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Everything posted by XII360

  1. so i have a massive decision to make

    do i study for upcoming classes ?

    or do i draw ?

    ....this requires time to think, time to play feh and hopefully get what im after >:o

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XII360


      can..can't i just use a microwave and time travel back like they do in stein's gate ?, it happened in anime, it should be possible in real life too !

    3. brycec


      🤣 Sure, if you want to start WW III, and witness somebody die in front of you over and over again. 

      Seriously though, time travel time is possible, but it is more in the realm of a theoretical possibility, and that is to go forward.

    4. XII360


      or the possibility of being turned into a gelatin...I CHANGE MY MIND,I CHOOSE LIFEEEE

      so kind of like gacha/loot box, well this is balls, even in time travelling, i still have to do some luck/calculation's >.>

  2. girl, do you work in an electric company ?, couse your my mitochondria <3


    anyone get it ?, couse mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell...ITS SCIENCE JOKES!




  3. i plan on jogging every 8pm, so as to have a 3 hours gap on before i sleep, but now its raining again, and this will somewhat ruin my plans if the street is muddy, nonetheless ill try the suggestion! (whole warm out part), i didnt really do them, just grabbed a pair of slippers, and rannnn~ i just kept on running~, till i felt tired an ran back home (initially it was a 15minutes jog!) if rain stops soon, i can still do my plans on jogging >:O!, if it doesn't, well studying for the quiz is also fine..?
  4. awww i enjoyed putting random tags in the end of the tags i placed~ but all good things must come to an end to bring about a better search function
  5. huh that sound's like a fun adventure, but also a traumatizing one, i probably woulda sat down and waited a bit while devising a plan on what to do, (but i would probably be too scared of mother nature's pet's !) i live in a village, so jogging around is no problem's to me, (just gotta force myself to actually jog!) we did recently have a typhoon too, that somewhat gave me reason's to not go outside, but school wont give in (especially couse "college"), and forces to keep classes going even though rain's are making floods in our area >.> (its an exaggeration on my part, but water level was kind of high?)
  6. so im surprised no one ever posted this, (then again the club is somewhat dead!) now before i start, now this!, this visual novel contains "EROGENOUS" scene's, and cannot be disabled, so unless your 18+, dont try this at home, or play it, now that that's done, dropping description, source from VNDB (link: https://vndb.org/v18636#main) description: "I became the guardian of a slave girl, who had been abused by her last owner. At first glance, when she was already with me, the situation we found ourselves in was strange. She was naturally distrusting, but through communication we became friendly. We made a connection, and we became friends. I bought her new clothes, and she wore them. As time passed, I started to feel something different... and thinking now I think... I have finished up fall in love with her. " Dorei to no Seikatsu -Teaching Feeling- revolves around the daily life of a doctor, who ends up becoming the guardian of a slave girl formerly abused by his last owner. As the game begins, the player is given options to which can determine the personality of doctor, over the days of the game. """This game is about becoming intimate with a slave girl.""" its a pretty fun visual novel !, and it is also the reason i got into drawing, becouse the cuteness level's was offfff the charts!, sadly its not fully released yet on steam, but i heard from another site (NSFW one, where fan translation was stopped) that official release is being prep'ed, ofcourse it was a year ago and i have not heard much about it since, nonetheless the novel feels somewhat complete! , incidentally, screen's inside spoiler (3 pic's ;o)
  7. im sorry about your situation!, being unable to run due to health problem's, (in my own words: really sucks), is bad i can relate to this, except instead of walking, whenever i go to school i use a bicycle, but even then i feel its not enough exercise, since i dont have classes at thursday/friday/and saturday, (thus i just slack off and be as lazy as can be in bed, or being deligent in my studies, usually both >.>)
  8. so recently i've been trying to push my lazy ass outside to jog at night, and so far ive done it twice now (yaaay~) never was a fan of big places (where theres many people, i am but not there !), so i never tried to bother to go to gym's, and i feel it would be a waste of cash to go exercise on gym's, so like, im not sure what im saying <.>, but main topic time~! do you guy's prefer going to a gym to get your daily exercise done ?, do you guys have your own style of training/exercise ?, or are you same as me, lazy af to do any excercise, but initially is trying to get into it ?! (or not, i wont judge couse im lazy tooo~) as usual lets have a discussion~ also initially, i prefer going out and doing the exercise alone over going to gym's~, unless i get to battle a gym leader and get a badge ;o
  9. bad pun's tho >.>... i dont mind neat pun's, but forced bad puns are, "">___>"-ish
  10. yosshhh~ i cant sleep~! atashi no sleepu mode is not goo~


    i will force reset this bioclock of mine even if it kills me >:O

    i just hope it doesnt kill me though

    and that i can ace tomorrows quizzes

    ..im gonna study all night >.>...


    edit: incidentally, its probably just primary insomnia, im not sick or anything, just trouble sleeping for the last week, so nothing a little calibration of my sleeping habit and a little jogging wont fix~ i hope~

    or i could have a disease that is not known yet to man kind, probably that huh

    1. FinDee


      A disease would be no good.  good luck resting, back when I had a job and struggle with such things do to working graveyard shift I'd have to get sleep aides to help me sleep.   Just because it can be difficult at times to snooze after the sun has already came up.

