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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2024 in all areas

  1. I've had exams for the end of the semester this week and it's been a little crazy so I haven't had time to do much else. I did find time to do the Christmas event on OSRS with some friends and that's about all x.x
    5 points
  2. Dear forum friends. Thank you all so much for all your messages of support and consolation following the death of my friend, they were greatly appreciated. One of the things I like about this forum is the family spirit, which is an aspect so often missing from many other forums.
    4 points
  3. I did the Christmas event on OSRS with some friends and @Zeref Additional screenies:
    4 points
  4. Sorry to hear that about your friend @Animedragon :c ~ As for me, today and this whole week really have just been stressful with exams.
    4 points
  5. That is one of the best things about AF and why I continue to come back after all these years.
    3 points
  6. Ya I really wanted the ice skating rink too, that was fun last year : / Everyone was actually doing stuff together in a Christmas event instead of just flying through it which I felt like most of this years was just hurry up and do it as fast as possible ~ I didn't care for or like any of the rewards. It all got discarded to store at Diango's, except the phats and santa's which are just thrown into the bank on top of the other million I have lmao It was a cute event, I thought the dog idea was adorable but would've been better if we'd all got a pet dog or something from it
    3 points
  7. It was snowing a little earlier and I guess it's supposed to more over night but I don't think anything will stick.
    3 points
  8. It would have been nice but it wasn't possible this year to do that. Maybe suggest that for next year I know people seem to have liked the ice skating rinks and achievements in it.
    3 points
  9. I've been more on this milk chocolate caramel addiction by the lindt or the one with Ghirardelli.
    3 points
  10. im new to this website and still learning about its quirks. also created this account to share some of my digital arts, this is my first post. personal art blog
    2 points
  11. I've still not been able to find something to make smores out of, but I did find these rather nice little treats. They're a sort of sandwich with two chocolate Oreo biscuits and an ice cream filling that has chocolate pieces in it, they're about 2 inches or so in diameter and very tasty . They came in a box of 6, but I don't think they'll last very long.
    2 points
  12. Rally in Fally to bring back ice skating rinks lol
    2 points
  13. Finally Pessi has put a box over his head
    2 points
  14. Cloudy with some pretty hard wind gusts here and there.
    2 points
  15. Finishing up every thing I need to do to lock my house up and get ready for in the morning. I'll be on a flight early morning heading back to the US to visit with @Sakura and @Zeref over the Christmas holiday.
    2 points
  16. I am watching 4 on-going ones : Dan da dan Ranma 1/2 Blue Box Blue Lock 2. Apart from the currently airing, it is : Black Clover Saiki
    2 points
  17. No, not many ~ I give one to my mom and I tape one to a present for my dad/step-mom because they like getting and reading those cards but that's really about it. Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding? If you haven't done either which would you rather learn how to do?
    2 points
  18. I usually use a sheet with my duvet/comforter as well. That being said though I have a lot of blankets on my bed. I usually have my sheet, duvet, a couple fuzzy blankets, sometimes a weighted blanket, and several of those fuzzy fluffy throw blankets strewn around my bed. I kinda build a nest when I sleep in all these blankets and get very warm, comfy, cozy. Mostly in the Winter though, in the Summer I can get by with just a sheet over me ~
    2 points
  19. I really like those peppermint things too lol I like the peppermint Lindor thingys ~
    2 points
  20. Snowing, I see beautiful snow flakes falling in my window.
    2 points
  21. It was snowing earlier we are having a snow squall alert this evening.
    2 points
  22. Okay I finished trying it to I came out with these outcomes.
    2 points
  23. We have duvets and sheets on our beds but most of the time my sheets end up on the floor or tangled at the bottom of the bed.
