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Status Replies posted by Animedragon

  1. Thanks @Pangin1145 for being a very nice and writing a good blog and the gift. Good news I passed my science exam with a high score of 78% woop woop. 

    nichijou-spin.gif — MyFigureCollection.net

  2. Thanks @Pangin1145 for being a very nice and writing a good blog and the gift. Good news I passed my science exam with a high score of 78% woop woop. 

    nichijou-spin.gif — MyFigureCollection.net

    1. Animedragon


      Congratulations on passing your science exam with such a high mark.  Well done you!


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. @Animedragon cool new background to your forum avy. Kind looks like an alchemy circle from FMA or at least rune-like. And the green background with red lettering in addition to looking cool fits well with the upcoming Christmas season.

    Meant to post this to Animedragon’s profile page but didn’t realize my mistake until it was too late & won’t let me change or delete now <sigh> anyway …

    1. Animedragon


      Thank you. I felt that the old plain grey background was a bit boring and I thought the pattern looked sort of Celtish (is that a word?) and fitted in with the dragon.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I don't really like to share too many personal stuff about me though I wanted to let everyone know I have to go away for a while.  An opportunity happned to me im going start doing and I don't have time to really be on here or make graphics. I apologize though this is life changing for me and need to focus on things IRL right now for a while.

    I know no one really in depth knew me on AF. I appreciate everyone who was kind, nice and helpful towards me. You are all wonderful people I hope this place grows more popular. Thank you for the short time making me feel welcomed and matter. Till next time we met please take care people of AF~

    Kikyou 💛🌿

    1. Animedragon


      We'll miss you Kikyou, but when a good opportunity presents itself to you, you have to consider it carefully and if it seems right for you you should take it..

      I wish you all the best in the future and hope that one day you'll visit us again.  Until then take care of yourself.

  5.  ⭐ Check out Kikyou's Cosy Art Room to see if your on the gift list ~ 

  6. I'm taking down my graphic art thread and possibly post them in a blog im making on AF. I wasn't getting too many people stopping by. So I didn't want to get into trouble posting a lot as well. I apologize and thank you to thoughs who gave the little comments about liking my work. I suppose I can't keep up as well with everyone else. If you want to still see my graphics let me know.

    @Myouya If you could delete my art thread or lock it I'd very much appreciate it.

    1. Animedragon


      I'm sad to hear that you're taking down your graphic art thread, I always enjoyed looking at your beautiful graphics and would like to see more of them. I don't think you'd get into trouble for posting a lot of artworks on your thread.  As for keeping up with everyone else, don't worry about that, we're not in competition to see who can post the most, quality is much more important than quantity, and yours certainly have quality.  Lack of visitors when you've made a lot of effort in creating something can be quite depressing, I know this from my YT channel, I spend hours going out and filming and hours editing my videos and they don't really get many views. When I look at the stats and find that, yes the video eventually got 100 views but only 5% of the viewers watched all of it and the average watch time was 50 seconds it can be quite depressing. But I press on and continue making videos because it's something I enjoy doing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. I split yogurt in my backpack, my psp 1000 stopped working, but on the brighter side lunch is soon and Ima get drippy cheese nachos. 

    1. Animedragon


      Spilt yogurt in a backpack sounds like a nasty mess, is that why your PSP 1000 stopped working?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm still trying to type up replies to messages sent to me, but I haven't forgotten any of you. There's been a new development at home that I'm hesitant to tell anyone at all. Things are just not ideal right now and I'm having more difficulty than ever trying to get a grip on things. I don't want any of you to worry or anything, but I wanted to say something so it wouldn't look like I was ignoring anyone, because I'm honestly not. ><

    1. Animedragon


      No worries, I didn't think you were ignoring me because I know you have difficulties at home. Just reply whenever you can and in the meantime take care of yourself.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. I feel like I don't belong and I'm not good enough here, that's why I disappeared if anyone noticed which is alright if not. Emotions you truly got to love them as well adulting. 😖

    1. Animedragon


      You DO belong here and you ARE good enough to be here and yes your absence was noticed. I for one really miss seeing your beautiful artwork.


  10. I can't believe it's already time to start thinking about Christmas and Christmas presents. Or even that it's already about to be the end of 2024. It feels like this year has went really fast. 

