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  • Favourite Anime
    the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
    alien nine
    gakkou gurashi
    lucky star
    serial experiments lain
    higurashi (prefer the visual novel)
    chainsaw man
    mirai nikki
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    haruhi suzumiya, kaoru nagisa, rena ryuugu, yuno gasai, power
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  • Location
    bristol, uk
  • Interests
    art, cosplay, coding, creating stories and characters, dnd
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  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    papyrus undertale
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    pc, 3ds, playstation

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  1. honestly, it depends for me... usually subs have better voice acting (makes sense, as the anime voice acting industry is much bigger in japan), and especially with more serious and emotional anime dubs can take me out of it due to goofy voices. however, for things more focused on comedy, i honestly think dubs are often better. subs, i find, often try very hard to be "accurate", which can sometimes seem unnatural, and with comedy, the timing and structure of a joke is often lost in translation. however, since dubs have a higher level of localisation, and need to sound natural to some extent, often comedy just flows better. for example, take saiki k. i honestly think that anime is funnier in dub, which is partly due to the fact it doesn't try super hard to be an exact translation. although, since i'm learning japanese, i usually just watch in japanese with japanese subs
  2. i'm just starting one piece atm... i know, i have a long journey ahead of me XD
  3. hello all :] my name is kit and i'm new here :3 i'm 18 years old from bristol, uk and my pronouns are he/they i will probably post my art and cosplays here, and also just random stuff XD don't hesitate 2 message me if u wanna chat or be friends! i am very awkward and not always online so might not reply immediately, but don't worry about seeming weird or anything LOL i love visual novels, psychological and comedy anime, and rpg maker games :] ok... kit out!! (ps is there a way 2 change image sizes? this gif is so big LOL)
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