    2. XII360


      i agree a disease would be bad, but better i joke it off than cry in a corner xD

      graveyard shift, that sounds hard, not fun, and lots of depression's (mainly being around the dead/working with them cant be a happy-go-lucky-experience)

      as much as possible, ill fight off my insomnia using my own will power !, natural cure is always better than relying on drugs, though maybe a placebo drug would also be okay-ish since itll just be candy, and might work if i think it will ?

  11. pretty much, plot will get me into the anime, with bad plot, ill probably end up yawning and just drop it to do something else, say draw or watch youtube vids, there are instances when ill stay due to my interest in a character, but once i find out they dont have much screen time i just drop it and do other thing's (an example of one anime you suggested where i would stay and watch would be non non biyori, im somewhat interested in one character there, mainly her art style, i somewhat want to copy it and or make my own!, incidentally the characters name is hotaru-chan~)
  12. so basically, anime based on puns ? but yea, im not picky either, id go for any type of anime,doesn't matter on genre, doesn't matter on the art, aslong as the plot is good good art is a bonus, bad art isnt much of a turnoff for me, its like 2d/sprite games, they are unique can neat just as today's 3D model-games are
  13. huh, im no expert in it, but maybe its an ear problem if even volume is set to lowest, or it could be brand of headset, im leaning towards ear problem though if im being honest. but as i said "im no expert", nor am i a "doctor" >.> but the people whom'st experiencing such pain should know more than random guys online ;o, if you think its ear fitting, its possible that's it ?!
  14. huh, maybe its the volume being too loud ?, or it doesnt fit on your ear's properly, prolonged use of earphones can hurt i dont wear mine 24/7 so i never experienced it (even though i prefer ear/headphones > speaker's, i just jam my headphones (PC/wired one) to max when i dont feel like putting it near my ear's), it releases sound somewhat similar to speaker -- only for closer range/distance wont be as loud as speakers too, butttt its hearable and clear when the distance is just my table -> where im sitting at (which is keyboard to where you sit when you type on keyboard ;o)
  15. guys, how do i install a 2TB HDD on my brain and instantly save words i read once in it?

    anyone know? pls guide me step by step

    edit: wierd thought i deleted that picture when i posted this

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. brycec


      I see. That makes it a lot easier to understand the game.

      As for your insomnia, have you seen a specialist? I kind of hate going to doctors here, due to how drugs seem to be the go-to so much now, thereby making western medicine a shell of itself, and is not helped by patients and families blindly trusting the doctor, but they could have an idea of how to fix things.

    3. XII360


      tbh, i dont think its just insomnia, im fairly confident in my ability to wake up and sleep with no problem's

      ive lately been having some pain in my tailbone? atleast near that region, it could be that the pain there (since its somewhat connected to the CNS) is forcing me to stay up, could be just my overspeculation tho,

      if thats the case, the problem would either be two things: its either muscle strain, or the bone itself isnt looking daijoubu

      if its the last one thats gonna be just fineeee (sarcasmn) >.>

      well for now applied some lotion (moov) thats somewhat helpful in muscle strain, hope that helps, otherwise, if i cant sleep, GL me on quiz at morning, or even staying up till 5pm, my class starts at 8am and lasts that long x_x

    4. brycec


      I see. Good luck with your class.

