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Status Replies posted by XII360

  1. @XII360 Was aiming for Summer Linde and Genny, but you know what I got?  +Def/-Spd Summer Takumi.... At least he has Fury 3 or Odd Res Wave 3 that can be passed on.

  2. @XII360 Was aiming for Summer Linde and Genny, but you know what I got?  +Def/-Spd Summer Takumi.... At least he has Fury 3 or Odd Res Wave 3 that can be passed on.

  3. @XII360 Was aiming for Summer Linde and Genny, but you know what I got?  +Def/-Spd Summer Takumi.... At least he has Fury 3 or Odd Res Wave 3 that can be passed on.

  4. k, done with the scratch, and i repeat, its just a scratch !, if i really drew this, and not the scratch-way, it wont look this nightmare fuel-ish i have made !, i could use opinion tho'




    dont mind the weapon rack or w.e, it's just a random thing i felt like adding, (couse i sure dont know how to do this lmao, @alupacard TASUKETEEEE)

    on the side note, thats the raw-ish sketch, this is the nightmare fuel one (spoilered it for that reason >:o, but dont worry iz scratch.



    but yea, any idea's if this is good enuf ?!, (its btw, just an UNOFFICIAL MASCOT CHARACTER), aslong as AF admin's dont recognize it as one, it will always be unofficial >:o, unless its canon in our eyes <3,

    with that said, any idea's on if i should proceed on this type of character or do other scratch ?!, do i make it neko-ish ?!, fox-ish !?,goblin?! (yea, goblin is probably never gonna happened >.>), do i do it in chibi-artstyle ?!, or do i try to think of an animal-styled unofficial mascot character ?!

    i must getto some suggestions~!


  5. k, done with the scratch, and i repeat, its just a scratch !, if i really drew this, and not the scratch-way, it wont look this nightmare fuel-ish i have made !, i could use opinion tho'




    dont mind the weapon rack or w.e, it's just a random thing i felt like adding, (couse i sure dont know how to do this lmao, @alupacard TASUKETEEEE)

    on the side note, thats the raw-ish sketch, this is the nightmare fuel one (spoilered it for that reason >:o, but dont worry iz scratch.



    but yea, any idea's if this is good enuf ?!, (its btw, just an UNOFFICIAL MASCOT CHARACTER), aslong as AF admin's dont recognize it as one, it will always be unofficial >:o, unless its canon in our eyes <3,

    with that said, any idea's on if i should proceed on this type of character or do other scratch ?!, do i make it neko-ish ?!, fox-ish !?,goblin?! (yea, goblin is probably never gonna happened >.>), do i do it in chibi-artstyle ?!, or do i try to think of an animal-styled unofficial mascot character ?!

    i must getto some suggestions~!


  6. yoshhh, time to finish this workload on school and try to think up of that mascot character (unofficial) i have been not really thinking of in the past (who knows, 1 or 2 weeks now?) ago !

  7. k, done with the scratch, and i repeat, its just a scratch !, if i really drew this, and not the scratch-way, it wont look this nightmare fuel-ish i have made !, i could use opinion tho'




    dont mind the weapon rack or w.e, it's just a random thing i felt like adding, (couse i sure dont know how to do this lmao, @alupacard TASUKETEEEE)

    on the side note, thats the raw-ish sketch, this is the nightmare fuel one (spoilered it for that reason >:o, but dont worry iz scratch.



    but yea, any idea's if this is good enuf ?!, (its btw, just an UNOFFICIAL MASCOT CHARACTER), aslong as AF admin's dont recognize it as one, it will always be unofficial >:o, unless its canon in our eyes <3,

    with that said, any idea's on if i should proceed on this type of character or do other scratch ?!, do i make it neko-ish ?!, fox-ish !?,goblin?! (yea, goblin is probably never gonna happened >.>), do i do it in chibi-artstyle ?!, or do i try to think of an animal-styled unofficial mascot character ?!

    i must getto some suggestions~!


