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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. Oops! Temporal distortion, eddies in the space-time continuum (what's he doing there?) 678
  2. It's been a nice sunny day here too, but with a nasty cold wind. An authoriser is someone who has the the authority, or permission, to sign purchase orders and in effect spend the company's money. At work I was the Team Leader and if we needed to buy any supplies for our unit I had the company's permission to place the order and spend the money, without asking my manager first, and our accounts department would pay the supplier because I had signed and "authorised" the purchase.
  3. Sadly no. I've got a decently sized collection of GNs though.
  4. Having a maximum you can spend per month at Amazon, or any other on-line retailer, and having to get your purchases approved before actually clicking that "Place Order" button is a a good idea. Unfortunately it doesn't work for me as I'm both the purchaser and the authoriser..... So when the Credit Card bill arrives I go "Aaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"
  5. It's a bright, but slightly cloudy day. The weather forecast is for it to reach 19C later on today and with no rain expected perhaps I'll be able to cut the grass in the back garden which has got seriously long over the past few wet weeks.
  6. I've now finished watching Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki: Second stage. I rewatched the previous series first, to reacquaint myself with the characters. Overall I felt that in some places it didn't quite have the cohesive storyline that the first series had but having said that I did enjoy watching the series and would happily watch it again sometime. One of the good points for me was the way the main cast's personalities developed over the course of the story although this did lead to some dialogue heavy scenes but I felt these were handled well and gave a good insight into the character's motivation and reasons for why they behaved as they did.
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