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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. It's been, cold, freezing COLD all day, 3C cold
  2. Now that's a good idea, I'll try that. Thanks.
  3. Strangely that sort of reaction doesn't happen here in my part of West London, but then we don't often get snow here and when we do it's usually only an inch or two deep. I've not seen empty shelves in my local supermarket since the covid lockdowns. I don't know how the till line works in your store but in mine every checkout has its own line and it's a vital shopping skill to choose between the one with the shortest line or the slightly longer one with the smaller trolley loads in it. Very good of you and your sister to pick up the fallen display. Any type of bad weather here brings out people in their cars and when we do get snow people suddenly discover that they don't know how to drive in snow.
  4. That's quite scary. I must remember not to get near or threaten any lizards,especially Horned Lizards.
  5. Thank you @Sakura. The road stretching back into to setting sun giving the 'searching for' vibe was the idea in my mind when I created the piece so I'm really glad it came across, I was a little worried that it didn't. @Sakura and @Sarada, yes I see where you got the Lion King vibe from, I've seen the movie too . My first thought was to have a night sky at the end of the road, but I decided on the sunset because I thought it a more powerful image for the theme.
  6. This is my latest creation, I had a lot of fun making the background for this one.
  7. It's been very bright and sunny today, but freezing cold.
  8. I hope we have a good year too. Although considering the way my country's government is going I'm not too sure about it.
  9. I've noticed this as well, especially if it's one of those events where a lot is happening and I've got to be on the move a lot. Having to engage with lots of people can be tiring.
  10. They're all really nice, you are clearly a talented artist, I especially like the two head & shoulders drawings on the first row.
  11. Currently it's bright and sunny but at 4C it's still cold
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