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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. It's cloudy, dull, overcast, raining, cold and miserable. And I can't stay in because I've got to go shopping to get some food.
  2. 267 Will your goldfish go to heaven?
  3. I'm currently watching the current series of Abandoned Engineering. It's a fascinating and informative programme that tells the stories of abandoned buildings, structures and objects from around the world. It's sometimes sad to see places where great discoveries that changed the way we see our world were made, it's always shocking to see places where people were treated like slaves and worked until they died either from starvation, exhaustion or diseases caused by the areas they were forced to work.
  4. The You're Under Arrest Mini Specials are quite good fun, while it helps to have watched the series it's not essential. Also worth considering is Kurogane Communication, it's an interesting little series about a bunch of robots looking after a young girl in a post-apocalyptic world. It has 24 episodes, but they're only 15 minutes long.
  5. One of the strange things that happened to me was that when I had a lot of work on I was told that my manager had arranged for a temp to come in the next day to help out, when they arrived it turned out to be a former colleague I'd worked with 20 or so years ago.
  6. Hoshi no koe / Voices of a distant star. Which is slightly unusual as it's a manga based on an anime rather than the other way round. It's only one volume of 230 pages, but it's a really good story. I read the whole thing in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down.
  7. Back in late 1996 when I discovered anime and started watching it it was only available on VHS tapes and even if there was a subtitled version the local record shops only sold the dubbed version and some of those early VHS dubs were quite good. However, as I descended the slippery slope into anime fandom I found that some series were only available subtitled and I also acquired some subtitled versions of series I had dubbed versions of and I quickly noticed that in several cases the dub dialogue and subtitles of the subbed versions were not the same to the point where for a couple of series the dub had a different ending. Then in the early 2000's DVD's appeared on the scene with both dub and sub on the same disk and ever since then I've grown to appreciate the original Japanese voice actors and now only watch subs.
  8. While not exactly side-splitting comedy, there's quite a few laughs to be had in the interactions both verbal and visual between the characters of K-On.
  9. Now there's a film that totally caught me off guard. The ending was so gut-wrenchingly sad that before I knew it I was crying my eyes out. I was doing OK with this series, until the end when Kosei read Kaori's final letter to him. Yes, that happens with me as well.
  10. Just started watching K-On again. This is such a fun series to watch, the script is brilliant and the dialogue exchanges between the characters have a really subtle humour.
  11. What does “idk” stand for? Everyone I ask says, “I don’t know.”
  12. Welcome aboard. Pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  13. And there was me complaining about it being cold at 12C. We did have a short absolutely torrential rain storm this morning, but unlike last time it happened after I'd got back home from the shops and unloaded the car.
  14. It's still cold, actually it's 12C but it feels a lot colder than that, but it's not raining at the moment which is a nice change.
  15. Well, I've learnt something today, I didn't know that To Heart was based on a visual novel.
  16. I've just finished watching To Heart, a nice little feel-good slice of life series.
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