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Everything posted by SleepyLeoulf

  1. Feeling alright so far, hope it improves my mood later. It should since were decorating our place with Christmas decorations today as well. Side note I wish I could sleep better to make starting my day off on a good note.
  2. The sun is out and it's a new day, going make the most of it with a smile and positive outlook~

  3. True, I have thought about diving and being in a cage in the water with sharks before maybe someday who knows. Heh, yeah go wolfpack.
  4. I was curious and wanted to make this thread to ask everyone what is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal and why? My favorite animal a long time ago when I was five years old and up was sharks. Yes sharks. The Great White more specifically to be honest. After seeing the movie Jaws I became extremely fascinated by them and really was into learning more about them, I even wanted to study them when I grew up as a profession. Though at the time and even still now I don't know how to swim very well but still willing to learn and get better at it. After seeing the movie I just fell in love with them all kinds and always watched Shark Week on television each year. Mysterious, beautiful, and misunderstood creatures they are I think. With out them the ocean would not survive I have heard since they are a bit part of the ecosystem. I could be wrong but it's just what I heard or something like it. I still have love for them but not a lot no more since I have another favorite animal that also been a huge part of my life I always adored. And no I'm not afraid of them. My favorite animal right now are wolves. All kinds of wolves not just the Grey Wolf as some people like and know about. I posted on here a few times why I love them and are into them but all I can say is they also fascinate me and just so beautiful and majestic creatures. I have a lot of wolf related stuff in real life I collect as well some werewolf ( Lycanthrope ) things as well. "The 5 facts about me" thread is where I posted why I'm into them if your curious to know. Sidenote: I also LOVE all animals really especially, bunny's, rats, dwarf hamsters, barn owls, dogs, and cats.
  5. Seems serious a bit but wouldn't mind hugging them.
  6. @Beocat Thank-you for the advice and I'll find some anime that's pretty short to start of with. @Mars Terra That makes sense and I've really never thought about like that before.. So yeah I'll look into finding stuff I'm into. Thank you again for the comment.
  7. I'm not sure if anyone here has been through this before or it's just me. I have been in a anime block or slump lately and can't seem to shake it off and just watch an anime. I have though when I first joined here but now after a while I got into in this slump phase and can't seem to find something to watch and keep to that anime. Sometimes I can't make up my mind of what I want to watch first but its mainly just watching it and sticking to it. Anyone ever else felt like this before when it comes to anime? Any tips how to get out of it as well? It be much appreciated. Also anyone know of good anime old or new to watch? I don't mind either.
  8. I had to go through some painful things lately and again something happens and I'm in pain once more. I'm really "trying" to hold it together but  it's seeming to not work since it keeps happening over and over. I have one person right now I trust fully including my family but afraid I'll lose them too.. Not sure what to think no more my thoughts are all over the place at the moment. I just hope I find the strength again to keep moving forward. I wish all the best to the person who had to leave due to a very serious personal issue. I feel for them I truly do but will miss them greatly for all they've done for me these past months. 

  9. Yeah I would looks like an interesting fellow.
  10. In a good mood and feeling a bit more happier right now. 

  11. There has been minor set backs lately for myself but I realized I'm still here and no matter what happened I can get through it.  Because I AM a fighter. 

  12. Life has it's moments where it makes it a challenge just to keep moving forward since things can happen out of no where that can effect us on many levels, to either stop us in or tracks or push us even further to the goal at hand were striving towards. I've faced many things in my life and some has knocked me down horribly but somehow I found a way to get back up on my feet and keep moving. I know what I'm capable of now and have the strength and will to push forward from what ever comes my way next. Do you?

    1. brycec


      I pretty much have the courage and strength to do what I need. My problem is reaching outside my inner circle for work.