  8. yoshhh, time to finish this workload on school and try to think up of that mascot character (unofficial) i have been not really thinking of in the past (who knows, 1 or 2 weeks now?) ago !

  9. yoshhh, time to finish this workload on school and try to think up of that mascot character (unofficial) i have been not really thinking of in the past (who knows, 1 or 2 weeks now?) ago !

  10. k, done with the scratch, and i repeat, its just a scratch !, if i really drew this, and not the scratch-way, it wont look this nightmare fuel-ish i have made !, i could use opinion tho'




    dont mind the weapon rack or w.e, it's just a random thing i felt like adding, (couse i sure dont know how to do this lmao, @alupacard TASUKETEEEE)

    on the side note, thats the raw-ish sketch, this is the nightmare fuel one (spoilered it for that reason >:o, but dont worry iz scratch.



    but yea, any idea's if this is good enuf ?!, (its btw, just an UNOFFICIAL MASCOT CHARACTER), aslong as AF admin's dont recognize it as one, it will always be unofficial >:o, unless its canon in our eyes <3,

    with that said, any idea's on if i should proceed on this type of character or do other scratch ?!, do i make it neko-ish ?!, fox-ish !?,goblin?! (yea, goblin is probably never gonna happened >.>), do i do it in chibi-artstyle ?!, or do i try to think of an animal-styled unofficial mascot character ?!

    i must getto some suggestions~!


  11. k, done with the scratch, and i repeat, its just a scratch !, if i really drew this, and not the scratch-way, it wont look this nightmare fuel-ish i have made !, i could use opinion tho'




    dont mind the weapon rack or w.e, it's just a random thing i felt like adding, (couse i sure dont know how to do this lmao, @alupacard TASUKETEEEE)

    on the side note, thats the raw-ish sketch, this is the nightmare fuel one (spoilered it for that reason >:o, but dont worry iz scratch.



    but yea, any idea's if this is good enuf ?!, (its btw, just an UNOFFICIAL MASCOT CHARACTER), aslong as AF admin's dont recognize it as one, it will always be unofficial >:o, unless its canon in our eyes <3,

    with that said, any idea's on if i should proceed on this type of character or do other scratch ?!, do i make it neko-ish ?!, fox-ish !?,goblin?! (yea, goblin is probably never gonna happened >.>), do i do it in chibi-artstyle ?!, or do i try to think of an animal-styled unofficial mascot character ?!

    i must getto some suggestions~!


  12. yoshhh, time to finish this workload on school and try to think up of that mascot character (unofficial) i have been not really thinking of in the past (who knows, 1 or 2 weeks now?) ago !

  13. An artist~!! Sorry for this random post, but I always get excited when I see an artist sharing drawings. If you don't mind me asking, what application do you use to draw? I'm more of a traditional artist myself ^^

    1. XII360


      yea, for me japanese music is great, kpop's, i never managed to get into it, but allot of my classmates dig kpop's too, i just never got into its vibe ;o

      i should probably be fine even irl, unlike my brother, i sort of dont enjoy the fact of cheating, and i never got a girlfriend before : D, im somewhat saving my chastity on becoming a wizard for my very first love <3, yet to happened but soon, maybe, hopefully, i will wield the ultimate magic

      i mean, while we were kid's we just wanna run around, get injured, cry allot, and "mooooooom" it up, no responsibilities, now that were adult's, we have so much responsibilities that we just wanna avoid them and sleep, couse man, sleep is so fun, its the ultimate seductress >.>, next to food ofcourse, you evil huge calories giving food >:o (cough chocolates cough)

      i mean its not that i love yandere's most, its just that i like almost all dere's equally, it will just depend on how much i will like them, if there's a bad yandere, and then a good kuudere, i would probably love the kuudere more than the yandere !,



    2. (See 100 other replies to this status update)

