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Evil Bunny of Doom

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Everything posted by Evil Bunny of Doom

  1. a lot of food will make me fat ;-; i like the idea of hugs tho.... although i hate being hugged I'M THE DEFINITION OF PARADOX GAAAAH
  2. .....a bunny with a lot of issues tho.....
  3. weeell i range from a cold hearted uncaring bas**rd to the cutest fluffiest bunny
  4. In an effort to counter @Xyro Donatus fluffy thread, I decided to start my own. Here, however, you can post tales of rejection and break up and diss your exes and feel good I don't judge!!! I don't have any tearful stories to share since I've never been in a relationship... BUT I have been asked out a couple of times (?) (and just felt it wasn't right) so I majestically turned them down. ok, here we go. So, guy #1 happened during my second year in high school. We'd known each other for several years (even though we weren't classmates or even at the same school) but we were never really close or hanged out much. He's the sort of friend you say hi to once in a while and maybe chat a bit but nothing more. And yet one day in November 2013, we were out with a bunch of others after school and he was like following me around and trying to hug me and I was like 'wtf are you doing dude?'. And then he was like 'I like you, plz go out with me' and he had this puppy face on and stuff.... Needless to say, I was torn between getting embarassed and laughing my a** off. It kinda came as a shock because back then, I didn't think it was possible for anyone to like me (my confidence level was much lower) so I obviously thought he was joking and was quick to turn him down. He was rather persistent though... Flash forward six months later he was still nagging me about the thing. Perhaps if he'd been honest I might have considered it.... but you can't try to get a girl to like you for a long time AND HAVE GOD KNOWS HOW MANY OTHER GIRLFRIENDS IN THE MEANTIME. He's actually quite well known around these parts for being a pervert and changing girlfriends often . He's fun as a friend but not recommended for a serious relationship. I have to admit, though, I DID go out with him once. It was more like a friendly outting than a date but yeah.... The main reason I agreed is because that day I had a fight with my ex best friend (maybe I should also make a thread about long and emotionally abusive frienships, too) and really wanted a distraction... so I pretty much used him in a way ;-; (yeh, I am THAT rotten). But the thing didn't go so well for me (karma being a b**ch). That's because he almost noticed something about me that I don't want people to notice (Bunny's ultimate secret of destruction ) so I became extremely cautious from that point on and the whole thing was more nerve-wrecking than it should have been ;-; Thankfully, after that he's never mentioned anything about going out again >.< yay!!! #friendzoned So, moving on to guy #2. This one's weirder. Guy #2 was a friend I made in high school... because of a tree.... yeah, a tree. You see, I had drawn a tree on my desk with a pen and it was a REALLY GOOD TREE which I was proud of. My class and his class would exchange classrooms twice a week because the internet signal was weak in theirs and during certain classes that required internet access, they'd borrow ours. During said classes, he coincidentally sat at my desk and, apparently, he loooved my tree so much he decided to ask me to draw one on his desk as well. And that's about how we started talking more and more each day (which made quite the difference for him since he didn't really have any friends). We became close rather quickly cause we shared many similar interests like anime and music and I may have liked him a bit at first and I might would have thought about it if he'd asked me out then. (it was REALLY annoying tho that classmates that had never spoken to me before would come ask me if he's my boyfriend... like why the frickity fruck do you care????) Anyway, as time passed and I got to know him better, he was not all that great and started regretting befriending him. That't because the guy was more trouble than he was worth. He's completelly clueless about everythng and has no will of his own. He can't even make simple decisions about himself and I'm worried about his future... Buuuut I still felt kinda sorry about him since I was his only friend and without me he'd be all alone ;-; And I think that's exactly why he developed feelings towards me (guys are so quick to misinterpret stuff). When high school was nearing its end (around april) he started showing signs of, you know, having a crush, although at the time I was in total oblivion and could not care less since the aforementioned ex bestie had once again decided to play with my feelings, this time on a much larger scale. (....I just noticed that guys do have the worst timing ....) Yet, once again, I did what I had done with the first guy: I went out with him just to distract myself from being depressed in my room. Still, I really had no idea about his feelings and I thought I was just casually going out with a friend. But apparently he didn't. Thus, one night, when we were chatting on facebook, he said he had something really important to tell me after the exam period was over and he even sent me a bunch of heart emojis (sth he had never done before) so I started getting suspicious. After discussing the matter with my friends the next day, I realised just how thick in the head I am for not noticing this sooner (they were both like: yeah, we knew it... it was about time you realised ). After that, I proceded differently. I made sure to indirectly make it clear that I had zero intention of dating him or anything. Since he still hadn't confessed anything directly either, I couldn't just go and tell him to knock it off... When exams finally ended, (and being the rotten bi*ch I am) I did question him about it... like hey, you said you had something important to tell me, what is it? I was actually hoping he'd had the guts to at least admit it.. but nooooooo he avoided replying in the most ridiculous ways possible. Which meant my plan had worked, but I was just a tiny bit disappointed in him nonetheless. Obviously, I never got the chance to flat out reject him ;-; too bad. I'm 100% sure he did it just to have the benefit of doubt. What a coward (says the one who would never confess her feelings either.... I am sooo rotten). Unfortunately, he still sends me weird messages from time to time just to piss me off but I can never get angry at him for long cause he's just so clueless that I'd be wasting my energy on useless matters. Frankly, I have stopped caring... #megafriendzoned And that's pretty much all my experience regarding dating.... And yeah, I am aware I am a cruel, mercyless female..... No, I have no intention of making it easy for the guy I will actually have feelings for in the future (if such a thing ever happens). In fact he's gonna have it waaay worse. *already feels sorry for the dude* Welp, if someone can't have you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best.... (ofc I am well aware I have to, and I am willing to, put an equal amount of effort into it) And with that, I am finally gonna wrap this post up (it's the caffeine in my blood doing all this, not me I swear to the god of cappuccino ;-; ) Stay safe and fabulous~
  5. hoho I will come to your house and trick you :3 Since we don't celebrate halloween I will probably watch a movie or sth (if internet god allows it) otherwise I'll end up exchanging halloweeny pics with my friend on viber because she loves halloween... perhaps some of the youtubers I watch have halloween themed videos so I shoud go check
  6. ....I can't even say the word love in a conversation, much less to someone else.... ;-; (surprisingly, though, I don't have a problem saying it in any other language exept my own ) yes... I have never... said 'I love you' to anyone (other than my dog ofc...) I have this really insecure friend, for example, and she often asks me 'you love me right???' I reply with 'yeah, of course' but never say I love you back ;-; I just can't... I feel the word is too heavy to say and even if I try, it gets stuck on my tongue, as if saying it will make it lose its meaning. As I have mentioned before, I have never been in a relationship (or even liked anyone romantically) for similar reasons. What I mean is, if the word is so hard for me to say, imagine how hard is to feel the actual feeling Of course, that doesn't mean there are no people I care about. But caring for someone and loving them are not the exact same thing, is it? (example: I care about my parents but I'm light years away from loving them, especially after what they did ;-; I have no family any more...) Perhaps there will come a day when I will honestly and hole heartedly love someone (who is NOT an animal ) but until then, I'd rather spare me the trouble of getting into fake relationships that are not gonna last and keep my 'I love you' for a very very special someone yeah.. I am THAT weird... (Still, I express my feelings through art... If you're my friend I will make you gifts and you can do nothing about it )
  7. I will miss you Bard ;-; *hugs* I hope everything works out well for you in the end, whatever it is that has caused you so much trouble and pain I'd rather not say goodbye, though... Until we meet again~
  8. newsongnewsongnewsongnewsongnewsongnewsongnewsong <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqmjBSurfWY
  9. I only keep my steam games on my desktop and they are just 2 because i dont enjoy my screen to being filled with icons >.> I have any other important icons on that bar thingy
  10. haven't played this in a while.... tbh i haven't played anything in a while... i'll check it later cause i'm bored to go look now... unless i forget
  11. when your group 2 of friends go out without telling you~ (they had a fight and there are groups 1 & 2 but I never chose sides so why? ;-; )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kohloo


