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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. You should always keep the important things in mind and get them done, ..... ..... the housework will still be there tomorrow.
  2. A squadron on sparrows. OK so I know that's not the correct collective name (and I don't know who comes up with the names anyway) but going by the number of sparrows that visit my bird feeder each day, and fight for access to the feeder ports, I think "squadron" is an appropriate term!
  3. Unfortunately I can't watch Discovery Channel here in the UK, but it sounds an interesting programme, I suspect that sharks don't totally deserve the bad press they get.
  4. I answer the door, but as my door has a patterned glass panel in it I have a good idea who is at the door before I open it. It's usually the postman or someone trying to sell me some form of home improvement, my answer is to politely point out the sign on the door which says I don't deal with uninvited traders and then amuse myself while they explain why they think the sign doesn't apply to them. Most have no idea what the word "uninvited" means. On a similar theme, do you get annoyed with people who are trying to sell you something and won't take "no" for an answer?
  5. I see that Crunchyroll has closed their comments section.
  6. Animedragon


    Welcome aboard the Forum. Pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  7. That's interesting. I've always thought that tattoos were just body art, I didn't realise that some can have a special meaning.
  8. I've now finished watching Yuru Camp series 3. This was produced by a different studio to the previous two series so there some slight changes to the character designs, overall the new designs are OK, but I'm still not quite used to the new look Rin, but having the same voice cast helped a lot. While I enjoyed the whole series I liked the suspension bridge arc most. Rin and Nadeshiko are a great team, but I thought the addition of Nadeshiko's friend Ayano worked well as it gave Rin a biker friend to travel with. Whoever would have thought that Nadeshiko would become interested in trains , she sounds like my kind of girl Is it too much to ask for a fourth series, please.
  9. I heard a rumour that said Disney licenced that film believing it was a children's story about a cute little princess called Mononoke. I don't know if that was true or not, but if it was then Disney got a bit of a surprise. The last movie I watched was I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, a beautiful story, but the ending broke my heart.
  10. I've never even thought about getting a tattoo and don't really understand why anyone would want any sort of marking on their body that they're going to have to live with for the rest of their lives.
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