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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. That's such a beautiful poem, reading it bought tears to my eyes because it so much touches the situation I've been in for so many years . Yes, I have a happy life as a single person, but so often I've wished for a partner to share it with, but no girls wanted me.
  2. I finished watching Girls Band Cry today. I'm not really sure what to make of it. I found it got off to a good if slow start and didn't really think that it lived up to all the hype surrounding it when it was released although it did get better as the story progressed I didn't really feel that I got to know any of the characters and they seemed to spend a lot of their time together arguing and shouting at each other. What music I heard their band play just sounded like a jumbled noise to me. When the singer, Nina, stood on stage telling her life story she reminded me of Tomori in Bang Dream it's My Go. I read somewhere that Girls Band Cry was a similar type of franchise to Bang Dream, but I think its got a way to go to be as good as Bang Dream.
  3. According to the thermometer it was 11C today which is an improvement on recent temps, but there was a nasty cold wind blowing which made it feel more like 5C
  4. I did very little today. this morning I seriously overslept and spent some time on here then remembered that I needed to do the shopping. When I arrived at the supermarket the place was very busy and crowded. So by the time I got back home it was lunchtime and for some reason I couldn't get up the enthusiasm to do much in the afternoon .
  5. Those are really lovely sunsets, I really like looking at sunsets no two are ever the same. Standing somewhere on your own and watching the sun slowly set is a great way to think things through. Don't hold on to the past, it's never coming back. Look forward to the future. Don't spend your time thinking about what might have been or might be, live for what you can do now. Take it from someone who wasted a lot of time seeking for something and never finding it before realising that it wasn't necessary for having a happy life.
  6. I don;t usually wear socks but I can't keep flip flops on my feet because they keep coming off (the flip flops not my feet) so I wear ordinary open sandals. Today I did very little. I woke up late and spent most of the rest of the morning on here. This afternoon I did a little bit of work on my model railway.
  7. As I mentioned earlier, sometimes I do edit the trains into the pictures in PS. Here's one I did a couple of years ago of a train emerging from the gatehouse of Bodiam castle and crossing the drawbridge. (the sky was added in as well)
  8. A picture of your favourite pop group.
  9. Thank you very much I appreciate it.
  10. I'm glad I was able to help you. It can be very hard to find a series that you remember from years ago but don't have much detail about it.
  11. I have on occasion added the trains to the pictures, but this isn't one of them. The original photo was reprocessed using Photomatix, a photo editing program that's really intended for creating HDR images but can be used on single photos, this is what gave the 'painted' look. I then used Photoshop to adjust the the levels to get the final effect I wanted.
  12. Your art has a fresh imaginative creativity about it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  13. I think that the main difference between social media and forums like this one is that forums have a sense of community while social media sites like FB and Insta etc don't because in the main people are just after clicks and they're also plagued with trolls and keyboard warriors who just want to dispute everything other people post.
  14. I went to church this morning, came home cooked myself some lunch then had a nap.
  15. An anime box set of your choice
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