The first episode of Nagi no Asukara opens up with Hikari, a child of the sea, cooking for his sister Akari and his father who is the Chief Priest that serves the Sea God. After serving his family the food, Hikari rushes out to meet his childhood friend Manaka, another resident of the underwater village of Shioshishio. When he finally reaches her, she has already met up with their friends Chisaki and Kaname. Hikari notices the uniform Manaka is wearing and fusses at her because she is wearing the surface school’s uniform instead of Namoji’s, which is the school in Shioshishio that recently closed which forced the students to have to go to Mihama, a school on the surface. Manaka wants to blend in but Hikari believes that they should wear Namoji’s uniform because he believes they are better than the surface people. Manaka goes to change because she wants Hikari to stop shouting. Hikari, Kaname and Chisaki head on to school leaving Manaka behind. When they get to the surface, Hikari decides to wait for Manaka and Chisaki and Kaname tease him about it. When she finally shows back up, Manaka starts to cry because they left her and then she gets caught up in a net and is pulled up to the surface by two fishermen, one of which is Tsumugu, a boy from the surface. Tsumugu is surprised to see a girl in his net. Then the theme music plays.
I think this is an excellent beginning to an excellent anime. I thought it was a good taste of the personalities of several of the main characters and then the theme music begins and my eyes were immediately mesmerized by the beauty of the theme song. It’s quite honestly one of the most beautifully executed theme songs I’ve ever watched. I’m a huge fan of the artwork and music throughout this anime.
After the theme song is over, the teacher introduces Hikari, Manaka, Chisaki and Kaname to the class. Manaka sees Tsumugu and blushes. This irritates Hikari. As they are introducing themselves, the class starts being rude to them which prompts Hikari, who already dislikes the surface people, into insulting them. Hikari wants Manaka to give them a hard time to but she doesn’t want to. Hikari gets mad and Chisaki has to pry Hikari’s hands off of Manaka. Manaka then proclaims that she doesn’t want to talk to Hikari anymore and Hikari says that it’s fine with him. The next scene shows that Chisaki has taken Manaka to the girl’s locker room and given Manaka her gym clothes so Manaka can blend in. She then tells Manaka that Hikari was only trying to protect her and Manaka says that she knows. Manaka then looks out the window and sees the students running track. She then sees Tsumugu running and she compares his running to swimming on land. She then notices Hikari running. Hikari is determined to outrun Tsumugu but he ends up tripping and falling on Tsumugu instead. Hikari gets mad…..again.
Hikari yells……a lot….mostly at Manaka. You would think that since he obviously cares for her he would be a little kinder towards her but that isn’t the case. I want to knock some sense into him sometimes. He doesn’t like Tsumugu at all…..for one, he’s a surface child and two, Manaka seems to be infatuated with him.
Hikari then walks home alone and he passes his sister, Akari, who works at a store on the surface. She asks him where Manaka is and Hikari says they are not little kids anymore and that they don’t have to go home together. Akari teases him by calling him a little kid. Then they notice two kids between the boxes. They are Miuna and Sayu. They run away when Akari and Hikari walk over and find the chewing gum graffiti that they did.
I would have to say that Miuna and Sayu are my favorite characters in this anime. They are so cute and they get fairly decent sized roles later on in the story. Keep an eye on them though; you never know what trouble they’ll get themselves into.
Hikari goes back to Shioshishio and is called over by the “Men’s Club” who complain about the fisherman fishing where they weren’t supposed to be which emptied the fields of fish which is bad but it’s even worse with the salt damage. They also complain that the surface people won’t do the “Boatdrift Ceremony” this year. Hikari starts thinking about how in the past, everybody lived in the sea, then after marveling at the land, man shed his Ena, which was provided by the sea god, and left the sea to face many hardships on land. Thinking they had been cursed by the sea god, they started sending young girls out on boats as sacrifices to appease the sea god. That’s the story of how the Boatdrift Ceremony started. These days, they send offerings of food. Supposedly, all the people of Shioshishio are the offspring of the sea god and these sacrificed maidens. The Men’s Club is afraid that the sea god will get angry if the Boatdrift Ceremony isn’t held.
This is a really nice scene to me because it provides you with some important background history.
