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Posts posted by FSL29

  1. Kei Sanbe, I like how he uses dialogues more to cover his lack of drawing skills.

    I stand by this, but I have to add two more to the list. This time because of their art. Wakaki Tamiki and Yoshiru Konogi take a bow. These two pages is too much for me. Simpler art than most yet have its own appeal.





  2. Correct. To be quite honest, I don't really like alcohol anyway, as for coffee, well, I might need to stop drinking as much, haha. Caffeine doesn't have the same effect as it was 3 years ago and at this point I'm just drinking it because of the taste.


    It's 2. I almost never classify animation as a genre, but I suppose it is possible if we're talking in a wider topic.


    1. My favourite Japanese word is "まあね/Maane".

    2. My MAL anime completed list is over 300.

    3. This season's best anime is Hinako Note.

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  3. All of them seem plausible, so I'll take a shot in the dark and say #2.

    It's actually the third, I'm so poor with alcohol, that even my juniors are rubbing it on me, haha.


    It's 2.


    1. My favourite drink is coffee.

    2. It's actually orange juice.

    3. Oolong tea tops it in my opinion.

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  4. Why is no one discussing the potential anime of the season?

    Watched episode 1, was a really great start, credit to White Fox for actually making it a 50-minute episode.


    I can tell you that it's going to be dark and well sort of gory, that's how the LN is atleast and I know White Fox doesn't really like to reduce gory-ness, hell they even increase them. *cough* Akame Ga Kill *cough*.

  5. Either way, It still leaves some proof.

    But where? And what is it? I can't recall anything that may leads to your prediction of Yashiro pushing him off the roof.

    Wasn't his motivation because of strings or something?

    He says "I've murdered the people who I could see were connected to it."


    And it's not just his subconscious or imagination.

    It's heavily implied it an actual paranormal activity with, "I don't think you'll believe this, but I'll tell you anyways.Or maybe you will understand".

    Well, according to "HorribleSubs".

    Yes that's true, he only kills people with strings on his head which only he could see(anime explanation) but also, he always try to kill them in style to give him the thrills he needs to fill the hole in his heart. As proven with Hinazuki's death in the previous 2 timelines, and also the item that was found in the bus before, which was all his stuff to kill a single child basically.


    Like I said, my point is, killing Satoru the way he was(coma) wouldn't give him the thrills he needs.

  6. Still waiting for Ryuji's thought regarding this episode xD.

    Also, why didn't the killer just kill Satoru when he was in a coma?

    I'm sure there was TONS of opportunities since, I don't know... Him being in a coma for like 15 years?

    Then he suddenly decides to kill Satoru on the roof. Are you kidding me? It was implied that he's planning to push Satoru off the roof, but what about possible witnesses? and what about people witnessing the teacher coming down from the elevator after he was done?

    That leaves proof. I understand that unlike last time, where the technology wasn't very developed back when Satoru was a kid.

    Alright, I will try to explain it as briefly as possible.


    First of all, like Yashiro said, it gave him the 'thrill' or 'filling something that's missing in this heart', when he kills someone.

    Alright, the reason I put italic on the word 'kill', is because that it's not the feeling when he killed a certain person that it gave him thrills.

    But rather it's when he 'killed them in style' and having a person framed. So killing him when he was in coma wouldn't give the 'thrill' that he desired for. In short, he is not your everyday psycho.


    And it was never implied that he is planning to throw Satoru off the roof, are you perhaps talking about the opening? That's a different matter you know.


    My thoughts on this episode,


    Well, not much, being a manga reader, it's a bit sad that the anime adaptation 'stray' from the original source. But it's understandable. Though it is a bit stupid, I mean who in the world says "I know you're the killer." to a person who tried to kill you while being alone on the roof. FFS Satoru.


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  7. I mean of course he's not gonna die, but there's also the chance something else could happen. You know, like some sort of Revival, or even he just survives unrealistically.

    If it's revival, like usual, it will happen before the episode ends. And there is no chance that he is just going to wake up like it's nothing after that incident. I mean, it's winter, the water must be cold and he is in there, so yeah.

  8. To me, my favorite series and the best series that I've ever watched is different.

    So, my reply on this topic will be pretty much like that.


    I prefer Sword Art Online than Log Horizon. It's just more appealing to me in every aspect, the sound effect definitely played a huge role. The action scenes aswell, I like how Log Horizon does it more "MMORPG-like" but when there are too many things happening in a single fight it doesn't really comes out as a good fight scene.


    And now as to which one is better. I think Log Horizon is better, no matter how you look at it, it's more "MMORPG-like". It has more advanced sub-class and everything, something SAO lacks, the NPC in Log Horizon plays part in the story aswell, so it's refreshing. Log Horizon might not have the intensity that SAO had, but they pretty much make it up with other things, and the minor character in Log Horizon is way better than SAO's minor characters.

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  9. Yeah but whats the point in having a name when you aren't sure if you will use it forever or nah, having no name is way better, you dont have to change name every time to find the one which you like.

    I think most user have their own permanent initial on the internet by now :P. The chance of people thinking the same way with you is higher than the chance of people having the same username with you/the one you come up with. Anyway this is off-topic, and I shall not reply to this anymore.

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