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Status Updates posted by Otaku

  1. Thanks @Pangin1145 for being a very nice and writing a good blog and the gift. Good news I passed my science exam with a high score of 78% woop woop. 

    nichijou-spin.gif — MyFigureCollection.net

  2. Guess who just failed another exam!!! me I did, I got a 12/34, all my teachers said they would curb it. I have failed 2/4 so far and have an undermined grade for one of them. 

    Nichijou 5 GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

    I studied so hard too, my mind is baffled. 

    Help Ima fail my science one tomorrow AHADFGASGREF$%%$^ASXCVFDBRT

  3. Just dusted the lucky star area in my shelf and remodeled the figures





    I know the lighting is shittyy lol


    1. Pangin1145


      S tier work here my friend :)👍

  4. Woop Woop we are on break from school! I made a mad fast dash out of the building at the end of the day, I probably will be online more. 

    Nichijou GIFs | GIFDB.com <- me be like 

  5. I'm back after a week break :,> its tough but we power through. 


    1. Fezo_chan


      Heya! Welcome back! 

      hello-anime (1).gif

  6. Hey guys, A lot has happened in these past days since Tuesday and I need some time to think I will wright a post about it in like a couple weeks, thanks for being supportive and understanding. I need to study right now. I will be back after school dies down. 

    k on! k on gif | WiffleGifstudying be like

    1. Animedragon


      It's annoying when school gets in the way of important things isn't it 😀 😃.

      Best wishes for the studying.

    2. Mur Mur

      Mur Mur

      Good luck with your studying! I'll see you then Soldier! d5bf97224c3275a83fe6099acb6cdc40.gif.3a019e9240f389be579f986aeb858e92.gif

  7. Just started watching My Deer Friend Nokotan. It’s pretty good the first 2 eps are interesting and a lot happens. Best girl is probably Nokotan so far. It’s a funny slice of life.


    1. Pangin1145


      heard so much! Might check it out!

    2. Otaku


      It’s pretty good very random 

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