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Experimenting with forums..
Cute avatar, which anime title is that from? :)
it's Mihoshi Akeno from Sora no Manimani (-:
Black Rock Shooter and Insane Black Rock Shooter galleries now complete!
And now working on Tohka Yatogami gallery.
Now working on Fear - C3 gallery.
Kotori Itsuka - Date a Live gallery in progress.
Lunamaria Hawke (Gundam SEED Destiny) and Yui Hirasawa (K-ON!) galleries have been completed. :)
Broke the main website. Fixing. xD
Brainstorming ideas for more broad anime pages...
Sword Art Online II Episode Guide updated to include episode 02: Ice Sniper.
SAO2 and Sailor Moon Crystal soon.
Tweaking the forum skin and adding emoticons.
Finished three Attack on Titan galleries. :)
*poke* Nice cover image Rin!
Thanks. All I really did was put a bunch of icons I had together and then slap a logo with Rin's name on it, but I think it turned out well. All of those icons are avatars I have used in the past and/or still use frequently.
Currently working on Otanashi and Angel (Tenshi) galleries for Angel Beats.
Angel Beats section launched!
Renamon gallery (Digimon Tamers) now complete!
Working on Renamon gallery.
Working on Digimon 02 section.
Gundam SEED episode guide FINALLY COMPLETE! :D
43/51... for epguide. Almost there..................................
Gundam SEED epguide 37/51 complete, getting closer!!! :)
Gundam SEED epguide 33/51 complete...
Gundam SEED episode guide 30/51 complete.
STILL working on Gundam SEED episode guide. Will get there. ;)