Hikari is walking home when he sees Manaka near the sea god’s shrine. He starts to walk by her without saying anything but ends up asking her if she is taking a food offering to Lord Uroko, who is a scale of the sea god, in exchange for some Spirit Fire for her home. She nods yes and then he apologizes to her. He ends up going to the shrine with her to get the Spirit Fire from Lord Uroko. He relights her Spirit Fire and she gives him the food her grandmother made. He comments on how pleasant the scent is and Manaka thinks that he means the food. What he really means is that he can smell that she is ovulating. She blushes, screams and punches him in the face with the food. He tells her he is going to curse her as she runs away from the shrine. Hikari leaves the shrine and finds Manaka crying because she doesn’t understand him. Hikari tells her that is nothing unusual and to just ignore him. Manaka is worried about Lord Uroko’s threat of a curse. Hikari reminds her that Lord Uroko is mainly there to ensure they don’t try to leave the sea like the surface people did. They then go home. Hikari tells his father that he doesn’t think the Boatdrift Ceremony is really important since they have Lord Uroko.
Lord Uroko is…..a character. He looks after all the residents of Shioshishio. I didn’t really like him at first but he kind of grew on me later.
The next day, Hikari, Chisaki, and Kaname are ready for school and have gone to Manaka’s house to get her. Manaka is refusing to leave her room because Lord Uroko did indeed curse her. In her knee is a fish. Hikari goes up to her room but she doesn’t want him to see it but she ends up letting him see it. She says that it’s fine if it’s him. Hikari then takes a cloth and ties it around her knee to conceal the fish and they head off to school.
I felt that it was nice to see Hikari kind of being nice to Manaka for once.
After school lets out for Chisaki and Manaka, some girls grab her so they can look at her in the sunlight and see her Ena sparkle. They comment saying she’s not human which upsets her. Then Tsumugu walks in and she bumps the knee with the fish and it makes a gross noise which upsets her even more and she runs out of the room. Chisaki finds Hikari and Kaname and tells them Manaka ran off. Manaka is so upset that she ran into the woods. She ends up falling and unable to get up because her Ena is dried out and cracking and it hurts too much to move.
Even though they are all the same age, Manaka seems a little less mature and younger than the rest of them. She’s easily upset by things she doesn’t understand and tries to run away from them.
Hikari, Chisaki and Kaname continue to search for her and when their Ena starts to dry out and crack, Hikari tells them to go home and he jumps in the sea for a few minutes to rehydrate his Ena before continuing to search for Manaka. After Hikari has left, Kaname makes the comment that it’s like Hikari and Chisaki are married and Manaka is their child and if Manaka is ever out of the picture, it’ll be Chisaki by Hikari’s side. Chisaki gets upset because Kaname is saying that while Manaka is still missing.
Let the complex love triangles begin! They’re great and will keep you guessing at who ends up with who till the very end. Some of the relationships I never saw coming.
Tsumugu finds Manaka and takes him home with him and his grandfather and puts her in a tub of water which he adds tons of salt to so it will heal her Ena. Tsumugu unties the cloth and sees the fish in her knee. Manaka wakes up and freaks out because Tsumugu sees the fish. He leaves and she becomes upset because she thinks he is grossed out by it. He then returns with some food and feeds the fish. He thinks the fish is beautiful but at first, Manaka thinks he is calling her beautiful. He then tells Manaka she is beautiful. Manaka is so embarrassed that she submerges as far as she can in the tub. It’s hard for her to breathe so Tsumugu gets more salt to put in the water.
I really like this scene because it shows that Manaka is starting to trust the surface people contrary to how Hikari feels about them. After spending a good part of her life with Hikari telling her what to do, she’s finally starting to diverge from him.
It’s now nighttime and Hikari is still searching for Manaka. He’s following the road when he meets Manaka and Tsumugu on it. When he sees Tsumugu, he gets mad and wants to know what he did to Manaka. Manaka tells Hikari that Tsumugu rescued her. Hikari takes her back to Shioshishio. As they are heading back, Manaka apologizes to Hikari for worrying him but all he can think of is that she let Tsumugu see the fish when she said earlier that it was only fine if it was him. Then the ending theme plays.
In case you haven’t figured it out, while all four of the kids from Shioshishio are main characters, Manaka and Hikari are the main ones. This last scene pretty much shows how jealous Hikari is of Manaka trusting Tsumugu enough to let him see the fish without her being embarrassed. I’d say…serves you right Hikari…..all the times you’ve been mean to poor Manaka. Once again, my eyes are mesmerized by the closing theme with beautiful artwork to accompany the beautiful music.
Overall, I felt like it was a great first episode. You really get a feel for each of the main characters and you get a taste of all the love triangles. I hope that after reading this, you will be so enthusiastic about watching this, that you’ll immediately get online and start. (Seriously….if you finished reading this, you deserve a reward :P)
Thank you for reading and see you next week when I post Episode 2!