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  • Favourite Anime
    Some of my favorite anime is
    - K-on!
    - Lucky star!
    -Sakura the Card Captor
    -Panty and Stocking with Garter belt
    -Strawberry Panic!
    -Ouran Highschool Host club
    -Black butler
    -I like many more
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    Mio Akiyama, Konata Izukumi
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    I'm currently playing Katawa Shoujo
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    My computer

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  1. Hello, anime loves and otakus today's topic is burnout and all that, take care of yourselves. Idk if I should be writing about this I want to be like hey I'm okay just tired you know. So as you might have known or noticed I have been slightly or drastically less active at the start of my holiday break which started on the 21 or something. I did post and respond in the forums for a bit but it was hard to keep up so I stopped I didn't go outside or talk to anybody for about the majority of the 2 weeks that we got off. Near the end of the break, I was forced to go out and some family came down to wish us a happy new year and holidays (Btw happy new year, I Can't believe it's 2025 it still feels like 2019). We have been back at school for about a week maybe a couple of days I'm not doing well at tracking the time right now. Over break I just isolated myself by playing games, watching anime, and streamers to the point where I would stay up all night to finish an anime or continue my game I started to slowly forget to do important tasks and became sucked into the reality of my computer. I mostly stayed in sweatpants and a hoodie as well it was cold out but it never snowed or at least I never noticed it did. I don't think I have agoraphobia I just don't like to leave the house or being contained in a space with lots of people, cons are fun even though they are busy. I like to go and interact with the community. So I'm currently struggling to connect with my peers and I suppose my friends. Not only that but I'm starting to get behind on my studying and school work not significantly but as I'm writing this at 3 in the morning I have 4 assignments not started all due by the end of the week (Dw I probably will get them done). My family is starting to get annoying again they said it's normal to be like this and I should go to social groups and get a job to help fix it (I don't think they get the point of why I'm struggling). What can you do at this point? Luckily none of my classmates has noticed or paid attention to me and I'm pretty sure my friends don't care. Don't worry If you're taking this as me leaving or taking a break from the forums you are incorrect, I love the community and would love to keep interacting with you guys, and playing forum games is one of the joys of my day. I will not be responding or playing games as much until I get caught up with my work which should be maybe a couple of days or even a month. I still will be active on here just not as much. Thanks for the support - Otaku
  2. Cyclists are dangers to other people on the side walk and road.
  3. defend the aliens and take their space ship
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