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Status Replies posted by Ohayotaku

  1. Whoa, I suddenly just remembered this place! Haven’t logged in since I joined. 😮

    So, um, yeah-- How’s everyone? :)

  2. Yesterday was Fat Tuesday, so guess that makes today Ash Wednesday :Pimage.png.b003d09e93af0c09b4646dec6d61c722.png

  3. Happy Fat Buu’s Day



  4. Hay there how are you doing hows it been. I don't think we've talked to much directly so thought I'd strike up a chat if thats ok. :) 

  5. Captain Marvel in terms of numbers isn't looking to hot. Though its still Marvel so i'm still gpmma enjoy it.


  6. Not bad for that Fooly Cooly quiz. If you don't mind telling me, which questions did you miss? I'd like to know.

  7. I just watched my first Studio Ghibli film. Howl's Moving Castle! It was magnificent!

  8. It's my Birthday today, hope you all have a great day as well ~♥ 

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  9. 1791192_Latvian_ShowMasterKeyArt_c9662e0

    just finished this horror game, which seems to have its own anime? (didnt look it up, but i assume its got an anime too), and my god, did the story, somewhat remind me of that one horror game i played, but was more brutal/fanfictioned than this


    lowkey dont blame the doctor though, ray's eyes were...kinda neat >.>



    this resulted in me not drawing though, but hey, that was a fun story to read, so bite me >.>



    also incase anyone else wants to know what that other game im talking about, check out pocket mirror, shiz was funsiz


    also spoiler-ish, so open at your own risk


    GRAB LIFE IN THE BALLS - protag-kun, a quote i will from now on, use >.>

  10. Merry Christmas 

  11. I still feel kinda bad about something that happened all the way back in elementary school. I had a friend that I trusted very much. But things happened, and I moved to an entirely different state. I did not get to say goodbye to him or anyone else. Is it wrong if I still want to talk to him? Find him even? Whether you think I'm right, or you think I'm wrong, message me if you want to know more.

  12. I just cannot get a sleep pattern down now thats it winter. Just gets dark to early. I guess thats life though gotta love it.

  13. Anything you want specifically for Christmas? 

  14. well i found out that i'm having a baby girl

  15. Hey I'm new 

  16. Anything you want specifically for Christmas? 

  17. Currently under an ice storm warning. Started raining around 10 last night and hasn't stopped, currently around freezing. Reports of tree branches & power lines down throughout the area. I have yet to set foot outside my door & won't until there's at least some daylight.

  18. old enough to know better

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