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Status Replies posted by Deeath

  1. A bit late, but happy Pride Month to all 🌈

    1. Deeath


      happy pride month to you too Myouya! <333 
      Thank you for being so supportive during these times!!

  2. Camelia doll has a new wig~ She just got back from a friend's place where they fixed her makeup!


  3. Hello everyone!! Once again, I have returned! Great to be back! I have been offline for awhile, due to exams soon coming up...so...that being said...STUDYING STUDYING STUDYING! But, I will be Online more!! Yippie!! 

  4. How was your holidays? I’m a little late to asking.

    1. Deeath


      Chaotic as usual, but manageable...
      How was yours? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Sorry, but when I saw your new pfp gif I immediately thought of Derek Zoolander’s Blue Steel pose


    (there’s definitely something wrong with my brain) 😆😂

    1. Deeath


      Nothing wrong with that, just still a funny man! ^^

  6. Damar Hamiln (24 years old) of the Buffalo Bills in critical condition after making a tackle in tonight’s game in Cincinnati. Praying for the best 🙏 

    1. Deeath


      This is terrible!
      Just finding this out now :( wishing him the best, cardiac arrest is horrible...really hope he is doing well, wishing him luck!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Happy new year!


    1. Deeath


      Happy New Year to you too! :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Who wants to join my Pangayke Sorcery Club?








  10. Wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive lol

  11. Happy Halloween!! (or at least in my timezone)

    I wish the spookiest spooks to you all

    1. Deeath


      Decided to do some corpse paint! For my black metal loving soul!!!!

      The children were scared of me, I was giving out candy - and nobody came up to me - lol, so I just put out a sign with the bowl that said "Take 2 please" but still love the corpse paint \m/!!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Everyone in my school need to run 3km… I want to go sleep T_T

    1. Deeath


      That's insanity! Start a riot!!! >:) 

      Hope you get some good sleep though!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Went to visit my mom last night for Saturday evening dinner.  She's in a memory care / assisted living situation and when I got there they were doing a karaoke(?) activity.  I'm not a great singer myself but this was ... something else.  🙉   At least everyone seemed to be having a good time.  :D

    1. Deeath


      Sorry to hear about your mother, Mr. Vark - but I'm glad there was a good time in the mix! Positivity always brings out the light at the end of a dark tunnel. :angel:

  14. Crunchyroll is shutting down it’s forum boards at the end of the month https://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-1076682/forum-legacy-features-going-away-on-november-1st-2022

    I rarely participated there except for the seasonal & annual awards threads, but will miss it. Increasingly forums seem to be a dying breed with people more interested in Discord & Twitch, and other social media options.

    Please note, this will not impact it’s streaming service, though they apparently will launch an updated site. Hopefully they’ll get some of the recent bugs resolved.

    1. Deeath


      Sucks to see them remove the forum feature! 
      I hop around forums a lot, and enjoy them...kinda sucks to see them die off...
      Mostly Crunchyroll's :( 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Enjoy my Witchy Pangaykes to scare off you know who!


    1. Deeath



      Save some for me? :D
      Lemme take a flag too! ^V^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Aarrgghhh!!!!!!!!

    I've just discovered that mice, or some similar rodent, has been eating the top of my car's screen wash bottle!  😡



    1. Deeath


      Oh no! Little rascal! >:3
      he kinda cute tho? :0 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. I have just found out about the icky transphobic discussions other mods had in the Staff forums a couple of years ago, and I am pretty disappointed.

    I just want to know that if any instance of this happens again I will root it out the moment I learn about it, I will not tolerate bigotry.

    If I miss any, please point it out to me.

    1. Deeath


      As a trans guy, this disappoints me as well. 
      Thank you for the support Myouya. <3

  18. just posted the revamped version of my "City Morgue" poster!

    would love to know your thoughts! \m/ >:]

    1. Deeath



      thank you my friend! :)
      I did spend over 2 in a half days on it, so the appreciation is appreciated! ^^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Just read that there may be enough uranium in coal that it might actually be marketable.  Of course uranium isn't flammable so when you burn the coal the uranium just winds up in the ash pile with the rest of the unburnables, like cadmium, arsenic, and lead.  But that's ok because the regs say it is.  😱

    BTW, I never understood why radioactive material is EVIL while stuff like arsenic is ok.  I mean, just the fact that it is radioactive means that at least it'll all go away.  Eventually.  That's what "half life" means.  Something that has a half life of 10 years will be half gone in 10 years.  As opposed to the arsenic which will be around literally forever causing trouble.

    Not that I'd want to eat either one of course.  :D

    1. Deeath


      Your argument is valid, Vark - and thanks for the info too! 
      And "Half-Life" I haven't heard anyone say that in awhile---- ^^' a lot of people don't really believe in that stuff, the way that chemicals can affect things...

  20. would you walk?


    1. Deeath


      @efaardvarkhopefully! but i assure you there are skin snatchers! 
      at the end, if you make it out alive - there will be a buffet 😁

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Hey there! 🙃

    1. Deeath


      Hello, friend
      Good to welcome you back - 💀

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