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XII360 last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. I woke up early to have proper meal -- lets go and ace this sh*tty exam god dangit D :<

    gonna read all stuff later after exam -- brains directed to exams mode

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    2. XII360


      d-daijooooubbuuuu~ i already aced it~, im somewhat one the tops too~,

      so this is pretty much the results, we had 2 quiz, 1 exam, 2 quiz 1 exam, (mycology/virology/both/hema/hema/hema)

      first i scored 8/10 on the quiz, then i scored a whopping 2/10 , thus in total, i get a 10/20, yaaay (seriously, how can basic stuff make me have a hard time ?, just thinking i know the family of the viruses makes me go, "eh i got this", and then ebola'ed and filoviridaed to the face"

      tho' on exam, i got 79/100, which is in % umm, 90%, (formula is pretty much, correct answer, divided by total items, times 50, plus 50), so thats a fap fap

      and then hema one, i got... 13/15 on first, then 8/10, initially, my only goal is to get 50%, so moment i know im past 50%, my brain gets lazy >.>, grades are just numbers anyway, no one cares about you're grades when you go get a job 

      on exam tho' i got 74/100, (87%) the funniest part is -- the prof literally, made all the answers letter B, and i kid you not, i was like "huh, i guess the professor put allot on letter B, couse i know my answers aint wrong, im not the only one who put in allot answers on B right ?", and then i find out, she lowkey just made all answers letter B, and my classmate (the cool guy one) got 73 -- couse he got lazy and went for letter B's >_>, we literally kek'ed at this

      so yea, TLDR; i failed my exams ;_;

      i-i am sumimasen needle-chan q^q

    3. alupacard


      Whoa!! So cool!! Good job on finishing and even being one of the tops! :D 

      Well... the 2/10 seems like a fluke. You did well in general~ 

      LOLOL see, the answer is ALWAYS B X-kun~ That is funny though... sounds like your professor had some "fun" when he put the exam together. And what... no way in world is that failing... T^T

      Needle-chan still loves you lol. No worries!! ;) 

    4. XII360


      i-i mean, its not that hard, all it really toke was...f*cking whole day of studying

      to be fair, how was i suppose to know ebola was part of the family filiviridae, or the other families that i already forgot, its always togavirus -> togaviridae, orthomyxovirus -> orthomyxoviridae, which makes it so simple, but its not x.x

      ...its funny couse, im sure we had a conversation, where i said i would spam <B>, and then the proffesor toke this too literal and now the exam was a literal B >_>

      also, bolded and tldr'ed the i failed, to see if you skip to TLDR's and not read though xD, i see you have passed my test with flying colors ~!, i present you with a score of 85%!, couse, well, you didnt pick the letter B on answering the test sooo...

      next mission: ace tomorrows seminar subject, which incidentally is gonna be about hematology, and god knows im okay on hema >.>, still gonna read whole day tho', gonna be fun (hint: it probably wont)

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