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Posts posted by KaiyaSaysHaiya

  1. I'm not sure you would call this story itself weird, but what my friends and I did certainly was.

    So, in years/grades kindy-4 I went to a strict catholic school and I had these friends who were OBSESSED with horror. One of my friends (let's call her Caitlin for personal reasons) would almost always bring in a creepy doll. She claimed to be a doll whisperer and that she could talk to them. There were many times we'd all have mini "rituals" to try and summon demons and stuff like that.

    So once a bunch of my friends decided to try and summon Pennywise. Yep, you heard me right, Pennywise. Being the coward I am, I decided to sit this one out with another friend bc that stuff was terrifying to us. All my friends sat around a drain in a circle holding hands and closing eyes. They'd place the doll in the middle of the circle and Caitlin would apparently communicate with it somehow. My friend and I had to look away or else it would "ruin the ritual".

    So yeah, if you're ever wondering what goes on in little catholic schools there's your answer.

  2. Just finished BNA, and I loved it. I will say, I didn't particularly like the ending and the very end of it felt kinda rushed. Maybe it's just me, I dunno.


    I hate the fact that Alan was a god or some sh*t. I do think it was a good idea, I just feel they could've executed it a little differently.

    But yeah, overall it was a great series!!

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  3. Just started BNA! I've enjoyed the parts I've seen so far, but I have a feeling my expectations are too high for the series. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see!

    I also just finished Uncle From Another World! It's certainly not the best series out there, but it's enough to keep me interested when I have nothing else to watch. Also,


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