      how dare they! For real though, that's unfortunate to hear

    3. Evil Bunny of Doom

      Evil Bunny of Doom

      =^= i'm gonna burn them

    4. Ryuji


      Need some help?

  12. actually my first thought was that a certain friend of mine would really like that dress she likes old lady stuff as well :3
  13. omg your room is so simple... i am really jealous... i have SO MUCH STUFF ;-;
  14. I can hear a woman singing outside... very loudly... and very badly... ;-;

    1. Ryuji


      What was she singing?

    2. Evil Bunny of Doom
  15. hello and welcome to the forums ^^ [spoiler=do not open] say, I have this friend who's into k-pop and she has dragged me a bit into this... a-and there's this song that's been stuck in my head ever since.... save meh ;-; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALj5MKjy2BU
  16. yeh this is my kinda thread behold, my mess nest [spoiler=Bunny's bed] [spoiler=Bunny's desk (huge mess)] [spoiler=Bunny's extra storage (cause too many books 'n stuff)]
  17. *reads thread* *slowly backs away* I-I don't even like lolis... *runs*
  18. welcome ^^ what kind of colrblindness do you have? a friend of mine confuses red with blue and sees a pink sky and it's pretty cool (all the unicorns~)
  19. me when watching the winter soldier [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/9s9i74.jpg[/IMG]

  20. i meant the real davis, not your davis.. unless u own him too butt why does bard own us all???
  21. thankfully we dont have any clowns running around at night here.... which is good because I always found them terrifying and considering that my bag contains a cutter on a daily basis, there would be blood ;-;
  22. omg @Bard >.> I belong to master @Davis @Xyro Donatus is just my boss
  23. .......... Atsuko is my spirit animal XP *Bunny is now wondering what color to try next*
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