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Everything posted by Deeath

  1. Recently! It has been humid and rainy...although, cooler during the nights!
  2. Greetings fellow traveller, welcome to the chaos and adventures of all weebs! Enjoy your time here, and make some new friends and mingle a lil' bit, anyhoo! Enjoy your stay!
  3. Welcome to the forums, fellow anime lover! Enjoy the chaos, and enjoy the fun! Glad to see more peeps showin' up! Much love!
  4. Deeath

    Summer School

    @Wild Emotion& @Animedragon Thank you both for your words! Once again, extremely sorry for not being too active, I had a LOT of issues going on, causing me to get hospitalized. But I'm back! And hopefully for a good while <33 Much love!
  5. A typical anime to watch, but a very good one...in my opinion. JJBA (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure) This is a pretty well known anime, but, I decided to catch up on the parts, as of now, I'm on part 2... After this, I also wanna watch Slayers as I haven't watched that yet, and it being an older anime (My Fav kind of Anime), I decided I wanna take a look at it! To those who have watched it (Slayers), Is it worth the watch?
  6. Deeath

    Summer School

    WELL! Summer school has been...a journey, I started my first day today..which means, dread. Although, I see some of my friends in here, so all is well. But I will say, I have no idea what Im doing... Math is what Im recovering for my credit recovery, and its no fun...anyways...
  7. Hey gang, been awhile :) 
    Nice being back..!

  8. I have finished the Exams...4hrs of non stop testing....

    1. Animedragon


      That sounds exhausting! You need to take some time out and relax in a comfortable chair while watching some anime. 🙂

      I hope you get good results from all those exams.

  9. Hello everyone!! Once again, I have returned! Great to be back! I have been offline for awhile, due to exams soon coming up...so...that being said...STUDYING STUDYING STUDYING! But, I will be Online more!! Yippie!! 

  10. I have returned!!! :)

  11. "If you have time to fantasize about a beautiful end, then just live beautifully 'til the end." - Gintoki Sakata "It lets me stand on my feet, it lets me walk forward without trembling. If I stop here, I feel like it would break... My soul will break." - Gintoki Sakata "I promise, I'll come back." - Akira Fudo "Demons exist, there could be one right next to you." - Ryo Asuka
  12. How is your day going? 
    :) How's the weather?

    1. Myouya


      Greetings to you, fellow inhabitant of the Anime Forums!
      My day is treating me properly enough, the weather is rainy, all is fantastic. I hope it fares similarly well for yourself!

  13. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Enjoy the chaos, and your time here - and make some new friends and mingle around... If you ever need recommendations, make sure to check out the Recommendations Thread !
  14. High of 60 degrees, rainy, gloomy, gross. A Humidity of 89% and winds of 11 mph... On the forecast, it says that today will be (likely) our last day in the 60's before it drops back down to the 40's and 30's.
  15. Just earned the 1 year in badge! 
    Been an awesome 1 year here!

  16. 368 The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20-meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
  17. I am 18, I started watching anime with my dad when I was 4, but got seriously into it when I was 8. It's great.
  18. Downloaded R6S - again - and - absolutely love Tachanka... My MAN!!! I mean...look at this skin...EEUUGGHHH!!! AHHHH!! Dad bod? Russian? Tattoos? PERFECTION!
  19. So, uh, yeah - this is the thread where you can post your favourite songs! Upcoming songs, etc etc... Make sure these songs follow the guidelines! I know some vocaloid songs can get crazy, anyhoo! I'll start. Let's start off with a classic. Another one is 'Puzzle Heart' - by Mr Kitty, featuring Hatsune Miku! It's a mix of electronic synth + vocaloid when it comes to Hatsune's part! It's quite a lovely song, and awesome to listen to. And lastly... !!! Enjoy! Show off your favourite songs!
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