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Everything posted by Nuh1000

  1. Lmao, I don't like it . From what I've seen in the class ( I go to the class sometimes in my free period ) it seems unnecessarily complex . But I'm probably still going to take it as an AP in a couple of years DX What's your favorite animal?
  2. Well I'm on two other forums other than this one, my first being FairyTailBase.com which is pretty awesome
  3. Hm, someone asked me that question and I said theres too many , But I suppose if I had to choose one, I'd go with Abarat Who's your favorite singeR?
  4. Basically it's game where you ask the next member who would post any question you want! Have fun! For example: Person 1: What's your favorite color? Person 2: Hmm Blue! What your favorite anime? So I'll start off! What's your favorite Anime?
  5. Welcome to AF. I am the fabulous Nuh!
  6. Welcome to AF! I am the fabulous Nuh!
  7. dklksdbgo;sd Emma go with Bulbasaur as usual, But it's nice to see Turtwig!
  8. Anime Chibis! See this is why this is a great forum! We have great staff!
  9. I'm a grass fanatic too, but I didnt even bother with Chesnaught , He's still sitting in my PC
  10. Why does everyone have such deep meanings to their names? ;.; Pour moi, Nuh, is basically what my name is in arabic so I usually wear this name around on the internet and with close friends while in school they call me by english name. and 1000's just there
  11. Welcome to AF! I am the Fabulous Nuh! Enjoy your stay!
  12. I'm going to start Owari No seraph in like an hour
  13. Just saw this, Welcome to AF! I am the fabulous Nuh, btw I love your sig
  14. Nuh1000

    Black Butler

    AHAHAHAHA I will now live here yeah same, I was actually surprised when I started reading the Manga because at first I thought it wouldn't live up to the anime. But it did.
  15. Oh my god "pls buy this serum to grow your hair"
  16. So far this seasons pretty cool, I liked how they explored their childhoods
  17. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but @Optic I'd just like to say I commend you as I don't believe I've seen one spam bot on this forum, and thats amazing as some of the other forums I'm on are plagued by them. How do you manage to repel them?
  18. Why do you own a lingerie company? xD

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Ryuji


      I bet I look more fabulous modeling than Nuh does :p

    3. SanguineTear


      You need a fabulous model? Look no further, for I, SanguineTear, am absolutely: [img]http://i.imgur.com/WeqNBql.jpg[/img]

    4. RyePotatoes


      HAHAHAHAHA, You're already accepted, oni-san!

  19. Ah I see, that's pretty cool!
  20. Welcome to AnimeForums! I am the Fabulous Nuh! Btw I love FT too! And what's your first forum?
  21. Well my school's trying to go green as they've stopped sending out paper report cards, and now they're just online. But paper still has some uses in some places such as hospitals where a blackout can jeopardize a patients safety since most of their information is online. Though in my life, paper is still heavily present though some people are trying to reduce it's use. I'd say to recycle paper more often and plant more trees to make up for the loss paper accumulates on the environment.
  22. Grass> other starters except Mudkip Aw, I never really liked the new starters
  23. Ooh true, but I'd imagine they'd save it for around the climax of the game. I wonder who they'd give as starters tho, *crosses fingers and prays for Bulbasaur*
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