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XII360 last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. yare yare daze, atashi no tiredo desu


    ...yea i-i got nothing, tomorrow im gonna do some maintenance on my bicycle, couse that things busted up as my life is (pretty busted up),

    and probably..other thing's i have not thought up yet, i clearly have my schedule allllll planned out


    with that said HAVE SOME SONGS !

    i really like this song <.>

    also, how u been doing @FinDee-kun and @alupacard-chan ?! i have not heard much of you're (love) lifes as of (who knows when ago it was) !

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    2. XII360


      @alupacard was deleting files on my phone (images/vid) and i found these two images,



      first one is my old phone, the one i told you i used for literally a year, 2nd one was moms picture of my phone, when she got it >.>

      @FinDee jesus, you sleep on floor ?, so...you have back problems ?, its either back problem, or you just cant fall asleep on beds, im leaning towards back problem, couse beds are somewhat good for the back, but sometimes it can hurt the back, if the bed is..kind of too cheap and or of bad quality ?

      sleeping on cold floor can be good on the back, but it can make waking up kind of, make you sluggish ?, i know becouse i wanted to experience it, and have experienced it, after waking up, my body hurts like hell, and i feel sluggish to move, its an overall sucky feeling

      and ofcourse, with sluggish feeling comes lazyness, and thats bad


    3. FinDee


      I figure maybe it's because beds don't fully fit me.  With my size and all.  So having some over hang causes too much stress on certain joints that leads to stess points on my back.  you know because all nerves run through your back?  But I'm uneducated.  And I figure the floor doesn't hurt so much. So I'll just sleep there.  And I do.  Of course if I ever do meet a lady it might get weird lol.  "Where is your bed?"  "About that, I don't have one."  Then she just leaves xD.  

    4. XII360


      i mean, i doubt its the fully fit theory, assuming, having a few inches away from bed should be fine, if its like, head-knee's,(you're knee's are bended, down the bed) i can understand, but it shouldnt really cause any pain on the back ? atleast, unless...huh maybe it is possible, though its on my imagination of the posture you're body is at, after all, bad sleeping posture can also be a cause of back pain -- its somewhat hard to explain ?


      t-that would be kinda sad, lowkey no joke >.>

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