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Evil Bunny of Doom

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Status Updates posted by Evil Bunny of Doom

  1. *boop* just checking to see how is everyone since i'm super duper ultra busy ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Teru


      I don't know you yet, I'll be waiting for when you're free. Don't need to rush, I'll be here.

    3. Viper


      Nice to see you back

    4. Wodahs


      not the same place with out you here

  2. Me: I have to save money for the convention in april. Also me: orders new pokemon plushie #nosalvation

  3. going back home tomorrow... can't wait to see my love again ^^

    1. zoop


      Been on a trip or away for school or such?

    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      eh no, i'm not a school kid anymore >.> i've moved to a different city

    3. zoop


      Well, I was thinking university or such. :D And that makes sense.

  4. People: omg valentine's day is coming, cant wait to spend it with my bf/gf Me: food

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Belgrade_assassin


      Food's good too! :D I've wanted to eat some grill with onions and smell without a care in a world!

    3. Kohloo


      me: it's just a corporate cash grab :/

    4. Belgrade_assassin


      ^ Well it is but you can make it whatever you'd like it to be so no worries there. :D

  5. relationship goals [MEDIA=youtube]CXE7IIuE1nw[/MEDIA]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      true but i do not wish to die just yet ;-;

    3. Belgrade_assassin


      Yh, there's so much to life for and all~

    4. Evil Bunny of Doom
  6. yeh I have a unicorn now, if u don't liek it fight me >.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      @[1682:Belgrade_assassin] it's my new signature

    3. Belgrade_assassin


      Awh, it's so fabulous! *-*

    4. Evil Bunny of Doom
  7. your day isnit going so well? you can always watch funny disney moments 100% guaranteed to work XP


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zoop


      *shrug* I've caught a fair bit of grief over the years for not hating Apple products.

    3. Belgrade_assassin


      ^ Retro phones are cool I guess, although that mostly refers to Nokia 1100. Ohhhh, sad day for the Bunny club. :(

    4. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      oh no need to worry any more XP my uncle managed to save it... it only has a little issue with the speakers but it's no big deal

  9. it's funny how i'm slowly but steadily turning from a lazy ass procrastinator into someone who gets sh*t done :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      *_* omg i have a team now? yay!

    3. Belgrade_assassin
    4. zoop


      Laziness is where it's at. Don't become one of those boring people that actually do things. D:

  10. I have a hard time deciding if your avatar pic indicates murder or rape.... ;-;

  11. the couple living below us has a baby... and the baby cries... and I wanna murder =_=

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zoop


      Normally I'd agree, but the machine I have at the moment is a bit too loud for my taste. Dx

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      D: this is not right... !!

    4. zoop


      Life is cruel ;_;

  12. hohoho and you thought I was active because I have free time? NO! I WANTED DEM POINTS!!! VIRTUAL MONEY IS STILL MONEY!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zoop


      British, I believe. :D

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      i thought brits did not possess a sense of humor XD (no offence to anyone :3)

    4. Belgrade_assassin
  13. [MEDIA=youtube]a4A2xyoUAf8[/MEDIA]

  14. [MEDIA=youtube]MNzteFE-xoA[/MEDIA]

    1. Wodahs


      hahaha I just found out im a beardo

  15. this is too intense XD [MEDIA=youtube]LdqFlrcFbJU[/MEDIA]

  16. *boop* how have you been? ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Davis


      well that's good, looks like you are more active now ^_^

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      yeah well it's because i have my laptop back :P

    4. Davis


      haha ok ^_^

  17. one more positive rating and I'll have 666 :D i'm so evil~

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      you're like the 904th person sending me this ;-;

    3. Wodahs


      its what I thought of when you mentioned forced bunny evolution turning out like and the fastest with out searching much

    4. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      ;-; i'm not like my ancestors...

  18. so AF has a voice chat now? why u do this? I wanna join but I dont feel comfortable talking to people ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ssjup81


      You don't have to. You could listen in. That aside, doesn't seem most chat much.

    3. Belgrade_assassin


      That'd feel kinda weird tbh. :P

    4. Wodahs


      Hmmm , don't think your missing much , I myself rather (when I do) do the chat seen this way with people , I don't find I hard to speak to people just groups , and unless i get in to a conversation im not big on talking

  19. Sorry for being inactive but I'm dying plz send help D: (living in big cities is not fun after all ;-; )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Belgrade_assassin


      Yh, hang in there! Everything gets busy during holidays but remember that now it's time to relax. :D

    3. Wodahs


      sending all the help I can but post office saying inappropriate packaging :S

    4. Kohloo


      Ah, I've always loved cities!

  20. that moment when you realise you're actually the evil dunny of boom ;-;

    1. Frost


      ;-; I knew it

    2. mechaBD



  21. Last week: bunny spots random hot guy Today: Bunny in the subway with same guy... ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      Besides, the point of this status is different...

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      I was just surprised to see a random dude again in the 6 million population of athens

    4. Ryuji


      Well, at least you saw the hot guy twice xP that's cool

  22. ....I live thousands of miles away and yet I feel sorry for America.... ;-;

  23. how about another contest nii-san? (we never got the results from the last one either but it was only me and xyro who submitted so i guess it's ok ;-; )

    1. Ryuji


      I'll think about it but I can't promise anything right now.

  24. I'm not gonna see my parents for like a month~ soooo happy :D :D

  25. when your group 2 of friends go out without telling you~ (they had a fight and there are groups 1 & 2 but I never chose sides so why? ;-; )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kohloo


      how dare they! For real though, that's unfortunate to hear

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      =^= i'm gonna burn them

    4. Ryuji


      Need some help?

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