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Everything posted by Hällregn

  1. Just saw this yesterday because I was initially skeptical and wow. Terrible CGI, bad script. I feel bad for Leto because he's a decent actor that gets mixed in bad projects.
  2. Helped a coworker get her daughter a graduation ring. It was exciting. The day was beautiful so we had lunch out on the patio of a deli.
  3. Life is too short, you should give it a go! The worst that can happen is that you'd need to transfer to another store.
  4. When the van Gogh Con has been postpone for two years in my area.


    1. Kit


      That guy got some pipes. Rol

  5. Ireland, Spain, the countryside of France.
  6. This is fantastic, thanks for posting the news here! I have the 1-2 vol. Omnibus but have only read up to vol. 4 - no idea they were making a film! Super psyched, probably the best anime related information I've heard in quite a while.
  7. Use the spoiler tags! I'm on season 5 now.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kit


      What do you prefer the sub or dub? Does sub stay true to the songs?

    3. Hällregn


      I prefer the dub because on the sub, they have the Japanese voice actors trying to speak English. They even sing a lot of the songs in English. It's certainly not the actors fault but this decision was terrible. The anime is great dubbed! A lot of the actors sound natural and can sing wonderfully! The only problem is that the dub had licensing issues and the song that gave an emotional conclusion to the anime was replaced. Still a good number but not nearly as impactful.

      Additionally, the animation is a little dated. Despite all of this, it's personally one of the best anime out there and one of my favorites. The characters act and function like people would, giving it a nice realistic flow. Something I really appreciate in a coming-of-age. 

      I would say that the manga is even better but you'll need quite the imagination to discern what the bands/artists in it sound like. I think Harold Sakuishi does an excellent job of translating music genres through the expression and energy the crowds are illustrated in. Calming, cool tones with a generally relaxed visage for Jazz. More energetic scenes and styles for Rock and Metal. The audience makes up a large part of genre setting and reacting to the artists and performances, it's an inclusive experience. One with the general point of being part of the audience. You should definitely give it a read! 

    4. Kit


      You are right the english dub is superior. XD cracking up over the engrish version  rol

    1. Ohayotaku


      And here I thought I’d seen every episode 😆

    2. Hällregn


      A crossover I'd love to see. 🤣 Like how Columbo's entire confrontation is about how he knows Light is Kira. The "just call me Detective" and "who's that gangly fella" gets me every time. 😂

  8. My grandmother's parakeet is named Pretty Boy. He likes to mimic his name and it's absolutely precious.
  9. Not an animated husbando but still a fictional character.
  10. Hällregn


    I'm not much of a cinemagoer as I often like to stay in and rent, shut off all the lights and get comfy on the couch. I do love a local theater that does 20-80's night! Sometimes they have what's called a Movie Party Night. Basically cosplay contests, trivia and special effects before and after the movie. Sing-along/karaoke contests for musicals too. Fun stuff! Last year in October I went to a Lost Boys movie party and they did some pyro effects that were incredible. Sometimes I get a hotdog and milkshake or a beer but I don't really like the prices these days. Once, while watching Spectre, the film cut to black for a good 13 minutes. Someone came out to apologize and they started the movie over again from the beginning. Ended up leaving with my party. We never went back to this specific theater. It was in a wealthy area and supposedly had the best tech. Irony! 30 for a single martini too, next! Personally love watching the classics. All kinds but I'll never forget catching Casablanca a couple of years ago. Had seen the movie many times on television but never the big screen. When I left the theater it was raining too. Umbrellas and Autumn coats, it was perfect.
  11. Two cups of French Vanilla with a spoon of half & half and a packet of peanuts. Best stayed up until two in the morning diet. Getting through some work-related stuff before Monday.
  12. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, a little bizarre and I have a few questions! Trailer was largely misleading.
  13. Season 4, episode 10 of Better Call Saul. It's official. Biggest fictional crush ever. Jimmy completely stole my heart. Hoping the universe aligns in this show and cuts him some slack. Albeit he generates 80% of his own problems but does it with a heart of maybe/kind of-gold? Not caught up with the new episodes yet so- don't fail me Jimmy! I'm rooting for you.
  14. The chances of being hit with a burrito are low. But never zero. Food for thought.
  15. Wishing everyone a happy Mother's Day! Sending lots of love to all the Moms out there. From new, young and to the wise—to pet Mums too. In our hearts and thoughts, the lovely and brilliant Mothers that are always with us. 💕 To Motherly figures and the Heroines that have been the pillars in our lives. 



    1. Kit


      Same to you. give your mom a hello and best wishes for me. 


  16. * Retail * Medical * Artist * Sirloin steak * Can't pick one or even five for that matter. * Don't know, don't really eat any. * Strawberry * Black * None in particular. * Sunday * None * Love to cook. * It depends. * Love vegetables. * Contacts * Autumn
  17. I hope all your packages arrive safely to their destination for the next 20 years. Of course! Otherwise it wouldn't be worth it to eat.
  18. Did 21 murder 20? How's 2022 looking so far guys?
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