    1. Animedragon


      Yes, Christmas is nearly upon us. I finished designing my Christmas card for this year the other day and prepared the file to send to the printers. I've created my own Christmas cards and had them commercially printed for the last 10 years or so because I've never really liked the one that are available in the shops.

      Each year always seems to go past quickly, and the older you get the faster they go past.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey guys, A lot has happened in these past days since Tuesday and I need some time to think I will wright a post about it in like a couple weeks, thanks for being supportive and understanding. I need to study right now. I will be back after school dies down. 

    k on! k on gif | WiffleGifstudying be like

    1. Animedragon


      It's annoying when school gets in the way of important things isn't it 😀 😃.

      Best wishes for the studying.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Lately started getting an email from CR each season showing how much anime I watched on their site. Kinda cool.

    Spring 2024 (April-June): 108 hrs, 266 eps

    Summer 2024 (July-Sept): 101 hrs, 257 eps

    1. Animedragon


      The warning about clicking links in unexpected e-mails is very good advice.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Lately started getting an email from CR each season showing how much anime I watched on their site. Kinda cool.

    Spring 2024 (April-June): 108 hrs, 266 eps

    Summer 2024 (July-Sept): 101 hrs, 257 eps

    1. Animedragon


      I haven't had those yet. Interesting, but I'm not sure I really want to see how much time I spend watching anime (I already know that it's quite a lot 🙂)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm still very nervous to be back here , though its nice this fourm is even still up and running. Ive seen it full of wonderful people so far I met or seen around posting. Apologies If  I dont talk much if you seen me around here, still cautious and nervous. You got to love social anxiety. o,.,o

    1. Animedragon


      I can understand you being nervous and cautious, both of which are good traits on social media. I expect that there's a lot of "new faces" since you were last here, including me.  In the just under 3 years I've been here I've found that all the people I've met here are nice people and I've never had anything nasty or offensive said or directed to me.

      So take your time to get reacquainted with the forum and its members and join in when and where you feel confident to do so.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Why almost all forums have NEW tag in front of them? 


    1. Animedragon


      It's because they contain posts that you haven't read yet.

      To the left of the forum section's name you'll see a little speech bubble if you click on that it will mark that forum as "read" and the "New" tag will vanish.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. The town we live in has 2 active wildfires in the surrounding area, so there's a very real possibility that we might have to evacuate. Honestly though I don't think we'll be as lucky as we have in the past. I think this is the year the town here will need to rebuild houses, but I'm not known for being optimistic.

    1. Animedragon


      "Pretty nerve racking" must be the understatement of the year! I'd be terrified if there was a couple of wildfires near my town, I've seen videos of how fast those fires can travel.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. The town we live in has 2 active wildfires in the surrounding area, so there's a very real possibility that we might have to evacuate. Honestly though I don't think we'll be as lucky as we have in the past. I think this is the year the town here will need to rebuild houses, but I'm not known for being optimistic.

    1. Animedragon


      Two wildfires near your home sounds really bad news. I hope your local fire fighters can get the fires under control and you won't have to evacuate and if you do I sincerely hope that you will have a house to come back to. Above all look after yourself and stay safe.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. I thought I would be spending my birthday with just @Zeref on Saturday since moving out of state, which while I am glad he is here, it felt kind of lonely. I found out my dad, step-mom and sister are flying in for the weekend on Friday to visit though and I am soooo happy! 🥳

    1. Animedragon


      @Sakura If I understand things correctly, birthday greetings are in order for today.

      I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and have a great time celebrating with your family.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Spent to much on camera equipment during primeday. Pulled the plug on a full frame mirror-less camera upgrading from a old Nikon D60.

    1. Animedragon


      It's easy to spend too much money on camera equipment.

      Just about anything is an upgrade from a Nikon D60, but it is a nice beginners camera.

  20. I hereby apologize to the rest of the world for the sorry state of US politics.  I've tried my best.  I have not voted for either the Dumbos or the Repugs for the last several decade now but I live in a republic and there's not much more I can do.  Trying to vote rationally in the US is a lot like swimming against a tide of rabid lemmings determined to be the first over the edge.

    Two takeaways from the "debate" from my point of view...