    2 points
  24. I finished work and played the same game I work on but for fun this time
    2 points
  25. Peppermint white chocolate candy bars are topping my snack list so far this Christmas.
    2 points
  26. Age: 11 Height: Around 5 Feet Gender: Male Hello, fellow AF members! I am really (really.) bad at drawing, and I don't watch anime much, but I LOVE manga! I'm reading Mission Yozakura Family, A Sign Of Affection, One Piece, ect. I like discussing anime and manga a bunch, and I play COD on my Xbox 360, and I'm christian. I don't know what else to say so why don't you guys reading ask me questions and I promise I will do my best to respond quickly!
    1 point
  27. thanks man! Not to advertise but I did make a blog about a vacation I had if you're interested!
    1 point
  28. I have a few extra. If there was a way to teleport them over to her, I would gladly let her borrow some.
    1 point
  29. I'm at the airport waiting for my flight I'll be there tonight :V
    1 point
  30. I posted all my Christmas cards and wrapped the last few presents. I'm worryingly organised this year! .
    1 point
  31. Oh I'm so sorry for your lost I hope even I though I'm late, he may rest in peace, How he is bedridden?
    1 point
  32. Q: Where's Sakura? A: She's somewhere under that mountain of blankets!
    1 point
  33. REEEEEEEEEEEE I saw it already but I'll say it again ~ it turned out really awesome n you did a greatttt job
    1 point
  34. Not even in the slightest. Thinking and computing are two entirely different realms. Computing is processing data given, thinking is the processing of ideas originating within your mind. Babies develop both by genetics and their environment. They also do not mimic mannerisms to learn, but rather emulate. A good example of this is when a young girl plays kitchen with her toys. She isn't copying her mother and doing exactly what she saw her do in the real kitchen, she's acting out what it would be like if it were her cooking in the kitchen. There's a personal touch that emerges as a consequence of our mind determining on its own things to change or improve on what we've seen. And at those younger ages we can generally know that it isn't from ten other outside influences that she may have, it's her own creativity.
    1 point
  35. Assist them in their tickle assault on Orion.
    1 point
  36. I'm sorry your friend passed away. As @chk said it sounds like he had a very long life and I'm sure many good memories. I hope you and their family and other friends are doing alright.
    1 point
  37. Nice results Pessi. I still need to do mine.
    1 point
  38. Foggy earlier in the week but then the winds came and blew it all away. Not so bad in the immediate area where I am but over in Ventura county where my aunt lives it is apparently blowing pretty good. And of course here in SoCal wind means fires. This time it is Malibu getting hit. At only a couple thousand acres it isn't a big fire (for around here) but lots of high-value real estate is at risk so it's getting a lot of attention. Some property destroyed already and evacuations of a couple thousand people have been ordered.
    1 point
  39. I don't know about this year's rewards plus I wish the ice skating rink returned.
    1 point
  40. I don't know either of you but living to his nineties is very impressive and I'm sure he have had lived a fulfilling life. I'm sorry for you and your friend.
    1 point
  41. Whip cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, candy cane on the side, peppermint pieces and marshmallow. Did you ever believe in Santa?