  16. nope not from US, and probably wont be working there when im done, as that place's medical-field is a bit way to overpriced for my caring's, "us" ?, i see you studied pharmacy then, and most likely based on your comment, somewhat regretted it ;o, incidentally my current status would a "medical technologist student" or a "scientist student" ? think of MT/MLT (medtech lab technician, as they may call in the US?) but lower rank of those couse im just a "student" incidentally, it is kind of true that, working fast is important,(as how fast you go can save the Px's life, and or kill Px if you make certain mistakes on your results, after all doctor bases the medication based on results we find), but you dont have to throw away your soul, maybe, aslong as you can do it with a broad mind i think itll be fine im not sure if its fine in the US though, since i heard USA tends to overprice the medical bills, and with overpriced medical bills, doesnt mean proper health care also one rule ill follow that was thought to us is: treat everyone equally, you cant treat another patient with more care just couse his part of your family, and treat the other with no care just couse his a stranger to you, think of them as human being's too, and if mistakes are made, well they wont like it and ill probably be in jail and loose my license ^_^, but thats why we gotta be careful on what results we release and or samples we accept into the laboratory incidentally, studying these doesn't really hurt me, it makes me lose some years true, but i somewhat gained alot of knowledge in things i didnt know in science/medicine which is kind of neat ? i dont blame you >.>, in the USA, i heard they overprice health care there ?, but i also heard healthcare in canada is free !, who know's they might do their job's half-assed or do it whole-heartedly, i for one will do everything i do fully, after all patients lives are somewhat in our hands, (mainly the results we release!), thankies ;o
  17. money isnt everything!, its all about if your saving lives-- or w.e (whatever), im not too keen on money farming ;o but cash aint too bad to, aslong as you dont let the cash manipulate thee~!
  18. tbh, im not even that good at medical-field >.>, im best at techy-related subject's, and average at everything!, i say "studying" but im just gonna read through my notes in hopes they get stuck in my brain, lucky part for me is its all multiple choice's, and my recall game is good ...assuming i see the choice's, if theres no choices i tend to forget even the most basic of the basic's x.x i guess if im going on a specific field...blood bank (blood transfusion specialist i guess is the right term?) seems fun ?, but hardish, havent really decided (even though im already on my last year <.>), ill be average on any specific field i undergo anyway's knowing me!
  19. naw, i mean the site can get confusing at time's so its normal-ish! (also the sister site is really somewhat harder to navigate compared to this AF, talking of sugoi~ one ;o) you did draw a kawaii~ arto of my first love first waifu yea, i practiced drawing, and somewhat got a bit good in it (not as good as you or alupacard-chan tho'), i draw when time allows me, and i have inspiration !,but currently i cant, atleast till wednesday, couse i have to study and my only free day would be wednesday-thursday, after which ill have to study again x.x medical school sucks ._. edit: incidentally garrus has humanoid-like body, so you kind of aced it!, best guy that will "calibrate" your weapon's +10points for those that get it >.>...
  20. incidentally, the earphones i use is
  21. but yea, i used to spam use earphone's as wired (official/original samsung one), but it always broke down after a few tugging on the wires, and then i decided one day "bluetooth earphones"... checked online and i got one and boy is it neato~, initially as stated above ! or as my intro state's ! i prefer bluetooth connection now a days than wired, this goes for keyboard (on phone), mouse (also on phone), graphics tablet (also on a personal computer near you), and earphones (for my phone!), most of the bluetooth stuff i buy is used on phone over everything else !, on the pc i always prefer wired gadgets than wireless (exception of graphics tablet, wireless/bluetooth is hella neato~) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (cut line for a tldr >.>) TLDR; i like wireless gadgets > (more than) wired ones when i use phone, but when i use pc i prefer wired! but yea basically the threads asks-- you !-- the player of this game! (not a game, but just roll with it)--- what do you prefer when you get gadget's now a days ? do you prefer bluetooth gadgets ?, do you prefer wired one's ?, or do you pick the type based on the gadget your getting ? (e.g bluetooth mouse for laptop, wired for pc, etc?)
  22. i finished up till #2, do i post it now or do i post it when im done ?!


    i mean up till #2 i drew stuff, and since i didnt know what clothing to give your character, i just gave it the official sylphie-high uniform ;o!


    i would keep going too but i must stu-die 


    edit: nevermind i just finished it, couse i couldnt get my nep-nep's so i just rush finished it, gonna try to get my nepneps now, my back is killing me tho' ugh

    also for better viewing download the image and open it ;o



    1. alupacard


      ahhhhhh I am so slow!! I am working on it today~~ 

    2. XII360


      delete the right side >.<, i wrote some on right side thinking i had all the space >:O

      that was my bad my bad

      incidentally i had to rush couse of studying, so my bad if hand isnt as same as the way you draw your's !

  23. yea its a meme from futurama ! those legs are pretty fine though, like "damnnnn those legs" type, atleast i cant draw legs as fine as those ! points can be used on shop
  24. never tried GBF, it felt fighting-ish and too much time consuming for me, feh/fgo/alch code already takes almost half a day if i wanna get through them all x.x did you get okita alter ?!, luckyyyy, im playing on NA so probably release never (one more year to go woo), but i have a chance to get illya soon ! ..assuming i dont waste it all on summer banner ugh
  25. thats a shana with fine legs, 100/10 my good friend shut up and take my monies! (edit: thats meant to be a meme, incase you didnt know <.>)
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