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Status Replies posted by froggy

  1. I was walking into my school's parking lot when I slipped on ice and landed on my butt. I got my pants wet, scrapped my hand, and I was so disoriented I didn't notice that my water bottle fell out of my backpack. Also my kiwi's fell out of my lunchbox:(

  2. I got stuck in a bathroom stall that wouldn't unlock today and I had to belly crawl out of it just as one of the cleaners were coming into the bathroom. We made eye contact while I was on the ground for what felt like a good hour before they backed up and left. 

    Yeah... it's Monday 😑

    1. froggy


      Yaa @Sakura The worst part is that I asked a girl for help, and by the time the staff came in, I was in the middle of crawling on the floor...

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. I got stuck in a bathroom stall that wouldn't unlock today and I had to belly crawl out of it just as one of the cleaners were coming into the bathroom. We made eye contact while I was on the ground for what felt like a good hour before they backed up and left. 

    Yeah... it's Monday 😑

    1. froggy


      That happened to me once at a H-mart. Except I wasn't actually stuck, the door just opened inward LOL

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. I split yogurt in my backpack, my psp 1000 stopped working, but on the brighter side lunch is soon and Ima get drippy cheese nachos. 

    1. froggy


      @Animedragon No, I wouldn't bring my psp to school. I think it's because I dropped it when I took it off its charger:( Luckily the yogurt didn't stain my books, but it was quite the mess to clean up. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Practicing kanji makes my brain hurt 😧

  6. I want an high school romance… already in my second year though

    1. froggy



      I FEEL THE SAME! I had a few small relationships when I was a first year, but it was nothing serious. Now I'm a third year, and all I want is someone who sees me for who I am. Everywhere I look is couples kissing in the hallways, and I can't help but feel so jealous and angry! I wouldn't kiss my partner in the hallway though, that's gross. I just hate being so lonely, and having friends doesn't make this feeling go away😭 I just want to be in a relationship already!!!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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