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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello, everyone on Anime Fourm ~ I wanted to re introduce myself since its been a min that I suddenly stopped be active on here. ( I hope that's alright ) I had to attend to very personal matters and got very busy as well. So I stopped posting and being active on here, apologies for that. However I will do my best to stop by or be here when I can. Since my life is much more better now and became more busy now as well. So hello to everyone you may call me by my username. Its a pleasure to meet you all once more ! Well I shall take my leave now please take care and see you around ~ ♡
    2 points
  2. I was just wondering if anyone still plays Runescape or has ever played it. I know it's an older game and was probably the most popular back in 2002-2007, but they have Old School Runescape that came out in I think 2014? Which I still play because it's, for the most part, how it was in the 2000's. I still enjoy it because it's a game that's pretty simple to understand and I like the repetitive things like fishing, woodcutting, and crafting, that I can do while listening to music, watching tv, or just chatting with friends. It also brings back a lot of nostalgia from my childhood - teen years when I played it and met some of my best friends online there.
    1 point
  3. Curious how many people here believe in the paranormal such as ghosts/spirits/demons whatever you want to call it and if you have ever experienced anything paranormal or that you can't explain yourself. Do you think there is scientific explanations for all things that happen that have been described as "paranormal"? I have had several experiences myself which have prompted me as an adult to explore places that are considered haunted. Recently I went on a trip with my sister to Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Kentucky which is said to be the most haunted place in the USA. While I didn't experience anything weird myself while there, certain rooms did feel unsettling, particularly the death tunnel where they used to throw the bodies down after they had died from TB. I also got a rather strange image on a picture that I can't explain. My own instances of paranormal activity that I can't explain that stand out the most are when I was a child and lived in only what I can describe as a haunted house. There was the typical strange footsteps, you would see shadows, a drawer or cabinet you know you didn't open would be open. But there was also something I would hear walk across my bedroom floor every night and then sit on my bed. I never looked and I'm glad I didn't quite frankly, I don't want to know what it was. The worst incident though I believe was when I was up on the ladder to the attic. I always liked to go up there because the previous owners had left a bunch of things up there and I liked to sift around the stuff and play with it. I felt the ladder start shaking and looked down to just see a pair of hands shaking the ladder. It was that day forward that I refused to go back into the house until my mom would make me at the end of the day. I would just sit on the porch and I could still feel like something was watching me. My last incident at this house was the night before we were moving and something pushed me violently then pulled the rug out from under me. I remember that well because my mom threw a fit when she came in the living room and saw the rug on the other side of the room and didn't believe for a second what I told her what happened lol. My mom was the only one who never saw or felt anything in this house. Me and my step-dad saw and felt things and all my friends had experienced things to the point they refused to come over to my house anymore. Recently I have been experiencing some strange things in my current house. Lights turning on/off by themselves. A heater that can only be turned on by turning a knob on it coming on by itself. Also this past week the stove was on by itself when no one has touched the stove recently. It made me start thinking about the house I lived in as a child. I suppose paranormal activity has to be just taken on someone's word since most people don't believe it unless they experience it themselves which is fair. I always try to look for scientific reasons to explain anything I experience instead of jumping to the conclusion it was ghosts but in this incident of the home I lived in as a child I have never found rationale reasons for all I experienced. I am really interesting in if you have paranormal stories or unexplained happenings yourself to talk about though!
    1 point
  4. Welcome back to the Insanity! Enjoy your time here, just watch out for *ducks flying Mi-go*. Dammit! Who keeps opening THAT door?? *chases after the escapee while yelling* Anyways, glad you're back!
    1 point
  5. Welcome back. Don't feel bad about not being able to post very often, we all live busy lives and fully understand that some people have more time to spend visiting the forum than others.
    1 point
  6. Mom let me get a game and I knew what I wanted when I saw it: Wolf Simulator: RPG Survival Animal Battle. I've always had a love for wolves. I don't know why or how or even how to describe why I love them, but I've loved them ever since I was a little kid. Sometimes I even wish I was one because of how much I hate being human sometimes. I'm going to dive right into it after posting this. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
    1 point
  7. Pretty chilly today which I liked. I get confused in the afternoons though with what to wear because it's freezing in the mornings and warmer in the afternoons.
    1 point
  8. I feel pretty content and happy, since I have a better life now with my family, boyfriend and cat ♡
    1 point
  9. That is so amazingly excellent. The autumn colours are so vibrant and the way everything is merged together is just wonderful.
    1 point
  10. I detect a dishwashing war breaking out over multiple topics . I gift you some doves of peace.
    1 point
  11. Oh dear, it sounds like @Zeref is in trouble.
    1 point
  12. It is I assure you. It's one the best lenticular 3D images I've seen. This photo doesn't really do it justice, but it gives a good idea of what it looks like.
    1 point
  13. I'm annoyed! For the past couple of months I've been looking forward to visiting a heritage steam railway's autumn gala this weekend. Today I found out that due to engineering work between my station and the station for the heritage line I can't get there.
    0 points
  14. Weird weather here. It keeps changing, bright and sunny one moment then torrential rain the next.
    0 points
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