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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. After the almost continuous rain yesterday today is bright and sunny, it's still a bit cold but not as cold as yesterday when it was so cold I turned the central heating on for the first time in several months.
  2. It's quite worrying just how much of our day to day living depends on having electricity.
  3. Glad to hear you're OK. I've seen some film of the storm and it looked pretty horrendous.
  4. Welcome aboard the Forum. Pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  5. The boss saying the company can't afford to pay you any more.
  6. I've heard news of that hurricane and it sounds like a pretty big and dangerous one so I hope both of you will be OK. Where I am it's raining heavily and the forecast is that it will continue raining all day.
  7. What a great haul of interesting pins.
  8. Thank you. Praise from a master of the GFX craft is greatly appreciated.
  9. Thank you, I spent a long time on that one.
  10. It's been a while since I posted any GFX, but other projects and commitments got in the way and this GFX took a while to make.
  11. These look great and as you say the quality of the .Gif is really good. I think on Ballance I prefer the third one but only because it's the nature of .Gifs to repeat in an endless loop and the scarf blowing in the wind looks less obviously like a animated .Gif
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