  14. @XII360 +Atk/-Res Tana-chan is now mine :D


  15. @XII360 +Atk/-Res Tana-chan is now mine :D


  16. and done, gonna upload it on gallery, and whole info in there ;o

    though i only added a hat and ribbon so


  17. @XII360 +Atk/-Res Tana-chan is now mine :D


  18. d8R3I3j.png

    and im done (not), i still need to study, only reason i was able to finish it up (not really, lacks hat and accessory >:o) was couse i woke up 6am, and now i must waste all my day studying, weeee

    guess once shes 100% done, ill upload it on gallery and add details on how i made my own daughterfu~ 

    random fact: shes one of the 3 daughterfu's i have <3, and 3rd one i ever made

    edit: also gave her the good old slyvie-high patch, couse why not >.>...

    oh and shes not a yandere, just incase you guys think she is one <.>

  19. An artist~!! Sorry for this random post, but I always get excited when I see an artist sharing drawings. If you don't mind me asking, what application do you use to draw? I'm more of a traditional artist myself ^^

    1. XII360


      true, true, and not really, aside from his old song's, i dont listen much to english song's, usually japanese song's now a day's

      god dangit, im not an M >.<, and it was just a figure of speech !

      yea, for some odd reason, i love that idea, idea of yandere doing anything for her love, probably even killing you herself if you cheat on her, feel's so "fap", but yea probably, not everyone likes the idea of getting killed by a yandere, even me !, so a rule of code when dealing with yandere's : show them all the love and tell them your preferences, and then avoid girl's, itll be a happy end if you do so, to bad most main character's raise their own death flag by not doing this, or yandere being too overprotective >.>...

      sleep is for the weak.meme, lets face it, ill probably be hitting the bed once i get back from a single work >.>...

      naw, no problem's, its just that he wants us to spend our cash properly and correctly, so if i bought a 20usd pillow, over getting something i can use everyday in technical stuff for 20usd, well go figure, besides im kind of a hermit already anyway's

      ...i will neither say no, nor will i say yes, but yandere is one of my top dere's

      i wont lie to you, i never went through 50/50 thread, i only saw it from a youtuber i watch, that's where i found out about it, thank god for censor's

    2. (See 100 other replies to this status update)

  20. classes suspended due to typhoon "maria", I CAN FINISH MY DAUGHTERFU


  21. An artist~!! Sorry for this random post, but I always get excited when I see an artist sharing drawings. If you don't mind me asking, what application do you use to draw? I'm more of a traditional artist myself ^^

    1. XII360


      mhm, probably,

      im not too aware of the story he did to become of what he is now (i never really played new song's of his. since 90% of what i heard, was from my brother playing them, and i was semi disgusted before, till i learned the lyrics >.>

      well not literally-- figuratively, will slap you, i cant somewhat imagine a dog slapping you then : D, or atleast if you really want to be slapped by a dog...go in their tail when they see you, dat tail wag will slap your face back and back >.>

      yandere's will-- 60% arouse me, 40% scare me, but i would still be aroused >.>, its somewhat of a fun idea for me i guess ... ?

      i would become the new "illusion"...MIRAGE!. that's messed up >.>, but who know's if its a good jobbu, i mean i never made a game before ;o, and im not really known, so no fans.jpg, i do have actual "fans" tho', "electric fans"

      im, not sure, but my father might see it as me starting to get a problem, probably, i mean i already sing japanese song's, if i suddenly started buying anime-related product's that cost allot, he will go "you have a problem", or "get outa my house >:o", either one

      i...i dont think they are yandere's even, i just drew him into a yandere couse preferrence.jpg, i mean we both know i like yandere's >.>

      reddit huh, just dont go to the "50/50" thread, you do not wanna see some messed up thing's in there, probably worse than 4chan's regular thread's on /b/, and i venture forth /b/ >.>, sometimes /a/, mostly /a/ though'


    2. (See 100 other replies to this status update)

