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Status Replies posted by Ohayotaku

  1. For not being a morning person, I sure do wake up early every morning 😒

    1. Ohayotaku


      It’s definitely harder to face the world outside my blankets in the winter, but I never enjoy being woke up by the alarm no matter what the season. Autumn is my favorite season overall though.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. For not being a morning person, I sure do wake up early every morning 😒

    1. Ohayotaku


      Morning People 



    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. It's y birthdayyyyyy. Already 47 years old. I am turning into an old man haha. I am expecting a good isekai suggestion as present from you guys 😛

  4. Responding to your request for recommendations here since they won’t be summer 2023 series. The heavy hitters would be Overlord or Re:Zero, but both have multiple seasons & are pretty well known. For something shorter & more obscure: The Far Away Paladin, Skeleton Knight in Another World & I’m Standing on a Million Lives. I’ve heard good things about Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash, but haven’t see it yet. If you’re willing to forgo the isekai requirement maybe Goblin Slayer or Alame Ga Kill. Hopefully you’ll find something that works for you.

    1. Ohayotaku


      Vinland & Kamuy pretty much for sure. Posiibly Heavenly Delusion & Demon Slayer. A lot depends on the final couple eps. And of course I have my own preferences & likes

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Responding to your request for recommendations here since they won’t be summer 2023 series. The heavy hitters would be Overlord or Re:Zero, but both have multiple seasons & are pretty well known. For something shorter & more obscure: The Far Away Paladin, Skeleton Knight in Another World & I’m Standing on a Million Lives. I’ve heard good things about Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash, but haven’t see it yet. If you’re willing to forgo the isekai requirement maybe Goblin Slayer or Alame Ga Kill. Hopefully you’ll find something that works for you.

    1. Ohayotaku


      Yes & thought it was decent. Would check out a season 2 if they decide to make one, but haven’t heard anything new.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. Responding to your request for recommendations here since they won’t be summer 2023 series. The heavy hitters would be Overlord or Re:Zero, but both have multiple seasons & are pretty well known. For something shorter & more obscure: The Far Away Paladin, Skeleton Knight in Another World & I’m Standing on a Million Lives. I’ve heard good things about Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash, but haven’t see it yet. If you’re willing to forgo the isekai requirement maybe Goblin Slayer or Alame Ga Kill. Hopefully you’ll find something that works for you.

    1. Ohayotaku


      I’ve gotten back into it & am on the current ep. I still have other shows I think are better this season & feel it relies too much on shock value, but liking it better than I did i initially. A lot of my final opinion will depend on what kind of note it ends on & whether there’s a continuation planned.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm still alive guys. Sorry been incognito. On some new medication so been out of it.

    Been watching anime more now than ever. Trying to catch up some series.

  8. Happy Easter everyone.


    (and however you do, or don't celebrate Easter, try not to eat too many Easter eggs.)

  9. Just had to put my dog to sleep because of cancer. I cannot stop crying. Cannot believe i wont see her anymore

  10. Supposed to get 24 inches of snow and 45mph winds starting tomorrow. Looks like I'm not going anywhere lol.

  11. back into watching seasonal anime...

  12. back into watching seasonal anime...

  13. The long cold January is finally over. Only February to get through now. 🙂

    Did I mention that January and February are my least favourite months?

  14. it's so hot here omg 😭

    1. Ohayotaku


      It’s supposed to get barely above freezing today where I am, btw :P 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. it's so hot here omg 😭

    1. Ohayotaku


      How hot is it? <….waits for punchline…> :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Bought my ticket to see the Reincarnated as a Slime movie in a couple weeks.

  17. While I realize a lot of folks here don’t follow anime as it airs, Anime News Network has a poll for Best/Worst of 2022 for anyone interested in participating (last day to vote is January 2nd 2023)


    1. Ohayotaku


      I’ve seen enough of them that it’s actually a challenge to narrow things down (plus I’m still finishing off some of them) 😅

      As is my habit, will post my year end opinions later (probably around January 8th)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. While I realize a lot of folks here don’t follow anime as it airs, Anime News Network has a poll for Best/Worst of 2022 for anyone interested in participating (last day to vote is January 2nd 2023)


    1. Ohayotaku


      Care to say which ones & what you thought of them?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Not been here for a while,  i thought id say hello  :shiro:

  20. Don't tell me...was I the only one who never knew that somebody had made an AMV of "Last Christmas" by Wham! using scenes from "Toradora!"??

    Kinda makes me feel like I am out of my league here.

  21. Help there is a snow storm6E511739-F176-4D48-BEE8-07FD91BD2EC9.thumb.jpeg.432cad0e30ffd6d3b2b11a2192f0f54f.jpeg75FEBA81-194E-45FE-975F-6310ABD40054.thumb.jpeg.1abc459464345707a5549ed77239be89.jpeg

  22. New hoodie


  23. My school just put opera in the speakers. What

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