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Everything posted by Geano

  1. Gotta love work, and life getting in the way. I normally combat this by only really paying attention to one, or two at a time at best three.
  2. 6/10 Good song just never been a naruto fan really. Crisis on Planet Cybertron
  3. I can play that game over, and over. Atlus us just amazing when it comes to their games. I wish they would make more games like that with a more adult themed story. Even in Japan that seems to be rare for ntheir JRPG, amd in Catherine's case puzzle games.
  4. I Can't disagree here I think you said that very well. Besides all the deeply technical reasons anime simply just has a lot more interesting things to offer. Even the less apealing anime with one true exception that comes to mind is way better then the worst western animation, or even live action show.
  5. Fair enough sounds like a pretty awesome series do you follow any others? I followed a web comic called the Watch for a while its been to long since I read it though.
  6. I have heard the name but I have not read that is it a good one. I am ok with spoilers.
  7. In terms of DBZ my favorite arc is the future trunks- cell games arcs. It is dark with a more dragonball feel then the first portion with the sayans, and freaza. Cell is my favoritee villein in DBZ also.
  8. If you go to your profile settings it is a option near the bottom. Then once you select it the image will display in all your posts.
  9. Hello, and welcome back to AF. Hope you continue to enjoy your stay here, and see you around.
  10. Yes that is very true, and in keeping on topic in terms os making time for one's hobbies that is a better way to balance play/work then thee console as well since you have a clock on your comp vs tv, or console.
  11. I think its a good idea just as it is. We only have one personality at our core truly so therefore its a very accurate representation of each person here at AF. Though on the side of admiring the images themselves I would have to say I like all of them, and they are cute forsure. The one I use works well for me though.
  12. Sounds like a good time forsure. I am not quite sure how long I would last in hardcore mode, but it is always worth a try sometime. I have been playing MC since version 1.8 off, and on. It is fun. I have built, and hosted several servers in my day. I honestly like the technical parts behind minecraft a lot. It encourges me to keep improving on my programing.
  13. I would agree with most of this. clichés are far from bad, or good as you say. It is all in how they are used. It is also true in particular in fiction of any form be it anime, or otherwise that a bit of V is healthy. When used this way however more often then not it is bad form, but thats mostly do to how we as viewers see it. The fact is clichés, and stereotypes are all a fact of life we see all around us every day as we go about our lives. Its only natural we would use them in our creations. I see them most commonly used to make a situation seem different then it really is in order to unsettle the viewer. Thats how I have always viewed it.
  14. Early this morning at 12:30ish I was at a arcade playing Mario Cart DX. Now that always is a fun one.
  15. Look them in the eyes say no, and tell them I am spoken for.
  16. Interesting very interesting good beat too 8/10 Shin Getter Robo
  17. I have only ever played the first game in the series, but I have seen the following 3 in the form of a lets play. I like the series, but I wouldn't say its my favorite or anything. As far as where it is going I have head a few things, and I think like a lot of the long running game franchises its become modernized. In other words very different then when it first started. As for if thats a bad thing, or not that is up to the person playing. For me I honestly don't care enough for the series to have a genuine opinion on where the series will go in terms of story. Though it should be interesting.
  18. Easy 9/10 I really enjoyed that. Akame Ga Kill! - Le chant de Roma
  19. My my technical I see. ^^ Thats ok I mean doujinshi's are more or less fan manga. I love reading those too. I would classify those considering their length more as paper form fan comics then manga in its true form per say. The lines get blured what with so many kinds of comics out there. Though what I was refering to in terms of story structure is a graphic novel weather manga, or otherwise tends to tell a deeper story almost like a tv series in static book form. Where is a doujinshi is more like a comic strip, or web comic. At least thats how I think of it. Thats awesome. X-Men were my bread, and butter in terms of marvel series. Spider Man though is amzing the comics are really good if slightly corny at times. Though the Spider Man Ulimited cartoon series was very good short lived sad;y, but amazing at that.
  20. Just couldn't stay away huh. I love MC too though. As it stands I am not on any regular servers, but am taking my time. Not wanting to rush into it. Creative Mode is my favorite in MC. I like building castles, and large structures. How about you.
  21. Now that I have to say is pretty awesome. Anime tata are always cool in my book. Do you plan to get any more in the future.
  22. It was a tough choice here all of them are very apealing honestly. Though I historically go for the wise ones so gotta go with the Fox Girl hands down.
  23. Yah can really only watch so much of that one in one sitting. What are some other things you like to do?
  24. 8/10 good rhythm not my first choice, but good. Pokemon - Theme 1 - JPN Full
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