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Posts posted by kfar70

  1. May was a busy month for me but most were second or third runs. I think I only caught about 7 new series, well new for me anyway.

    Girls Beyond the Wasteland

    Sweetness and Lightning

    Sakura Quest not completed yet

    Heroic Age

    Heavens Memo Pad

    Hyouka the dub version not yet completed

    Yamada and the 7 witches

    SAO for about the thirtieth time lol

    Alderamin on the Sky


    Code Breaker

    From Me to You

    Angel beats again and again


    Love Live School Idol Project

    Strike Witches

    Trinity Seven

    Mashiro Iro


    and Isuca

    just to name a few

    • Like 2
  2. Nyanko Sensei this is for you. LOL I never would have thought of turning it into a game.


    Well here we go


    The premise of this anime is A computer game traps one character inside it while it causes other characters to go into a coma. Our hero gets a special bracelet which helps him to discover what is going on behind the scenes.


    Good Luck

    If anyone is interested in this game please let me know how often you would like me to change the question.

  3. Recently I started watching Hyouka dubbed. It was like meeting an old friend years after your first meeting after you'd both grown a bit. The mystery didn't seem to lose anything in the translation. This is a good mystery anime that I would recommend to anybody. Still waiting for the second half to be dubbed, but I'm not impatient lol just means I'll have to watch the sub again ( Oh Darn LOL). Does anyone else like or have an opinion on this anime?

  4. I would never label anybody dumb or foolish for their opinion, and if you took it that way I'm sorry. I simply meant that the argument is pointless it's the same as book or movie. There really is no right or wrong in my opinion. Both have good and bad points, but if you look at each one separately and try not to compare them then you get two shows to like instead of one.

  5. LOL What more would you like to know about me. Listing the anime I like would take too long and my fingers and eyes would be sore from the typing and reading lol. It would be easier to list the anime I own and that's over 350 titles. As I stated before I am an anime lover Subbed, Dubbed, or in Japanese I watch them all. There are few titles I don't like and the funny thing is that most of those are main stream sellouts which failed to be true to the original ideas and story lines of the original pilots.

  6. I'm sorry but I have to say that this is a foolish argument. There is no better or worse. Some dubbed anime stay true to the sub some don't, but if you take a look all of them are actually good shows. You have to look at each as it's own entity. My personal Library has over 350 titles ( that's series not shows) and most are both sub and dub. Well dub if it exists lol. I tend to love both they all have there charms.

  7. LOL I tend to get asked this very question quite often. As I stated in my profile I am a pit-boss at the local casino. I also happen to be 47 years old and an avid fan of anime and oriental ( and yes I mean oriental not just Japanese) culture. When I mention this people tend to think that I'm a shut in but nothing could be further from the truth. I'm into and really good at sports and I'm also an avid outdoorsman. One night at work a co-worker saw me watching anime and made a comment akin to slamming the genre. I simply stated to them that all people have different tastes and it is extremely rude and immature to look down upon a person for what they enjoy whether you agree with it or not. This caused that person to apologize. Since then many of my co-workers have shown curiosity towards anime and have used me as a reference to get started watching. I tend to take their personalities into consideration when offering them a good show to start with and many have become avid fans. This has now become a major break room topic which at times gets in the way of me watching my latest show lol. I don't believe that Otaku is a bad thing but I know there are those that do. As I said earlier to each their own. I wish you nothing but happiness and relaxation with your favorites and hope that you don't let the nay-sayers influence your enjoyment of an excellent subculture.

  8. Mobile apps only because I don't stay on my phone or tab long enough to page. When I get serious about looking for something it's either on my laptop or desktop. This means that I like to be able to remember my place and infinite scrolling makes this nearly impossible.

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