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Blog Comments posted by Otaku

  1. @Kirika_Madeleine I understand how you feel when it comes to exams, they always make it soooo easy in class then they give you the most difficult questions. Yes will I do a tour when I after I finish studying probably today or tomorrow. Tell me about it the freedom make me want to jump around on Friday when that last bell rings. Yes thank you I hope you enjoy your Holiday.

    @Animedragon Fr exams suck. Ah I'm sorry you never did well on them no matter the effort put into it, on the plus side the real world doesn't have exams. Congrats on finding a job that you enjoy it's always so hard. Collage is well more school I'm glad to know you didn't have your life planed out ether. I'm not a fan of collage but at least it gives me some motivation to continue highschool. 

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  2. That was a very interesting trip, I'm sorry that you had your trip had taken a turn for the worse. A Whisker Away is a great movie, and maybe you just helped some random stranger into getting into anime by completely rewiring their search history.  Death Note is so funny, and really entertaining if you like watching subs I highly recommend that you watch the dub only because of their inner monologuing the dub is really good too.

    Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. I also would  love to hear the tale of your moving extravaganza. Thanks loved the way you told your story, please wright again. 

    • Love it! (Daisuki) 1
  3. @Animedragon I feel so bad for you getting up early is sooooooooooooooooooooooo unbearable especially since it's cold out. 

    Thank you XD I try really hard to get good grades and make good study ethics. 

    The dentist is understandably not the place anybody would want to go.  It's nice that you have a good dentist. 

    Your so lucky that you have a large area to do roller skating, I only have a small space and I constantly trip over things luckily I have not hurt the walls or furniture. I'm sure one day you will be able to skate up and down your hallway all it takes is practice. :3

  4. @Animedragon we might buy a real one because we keep using the same shitty one and it’s getting to the point where if it might break.

    @Fezo_chan I totally argue with u on the visual novels. I watch a lot of anime but I like to read light novels and manga. I currently playing Katawa Shojo, reading Strawberry Panic!, and watching My Deer Friends Nokotan. What r u playing, reading, and/or watching?

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