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Everything posted by Bulletje76

  1. i saw you watched In another world with my smartphone. Season 2 started
  2. Welcome here. I hope you will enjoy the forum,. What is " gender-fluid" ?? Isn't your gender decided either by birth or by choice and not fluid? I am not familiar with that term
  3. I went through Ohayotaku animelist and picked 'No game No life' to watch. So far so good
  4. Thats no problem. Opinionated is fine since we are on this forum to share opinions. I just showed no respect in my reply and thats a no go BUTTTT i still dont agree with you SAO opinion hahaha. Let me have 1 good night of sleep now and than i will try to convince you
  5. mate i cant find this. Can you provide some screenshots or detailed explanation?
  6. Can you give a bit more info please? 500.000 animes fit your description. Instead of what you dont like, can you tell us what you DO like? Fantasy, magic, dark, reallife, history, adventure? And may i ask what you dislike about the fact that an anime comes from a manga? I am curious
  7. I am sorry,..my reply was a bit cranky and out of character. As i posted on this forum'; i started a new job last monday. The last few days were a bit stressed and i didnt sleep well.
  8. Thanks again. Yes you are right,..i prefer a certain amount of gfx quality. BUT there are exceptions, and i want to trigger myself to stay open for these exceptions. Like that movie i liked,..what was it,..the child and the bear,..the boy and the yeti. haha something like that. GFX not great, storyline awesome. I will go through your animelist. Much appreciated
  9. Ahhh come one. SAO was the first of it's kind. It set ground for a generation of other isekai. Further more i prefer one saying " i dindt understand it" instead of claiming stuff. It is very clearly explained in the anime why Kayaba did what he did . It is explained on many levels. If you like anime and than saying you dont like SAO, is like saying you like italian food but cannot stand risotto
  10. Just started a new job,..but have some time this evening. Let me start this. I dont know of any other options. BTW mate,..if i look at your animelist that you viewed;..is there a way that i can select the ones i might like? So lets say filter for magic, adventure, isekai, fantasy? Sorry to bother you yet again
  11. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8225204/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 worth the watch?
  12. Thanks. I am surprised you are the one replying haha. I looked at your animelist today and you have the same problem
  13. I am creating my list now. But i find it unhelpful that in mylist some anime is shown by the japanese name and some by the english name. Can i set a certain setting somewhere so it only shows the english name????
  14. I just finished the 2 seasons of Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko (By the grace of the gods). It's only 24 eps, a feelgood series with bit of magic. It doesnt have much action and it is so sweet that i almost damaged my teeth. BUT i was in the mood for something like this. Just a happy feelgood simple series
  15. oh no, my bad. Be cynical. But just come with god arguments. "in anothr world",...well that is the defintion of isekai
  16. grrrrr wait, no dishing on isekai i figure?
  17. Per yesterday it is streaming on Blibli and also available on other places
  18. They followed it up last year with a spinoff
  19. Just had to put my dog to sleep because of cancer. I cannot stop crying. Cannot believe i wont see her anymore

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bulletje76


      Thanks. I been crying a lot. Need to man up now. it is just she was the kindest carring dog i have ever known. Also i am a dog lover and a really sensitive guy. Perhaps to sensitive. People i know today saying " yeah when you get a dog you have to prepare you outlive them". That doesnt fooking help me. I can't wait till their wives die and i will say " yes when you get married you must prepare that there is a 50% chance you outlive them".  Thankfully i also have sensitive friends who just say: yes that is shit, i feel for you.

    3. Animedragon


      I'm so sorry to hear this, a dog is a faithful family member and their death is really hard to take.  It's been many many years since my last dog passed away and I cried a lot when she died I have her photo on the wall in my living room to remind me to remind me of all the good times we spent together.  I hope you too will be able to remember and enjoy the happy memories of the time you spent together.

  20. This weekend is the last boruto episode. Are you guys following it? I really liked the last few episodes. After this summer they will return with Boruto Shippudden. Also happy that this september, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of naruto, they will release 4 new naruto episodes. Really looking forward to that
  21. Just finished watching this: Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki If you like isekai i can recommend it. I like how it switches on and off from a happy anime to a dark one. I also like they added spiritual power in a world of magic
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