend with all the guys in my class. I'm sure one of you would think I should maybe do nothing so that I can resolve that problem but I know that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I do nothing. I don't want to just accept it and do as if nothing happened because for some reason I totally despise that. I don't know why for now but maybe it's because I feel like I just evaded the problem and didn't actually fight it. I don't know if it's the right thing to do or not. maybe I'm just being to hard on me again for the hundred time and it's just me not accepting reality again. When I do something good I don't feel good and when I do something bad I don't feel bad. I hate that completely and I just want to resolve my problem so that I can feel emotions again... really.
    0 points
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