  22. An artist~!! Sorry for this random post, but I always get excited when I see an artist sharing drawings. If you don't mind me asking, what application do you use to draw? I'm more of a traditional artist myself ^^

    1. XII360


      probably, never experienced it as i only befriend few people.

      mhm, eminem made some neat song's, like deep meaning one's (i.e toy soldier, mocking bird,) he cusse's allot, but man do some of his song's have deep meaning, like philosophical deep >.>

      and this is probably why im a dog person >.>, at best dogs will slap you, atleast my dog's do, but most of the time they are : D'ish 

      needle-chan can really go in "deep and succ". i think thats too much ero jokes >.>

      maybe, hopefully, i better, or else ima just become an IT and make games that will most likely be R18 for mature adult stuff >.>

      ....picking only one is too much power for one man to handle, but its either kudryavka, or sawatari-senpaiiii

      ...that is to say not lewd version and normal one, where i wont be thrown outside the house when they see me hugging it, or sent to prison >.>

      lmao, it's my scratch paper on whenever i write things i have no idea about, its usually the first thing on the table so i write random stuff i hear the professor say's, it just so happened i drew it there >.>

      but, yandere is best dere! they love you so much they will murder other people for you !, can you not see shiba-san just wants you to love her, so much your life is probably in danger that he would do anything just to be a good boi ?!

      yeaaaa, i did not even know imgur had a community, jesus, i thought it was just an image upload site, and for a comment and likes/dislikes to happend in merely 14min >.>, and i was at phone at the time so im kinda slow moving ?

    2. (See 100 other replies to this status update)

  23. yoshhh~, thanks to an eroge from (illusion), i have the will power to draw again !, im gonna draw my daughterfu tomorrow >:o,

    as soon as i finish tomorrows classes that is, i will draw "Kaeda Moreida" >:O

    ...i mean it should be mishi first, then shiori, since that was the order i created them, but detail's

  24. im sad/depressed =/

    probably gonna play some eroge's to feel better from failing to do a proper vein shot twice, tsk

    eroges will always make me smile ._.

  25. An artist~!! Sorry for this random post, but I always get excited when I see an artist sharing drawings. If you don't mind me asking, what application do you use to draw? I'm more of a traditional artist myself ^^

    1. XII360


      its allot lot difficult, beside's, i somewhat like having few friends i can trust, than have a town of friend's whom only befriended me couse they gain something for being my friend, and then ditch me the moment i cant give that gain to them {e.g friends only couse i bought them lunch or something}

      oh crap, i forgot to put the song lmao, i am forgeti alotini~, and im at school, so i cant be assed >.>..., incidentally i like some of eminem's songs / linking park, they are some classic's

      the amount of poop they produce tho', and the amount of how they cant resist {atleast the female} to jump into my keyboard and spam hit my keyboards when im doing something is over ninethousanddddd, and yea, they are "cute killers'...huh isnt that pretty much kind of like, yandere ?, if you think about it...huh

      i-im not an M dangit ! >.<, i mean sure, the idea of being pierced by a long, hard, needle gets my kokoro go doki doki, and when he plunges so deep inside my vein-chan, i cant help but scream "iyaaa, go slower needle-kun"

      lowkey i was laughing and forgot what i was typing rofl, but yea, i aint an M >.<

      give take, i injected both my brother and his gf, guess what ?, perfect blood extraction, while i fail in class smh, i cant even >.>

      luckeeeee, if you get ther next year, bring me a dakimakura souvenier !, ive always wanted one, i cant order one couse if i got one, and my papi-chulo see's it, i think he will disown me >.>

      ...so i did a sketch and it was fine and all, i didnt have a pencil with me but i was determined

      and this is what happened

      jesus christ, uploaded 15 minutes and i already had 70 views TIME TO PRIVATE IT

      edit:: my bad, i didnt notice i toke a blur picture on first /real image, i am of dissapointed at self



      nah, but for reals






      also, i could not resist, im sorry




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