    • First, unless they really, really, really want Trump to win, the Deez need to find a new candidate immediately.  At this point even they realize that.  Probably.  Of course knowing them they'll probably pick Clinton again.
    • All Trump really needed to do for the win was to keep his mouth shut and let Biden speak whatever was on his mind.  Amazingly, he actually managed to do it.  (For the most part.)  WTF??  Maybe he's had a lot of practice holding back in court recently and that has carried over into his political speaking in public outside the courtroom.  Maybe the age of miracles is not over.  Whatever.  I still think he's beyond hope as a human being but after last night I'll allow that there's a real chance he could be reincarnated as a cicada instead of a bedbug in the next life.

    Not that I'm endorsing either camp, just to be perfectly clear.  Overall the "debate" didn't change my views on either the parties or the candidates.  If anything the opposite in fact.  I was sure going in that there was nothing good that would come of the event and it did not fail to fail to be something the nation could be proud of.  At this point even if you held a gun to my head I'd pick the guy with the boot on his head over either of the candidates on stage last night.  The most succinct post-commentary remark that I've seen online so far was: "The winner of yesterday's presidential debate was the Voyager probe, currently in interstellar space and headed away from Earth at 17 miles per second."  I wholeheartedly agree.  Personally I'm still hoping the Starship works out.  And the sooner the better.

    1. Animedragon


      I think a lot of people here in the UK won't bother to vote on Thursday, and I can't really blame them. Years ago at General Elections the three main parties told us all the good things they'd do for us if we voted for them, nowadays their message is more along the lines of telling us all the bad things that will happen to us if we don't vote for them.

      It seems that the choice is no longer to vote for the party we think best, but to vote for the one we think is the least worse.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. I hereby apologize to the rest of the world for the sorry state of US politics.  I've tried my best.  I have not voted for either the Dumbos or the Repugs for the last several decade now but I live in a republic and there's not much more I can do.  Trying to vote rationally in the US is a lot like swimming against a tide of rabid lemmings determined to be the first over the edge.

    Two takeaways from the "debate" from my point of view...

    • First, unless they really, really, really want Trump to win, the Deez need to find a new candidate immediately.  At this point even they realize that.  Probably.  Of course knowing them they'll probably pick Clinton again.
    • All Trump really needed to do for the win was to keep his mouth shut and let Biden speak whatever was on his mind.  Amazingly, he actually managed to do it.  (For the most part.)  WTF??  Maybe he's had a lot of practice holding back in court recently and that has carried over into his political speaking in public outside the courtroom.  Maybe the age of miracles is not over.  Whatever.  I still think he's beyond hope as a human being but after last night I'll allow that there's a real chance he could be reincarnated as a cicada instead of a bedbug in the next life.

    Not that I'm endorsing either camp, just to be perfectly clear.  Overall the "debate" didn't change my views on either the parties or the candidates.  If anything the opposite in fact.  I was sure going in that there was nothing good that would come of the event and it did not fail to fail to be something the nation could be proud of.  At this point even if you held a gun to my head I'd pick the guy with the boot on his head over either of the candidates on stage last night.  The most succinct post-commentary remark that I've seen online so far was: "The winner of yesterday's presidential debate was the Voyager probe, currently in interstellar space and headed away from Earth at 17 miles per second."  I wholeheartedly agree.  Personally I'm still hoping the Starship works out.  And the sooner the better.

    1. Animedragon


      Looking across from the other side of the pond I agree with @Sakura in having trouble believing that Trump and Biden are the best candidates that America has to offer for its top job. But then again I have the same problem with the candidates for the job of Prime Minister in our election this week. But at least both are under state retirement age.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Another Falcon Heavy launch.  (This one for the GOES-U weather satellite)  I love watching the two side boosters come back and land.  That never gets old.


    1. Animedragon


      Amazing video, that camera covering the launch has an impressive lens to be able to follow the Falcon for so long.

      Every time I watch those side boosters come back and land I think that all those people who said that Thunderbirds 1 & 3 couldn't make a tail first landing were wrong.

  23. Apparently "Thermonator" is the trade name for the flamethrowing "dogs" in Fahrenheit 451.  Available now for <$10k, free shipping included.

    1. Animedragon


      That's interesting, but the question that occurs to me is why would anyone want a flamethrowing robot dog?

      It would be a perfect gadget for a hi-tech pyromaniac. 😱

  24. Practicing kanji makes my brain hurt 😧

    1. Animedragon


      I'm certain that practising kanji would make my brain hurt too. 🙂

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. TGIF!

    1. Animedragon


      This is true.



      (I was going to make a different comment, but it would have been mean, and I'm not a mean person)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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