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Everything posted by Hällregn

  1. Wonderful. Beautiful morning, hot tea, getting things done. My day should finish early today, so I may have some extra time to relax! Do not recommend listening at work. Last night I went right to sleep with this.
  2. New Orleans Ghosts was not particularly interesting. A few historical inaccuracies that left me skeptical in the recountal of certain events and customary practices. Currently reading The Wild Horses by Eve Bunting and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, three volume edition. Starting with the Fellowship of the Ring.
  3. Apparently there's trouble with the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake. https://www.theverge.com/2022/5/3/23055673/ubisoft-prince-persia-remastered-pune-mumbai-montreal
  4. Captured bases and forts in Far Cry 6, then started to progress in the actual storyline for once.
  5. Hällregn

    Gaming chat

    Eventually I'll try this out.
  6. If anyone has nothing else to do. :)


  7. Hamilton is still one of my favorite musicals.
  8. Yes? I need to see this anime one day but it looks incredibly sad. Someone animated this historical satire scene from Hamilton and I love it. So funny.
  9. You live where I've always dreamed of living!
  10. I'm actually building more of a tolerance for the cold. It just feels better in the lungs and once you get moving, it feels great on the muscles too.
  11. I have my left ear pierced three times. Lobe, upper lobe and single helix. My right ear is pierced once on the lobe. I plan on getting a tattoo on my inner forearm when my fur baby passes on. I'll be doing a casting of his left paw and mixing a pinch of his ashes in the ink. It'll be my first tattoo but I want my baby with me everywhere I go. We saved one another, it's only fair he tags along.
  12. Hällregn

    Gaming chat

    Must. Play. Really appreciate the work that was put into correcting the mess it was during launch. Went from a massive flop to truly impressive. Great game!
  13. Some paints, sewing threads, two feet of fabric and a pair of shorts.
  14. I forgot Chester Bennington's birthday was in March. Remembering a soul at peace. "Don't frown at where some people end up. You don't know the kinds of choices they were given." "The world is bigger outside of the one we live in."
  15. Tired is an understatement. After work I usually check-in/take care of my mother. Often my brother's kids because he has a massive lack of responsibility. Ended up pulling a co-worker's weight the last two days so we could go home on time and I wouldn't have to hear the personal drama they have with their in-laws.
  16. We can... do.. it... It's just.... a... Monday!
  17. Starting with New Orleans Ghosts by Victor C. Klein. I guess this book was purchased at a book signing event because the author autographed it. Also reading The Prince and the Dressmaker.
  18. Beautiful game, beautiful soundtrack.
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