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Status Updates posted by Ohayotaku

  1. Just bought my ticket to see MHA: Heroes Rising next week

    1. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      Let us know what you thought!
      Would be great if there was someone else here who lives in Ohio so they could also watch it.

  2. I can excuse the guys from Tanya’s universe for trusting Kazuma, but Aqua should really know better by now 🤣

    1. The History Kid

      The History Kid

      Amongst the ani-historians on Twitter, we have confirmed and all agree that Aqua is basically France at war.  Useless, easily invaded, pretends to be awesome, but who wants it anyway?

  3. Nice Hanako theme for your profile 😎

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ohayotaku


      I have. It has a very distinctive art style (reminiscent of the labyrinths/witches from Madoka). And interesting twist that rumors spread by people affecting yokai behavior. Not wholly committed to it yet, but definitely intrigued.

    3. Seshi


      Those are the key elements that I love about it! It reminds me of Demon Slayer in that way.

    4. Ohayotaku


      Just found out the heroine’s seiyuu also plays Nezuko & the heroine from In/Spectre 😍

  4. It maybe a new year & a new decade, but pretty much just another day in the life for me 😂

    Off work so doing some household chores & watching anime. Appropriately finished the 2nd couer of Carol & Tuesday and watching the edit/rebroadcast of RE:Zero 

    1. Ohayotaku


      Next week will probably be when I feel exhausted. Trying to make it through a full work week after 2 short weeks.

  5. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.


  6. spacer.png


  7. A week out, they’re predicting Christmas here will be close to 50 F with practically no chance of snow. And I’m perfectly fine with that 😁

  8. Up on Netflix this morning


    1. efaardvark


      I wonder if Nishikata will have any better luck this time?  :D

    2. Ohayotaku


      @efaardvark Through episode 4 he’s still his own worst enemy :P Though I can sympathize with his experience with coffee (figured out a long time ago it wasn’t for me).

  9. Was going to see the Konosuba movie tonight, but rescheduled for Thursday when the weather is supposed to be at least a little better.

  10. Doubt many Trick or Treaters will be out this evening with the weather. Gee, what to do with all this candy? 😋

    1. Seshi


      Sucks that yalls halloween was ruined with all that snow. Happy candy eating for the next month

    2. Ohayotaku


      Didn’t actually snow (though I did see some sleet). It rained for about 24 hours straight just prior. And when it was actually time it was 40 degrees with 30 -50 mph windgusts. It wasn’t as cold last year but was raining. Would think when they know what’s coming a couple days in advance they would schedule a different day.

  11. I get the distinct impression that isekai series aren’t even trying to be taken seriously anymore


    1. efaardvark


      Wait, they were being taken seriously??   :D 

    2. kageokuma


      when ginyu force died and they get reincarnated in another world 

  12. Welcome back 🤗

    1. Seshi


      Hey. Thank you.

  13. Took this quiz on Crunchyroll to see which One Piece villain you are and came up with Buggy the  Clown ... why am I not surprised? 🤣


  14. Better start getting acquainted with Isekai Quartet and it’s related series as it’s apparently been confirmed on the japanese Twitter page


    1. Seshi



    2. Xyro


      Isekai quartet is just good tbh. Worth a watch regardless 😜

      Image result for isekai quartet funny

    3. Seshi


      But now that I’ve seen one of the shows it’s about, it will be 10 times funnier 

  15. Congrats on an almost perfect score 😎

    1. Shiroe


      When I saw which one I got wrong, I audibly said "of course..."

      I feel like I'd been had! Fun quiz, though.

  16. My Konosuba quiz is now ready for challengers. Oh, and I already bought my ticket for the movie in November. 😁

  17. Welcome to the forums 😁

    Hope you enjoy it here.

  18. Just got back from watching Promare. Definitely the sort of visual spectacle you expect from Trigger with several nods to Gurrenn Lagann. Unfortunately as far as characterizations and story, pretty much on the same level as the live action Transformers movies.  The music was pretty cool though.

  19. Just took this quiz over on Crunchyroll https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-feature/2019/09/19-1/quiz-which-pokmon-in-ash-ketchums-original-team-are-you

    And came up as Bulbasaur. Have to say it matched my personality better than most 😂

    1. kageokuma


      i got butterfree ...ok

  20. Just bought a ticket to go see Promare in theater Thursday night.

  21. Loving your new avi 🤩

    1. Seshi


      Thank you :)

      Well I started re-watching Demon Slayer today.. cuz damn, I love that show. But going to do it again after dub is out, lol so maybe too soon.

      When I saw Makomo, I couldn't resist.

    2. Seshi


      We sort of match now  @Muco 😊

  22. Just heard he passed away. Definitely have good memories of some of his songs growing up



  23. spacer.png

    ‘“Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the Whatever”

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ohayotaku


      You’re too young to be having “senior moments” 😂

    3. Seshi


      Worse, I was 13 at that time 

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