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Sarada last won the day on January 21

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  • Favourite Anime
    ⭐ Yuri on Ice
    ⭐ Black Butler
    ⭐ Free!
    ⭐ Ouran Host Club
    ⭐ K-On
    ⭐ Angel Beats
    ⭐ Fruits Basket
    ⭐ Naruto + Boruto
    ⭐ Maid Sama!
    ⭐ Sword Art Online
    ⭐ Digimon
    ⭐ My Dress-Up Darling
    ⭐ Toradora
    ⭐ Hetalia
    ⭐ Vampire Knight
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    🌺 Ryūji Takasu 🌷 Taiga Aisaka 🌹 Yuri Plisetsky 💐 Izzy Izumi 🌸 Inojin Yamanaka 🌼 Ciel Phantomhive 🌻 Sasuke Uchiha
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  • Location
  • Occupation
    Trying to survive college
  • Interests
    Tennis🎾 Theater🎭 Music🎵 Writing✍Sleeping💤
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Pokémon/Pokémon GO
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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Everyone on AF minding their own business and suddenly sis and Soramee:
  2. Blame my sister if she would just tell the dude we could all stop having to endure sad poetry about how he'll never like her
  3. I didn't know you could make Discord banners. Gif ones?
  4. Sarada


    It begins... She starts dodging us all to hang out with her husband and we get left on read I guess a positive here is at least I like my new brother-in-law.
  5. There is so much to unpack here I don't even know where to start First of all, congrats @Sakura & @Soramee_ I wish you a lifetime of happiness Secondly, if you hurt my sister Soramee I will destroy you. Treat her nicely because she's an okay human who will love you unconditionally if you treat her well. I have so..so many questions Is sis' last name "Mee" now? SereyMee? Why wasn't I invited to the wedding? MISTER FANCY FINGERS??!?! Sis seems to present enough evidence that would hold up in court. Soramee asked her opinion on should they do it and his statement of "I guess" after her question of "are we married now?" admits confirmation on his end. This wedding would stand up in court. HOW DO YOU HAVE 7 CHILDREN WHAT WERE YOU DOING??!?!? Ummmm about to msg sis about this I need more info assdfsff
  6. No maybe just do it unless you want to just sit around writing sad poems and ish about it feeling sorry for yourself the rest of your life. If you weren't in a different start right now I would march over to your door and slap some sense into you.
  7. This is so sad. It doesn't have to be this way TELL. HIM. What do you have to lose? Nothing. Consider instead what you have to gain.
  8. Sarada


    @Zeref We are all united against you. You're like the Trump of OSRS. It's not a lie you have picture proof. Ok sdfggfdss I'm going to call him right now I know he's awake
  9. Today I'm going to a lecture at lunch time that I've been asked to write an article on for the school newspaper. The person holding the lecture is an American playwright who recently had one of her shows featured on Broadway. I've never written for the school newspaper before but they reached out and asked me about it. I decided I was going to the lecture anyway so I may as well write an article on it.
  10. That sucks I hate when that happens I feel cold and tired I stayed up too late and had to get up too early.
  11. 498 I am confused about the rules because it says to decrease the number regardless of which side we want to be on? Are we decreasing for the girls team and increasing for the guys team? Which side needs to get to 0 and which side needs to get to 1,000?
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