I've finished watching The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. This is a slice of Life series that follows the lives, loves and aspirations of a group of high school students who all live together in Sakurasou (Sakura Hall). Sakurasou is the dormitory where their school places those students that the school authorities see as trouble makers and misfits. Misfits they may be, but trouble makers they are not, eccentric would be a better way to describe them.
The artwork and animation are good quality as is the soundtrack. The series starts off on a slightly uneven path as if it can't decide what it's supposed to be and at one point veers close to Harem Anime territory, but pulls back fairly quickly. Once it's over the uncertainness of the first few episodes the series settles down and becomes a fairly serious story, although not one without some comedy elements. I think the mix of serious and light-hearted scenes is one of the strong points of the series. Each character has his, or her, goal in life and the story follows their efforts both as individuals and as a group as they support each other and work together.
Overall, while it did get off to a slow start it quickly developed into a good and interesting series that I'd be happy to watch again.