  13. Crunchyroll is on PS4? Huh..that's interesting, never knew that. Took us a bit to get a PS4 since it was so pricey still and then it was very kind of our father to give us one for Christmas ( my sister and i ) so we now have our own. We did buy one for my step father since he's a gamer but then I moved out so didn't get to use it no more and was with out one till my father bought us one as a gift. Still need to play it more, haven't in a while since I need more games for it. Also can't wait till Okami HD comes out on PS4. That's on my want list for Christmas.
  14. Again well said and brilliant entry Rey Dear. I commend you of telling us this or at least some of us about yourself and your life when you were younger. I tell some people about my past with relationships I've been in and tried though some is personal so I wont probably explain too much about it but you given me strength to speak about it. So thank you for that. ((hugs)) I've only been in two really and my first ever one was in my late twenties. I never really knew what it was like to be in a relationship with someone or even be with a guy. So I was all new to it. It was going alright I thought at first and then learned it was not the case at all and turned really ugly is all I can say.. Was really hard on me and I had to leave since I really had too since it was very toxic. But I learned a lot from it and what I want and don't want from a guy. That was in person and the other one I met online so dated him for 4 months then he left saying he wanted his ex back and could not stop thinking of her. I felt really crushed and even more crushed when never once he said he does care or did but just can't no more with me.. I always felt after that I was just a second choice to him and just an a experiment for him to try and move on from his ex. But I really don't know the truth even to this day. Who really knows what happen or what he was thinking or if I ever met to him. I also learned a lot from it as well. For you meeting someone online is pretty cool. Most people would not do that but I don't think its wrong to try it. My mother and now step father met online and still are happily marred for 17 years coming up this December. They made it work and it is living proof LDR can work out. But still its my opinion but really I think it can work if people have trust, communicate with each other and are on the same page. Plus other things as well. I'm sorry you got cheated on that's horrible and I don't like when people do that since it totally disrespects the person your with and shows you that they really don't care for you at all. If you truly loved the person your with you would never do that or even think that. Again my opinion. But true if you ever do meet someone online again I don't think it would be bad to try again but its up to you and what you truly want. By you saying you were 15-16 years old at the time I'm guessing your still pretty young, and have so much more to learn and experience in life. VERY true and 1000% agree with you. You need to love yourself first before you could ever love another that's really important. I used to not love myself at all really but now I do, then when I was younger. I still have off days since no one is prefect but I really love myself more and proud of what I've became since all the stuff I've been through the good and the bad. Your are really a wonderful person Rye and I love reading your entry's on here and learning more about you or what your opinions on stuff is. Things will go good for you I just know it, your really full of life and I think strong as a person. Plus very smart for your age. Well take care Rye dear and thanks again for a lovely entry for your blog~
  15. Don't you just LOVE living on your own or with a roommate and its one of those days you got to clean to keep the house tidy and neat. So again it's one of those weekends for cleaning the place up, the joy of cleaning.


    1. brycec


      Must be rough, but it would be worse if you had to both do chores and go to work, at least for me.

    2. SleepyLeoulf


      @brycec It's alright just sometimes a pain is all, but that's just me. True, could be the same going to work and trying to to keep the the household clean. My sister works so she does her share of chores sometimes. I mostly do it really.

  16. I feel content right now, though when I woke up I might of maybe  felt slight anxiety or maybe it was excitement..? I'm not  really sure but all I can say is I'm ready for the day and love spending time with my family and few good friends I have. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone~  

  17. I went to bed late last night and forgot I had to wake up early for a doctor appointment around 8:30 AM. So... for once I was SO tired I did not want to wake up and just sleep in. I NEVER had that happen in a long time for me wanting to sleep more. Hmm..I wonder if that's a good thing with my sleep issues I have.. Anyway good morning everyone its a new dawn and a new day. Feeling great and hope I continue to feel pretty good throughout the day.



      Image result for sleeping anime girl gif

      There's nothing much better than a well deserved peaceful sleep. Glad you had a good sleep!

    2. brycec


      Your doctor is the only one that can say if it is good or bad, but if you have sleep problems, it might be ha good thing. Anyway, good morning.

  18. Uhh..I don't know probably not. If you had to choose would you want to be a dog or a cat?
  19. Drank: Water. Soon being eating some good Thanksgiving food. O,.,O
  20. Gin from: Hotarubi no Mori e
  21. Something is happening to me once again.. But this time this feeling I feel its on my own. I feel.. a sense of happiness building back into my heart and also contentment. I thought I never feel this way again.. I hope it lasts and I stay strong from now on and keep pushing forward. I have a lot of support from others in my life including my family and I know they will help me if I need them as well. Today is a good day and for that I truly smile~


    1. brycec


      Glad to hear that things are looking up. I think that this is the kind of true happiness that we need to seek in our lives, yet there are many people trying to convince us that we are not happy.



      I am so glad and happy for you, let the happiness take control. :D Happy thanksgiving! I am thankful that you are having a good day.

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