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Figure.09 - Linkin Park (Official Audio)
    1 point
  44. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution I've collected "Immortal Phoenix" and "Sphere Mode" now after getting The Winged Dragon of Ra (the 3 cards are the different forms of the Egyptian God Card Ra), but after reading all 3 cards (thoroughly) I've noticed that I need cards to either add the original God Card to my hand or deck in order to be able to efficiently use it the way I envision. There's a Continuous Spell Card in Kaiba's Booster Pack called "Legacy of the Duelist" that allows a card to be added from the graveyard to the hand, but I only have 1 of them so far. Sphere Mode can be Tributed to bring out Ra from the Hand or Deck though, so I'm trying to find out about a card that returns a card to the deck now. The only one I've found so far is Des Feral Imp which is a Flip Effect Fiend that adds a card from the graveyard to the deck after being flipped, but I was more hoping to find Spell or Trap cards that f could use. I might have to go with Legacy of the Duelist, but I'll need 2 more in order to put 3 in my deck in case one gets destroyed or removed from the field after I put it into play. So, for now, I can't efficiently use the 3 Ra cards which has led to me putting Obelisk the Tormentor as the deck's Egyptian God Card that I'm using right now. Fortunately I've got Seven Tools of the Bandit (negate a trap card at the cost of 1000 Life Points) and, sadly, only 2 Majic Jammer (negate a Spell card at the cost of discarding a card from the hand) cards. But instead of a 3rd Magic Jammer, I've put Magic Drain (negate a Spell card unless the opponent discards 1 Spell card) )in the deck in its place, but I've put Obelisk the Tormentor in the deck I'm using right now along with Ancient Lamp x 3, La Jinn x 3, Dark Blade x 3, Pitch-Dark Dragon x 2, Kiryu x 2, Morphing Jar x 1, Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight x 1, Kaiser Vorse Raider x 1, Puppet King x 1, King of the Swamp x 2, Polymerization x 3, , Fusion Recovery x 1, Kunai with Chain x 3, Monster Reborn x 1, Call of the Haunted x 1, Mirror Force x 1, Mirror Force Launcher x 1, Proof of Powerlessness x 1, Ring of Destructin x 1, Magic Cylinder x 1. That's my 40 card deck which is a deck size maximum I've never actually been able to do well, but I'm learning how to keep it at 40 to improve the odds of Drawing the cards I need when I need them. I wanted to add cards to assist with Drawing, but that's what Morphing Jar is for. I had Thunder Dragons mixed into the deck before with a Makiu (since I only have 1 so far), but I switched them out for my current deck experiment. Extra Deck: Dark Blade the Dragon Knight x 3, First of the Dragons x 2 (waiting for a 3rd one), Caimgorgon, Antiluminescent Knight x 2, Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x 1 (I only have 1 so far). I've won a good amount of Duels with this experimental deck though whereas I clearly need to fine-tune the previous version that had the Thunder Dragons in the mix. Based on what I can remember the cards that were in the previous version of this Obelisk the Tormentor deck though, it still had Dark Blade x 3, Kiryu x 2, Pitch-Dark Dragon x 2, Kunai with Chain x 3, Strike Slash x 3, it didn't have Morphing Jar or King of the Swamp, Fusion Recovery x 1 was still in it though, Thunder Dragon x 3 (the green Level 5 Thunder Type cards that can be fused into Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon of which I had 3 of in the Extra Deck), Thunder Dragonhawk x 1 (Deck), Thunder Dragon Titan x 3 (Extra Deck) And I think several other Fusion cards of the Thunder Dragon archetype. I'm not sure how many Thunder Dragon card variants are in the game, but I aim to find out after getting 2 more Legacy of the Duelist for my Ra deck. I even put Riryoku x 3 in it, but quickly realized I needed to draw cards which is why I at least added King of the Swamp x 2 and Morphing Jar x 1. I was really expecting to crush any opposition, but was quickly trapped in a frustrating losing streak, so that's what prompted me to change the cards to the ones that are in the Experimental Obelisk Deck (Dark Tormentor is what I've named it because of Dark Blade and it being the most versatile card with its 2 Union cards Kiryu and Pitch-Dark Dragon), Thunderous Tormentor was what I named the failed experimental Thunder Dragon / Dark Blade / Obelisk Deck. I keep resisting the urge to add a 3rd Kiryu and a 3rd Pitch-Dark Dragon though because I can just recover those 2 cards with Fusion Recovery, Monster Reborn, or Call of the Haunted. I can really drive myself crazy. lol I'll be further working on the deck because I'm frickin determined to make a good Obelisk the Tormentor deck that does NOT involve a losing streak. >< >< >< >< ><
    1 point
  45. Wooo I have a place to sleep :V
    1 point
  46. I saw it's out now but I'm waiting for you two so we can do it together.
    1 point
  47. I was able to follow along contrary to what I was afraid of. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I'm working on a Kaiba Christmas sig to post here as my result, too. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
    1 point
  48. Leave a watermelon on her porch every day for a fortnight making her slowly go mad wondering where these melons are coming from.
    1 point
  49. Really like that a lot Lillie you did a great job with the coloring and everything.
    1 point
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