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kfar70 last won the day on July 20 2017

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  • Favourite Anime
    LOL there is no right answer as my tastes are eclectic. I tend to love most anime.
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life


  • Location
    MN .... US
  • Occupation
    Pit Boss at the local Casino
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  1. Listening to Working Man by Rush..... my favorite band ever
  2. Hello all...... sorry for the long absence...... I'm back

  3. Hello all.. Sorry I've been gone so long my personal life has been extremely hectic lately

    1. AniMeFReaK


      Really? Will it be bothersome if you let me know what happened? Is there anything I can do to help?

  4. This anime I believe is Class President is a Maid
  5. Just thought I'd say hi and I'm back. Sorry for the long absence, was computerless for a while, then got sick and was hospitalized during which time I forgot all my passwords lol. I'm happy to be back though.
  6. Alive once again hehehe...... I hate those long naps

  7. LOL welcome to the fun world

  8. not sure but isn't he the cat from Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken TV
  9. Premise: Our hero is the unluckiest guy on earth. He ends up making a phone call and accidentally getting divine help in the form of a new roommate and romantic interest.
  10. Sorry all guess I should have added some rules to the game such as one question at a time lol also as I showed on one of my earlier posts if no one guesses the anime in a couple of days please reveal the answer Thank You
  11. Akira is correct. However I am not sure about yours lol not used to getting stumped when it comes to anime
  12. I love the gypsy lifestyle, but it's always good to be back home.

  13. Here's an easy one for all anime buffs........ Premise: Japan, 1988. An explosion caused by a young boy with psychic powers tears through the city of Tokyo and ignites the fuse that leads to World War III. In order to prevent any further destruction, he is captured and taken into custody, never to be heard from again. Now, in the year 2019, a restored version of the city known as Neo-Tokyo—an area rife with gang violence and terrorism against the current government—stands in its place. Here, Shoutarou Kaneda leads "the Capsules," a group of misfits known for riding large, custom motorcycles and being in constant conflict with their rivals "the Clowns." During one of these battles, Shoutarou's best friend Tetsuo Shima is caught up in an accident with an esper who finds himself in the streets of Tokyo after escaping confinement from a government institution. Through this encounter, Tetsuo begins to develop his own mysterious abilities, as the government seeks to quarantine this latest psychic in a desperate attempt to prevent him from unleashing the destructive power that could once again bring the city to its knees.
  14. LOL I agree have you read the manga. I seriously hope they continue this one. Figured it was time to push the issue since I posted the question on August first.
  15. Repost of my last clue.... sorry it's been a while been busy with work then caught Bronchitis.......Premise: The world is thrown into chaos when the Katjvarna empire takes arms against the Republic of Kioka. Our hero, detests war but ultimately has no choice but to become a High Grade Military Officer dedto defend his land. No one could have ever imagined that this lazy womanizer would eventually become the hero everyone needed: I'll check back in a few hours if no one guesses by then I will give the answer
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